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Xenosaga Episode Ii: Jenseits Von Gut Und Boese [news]

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  • Xenosaga Episode Ii: Jenseits Von Gut Und Boese [news]

    Nuovi dettagli, soprattutto su M.O.M.O
    Intanto il gioco almeno in Giappone ha finalmente una quasi data, uscirà a Giugno. Estate pirotecnica per il Jrpg.

    Namco has revealed a batch of new information regarding its highly anticipated RPG title Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Boese. In Episode II, M.O.M.O is being transferred to the U.M.N. administration center, where the Y-Data, which Joachim Mizrahi had stored in her before his mysterious death, is scheduled to be released and analyzed. The second game will also mark the debut of the late Sakura Mizrahi, the beloved daughter of the genius scientist. Suffering from a mental defect, she lacked the ability to show emotions or speak, and only under special circumstances she had the capability to communicate in the spiritual world. In this world she was a very upbeat girl, and unlike M.O.M.O. not naive, but rather very smart.
    Ziggy will continue his quest to become a complete cyborg free of any human parts, mainly to erase the bitter memory of having lost his wife and daughter in a terror attack. The seven-member contact subcommittee, which includes Dr Mizrahi's wife Yuri, will also be back in the spotlight, particular in relation to the analysis of the Y-Data. Yuri continues to shun M.O.M.O. becomes she resembles her dead daughter Sakura and hence brings back bitter memories. While M.O.M.O. is overjoyed to meet her again on Second Miltia, Yuri can't stand the sight of her husband's beloved Realian. Hence Yuri's more than cold reaction when M.O.M.O runs up to her. Regarding the recently announced combination attacks, Namco revealed that each character will be able to master between one and three of them. Furthermore, the next E.S. series mech has been unveiled. Called E.S. Zebulun, it is controlled by M.O.M.O

  • #2

    Lo voglio, prima di ieri!!!

