Finally there is online an official and true petition for Tomba!/Tombi! 3!
This petition is to PlatinumGames Inc, where Tokuro Fujiwara, father of Tomba! series and ex-president of Whoopee Camp, is currently working.
If you are a true Tomba series’s fan, please sign it!
I have already post this message in other 15 sites. It would be great if, for each signature, the signer linked and posted at least in 2-3 different sites, forums or other, this message with “COPY AND PASTE” option, to form a buzz, a chain on the web!
If you have a forum or are a part of a community post the link there as well, or even if you have a Facebook, ask your friends to sign it and spread the word as well; use all means you know!
Please help me gain 50,000 signatures to have the third Tomba!/Tombi!
HERE THE PETITION LINK (spread it and this message):
Email Address: t3petition@gmail.com
Finally there is online an official and true petition for Tomba!/Tombi! 3!
This petition is to PlatinumGames Inc, where Tokuro Fujiwara, father of Tomba! series and ex-president of Whoopee Camp, is currently working.
If you are a true Tomba series’s fan, please sign it!
I have already post this message in other 15 sites. It would be great if, for each signature, the signer linked and posted at least in 2-3 different sites, forums or other, this message with “COPY AND PASTE” option, to form a buzz, a chain on the web!
If you have a forum or are a part of a community post the link there as well, or even if you have a Facebook, ask your friends to sign it and spread the word as well; use all means you know!
Please help me gain 50,000 signatures to have the third Tomba!/Tombi!
HERE THE PETITION LINK (spread it and this message):
Email Address: t3petition@gmail.com