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Help Help Sql Maledetto

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  • Help Help Sql Maledetto

    devo installare in rermoto SQL 2500, arriva fino alla fine e poi viene fuori con il seguente errore "The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The code is 2380. Error opening file for write. GetLastError: Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\Setup."

    non so assolutamente che cosa significhi e per me è un grosso problema
    un grazie a chiunque sappia darmi una mano.

  • #2
    In poche parole non riesce ad aprire il file per la scrittura:
    Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\Setup.
    Setup.'Estensione'(commento)..è probabile che nella directory non ci siano nè permessi di lettura nè di scrittura per gli utenti(Amministratore,Anonimo...questo non saprei..dipende da come ti logghi)..cerca di allargare un pò i massimo dopo li restringi..
    Last edited by mitor; 11 December 2007, 22:34.
    Io le mie colpe le sto ancora pagando, tu che mi dici delle tue?


    • #3
      Originariamente Scritto da mitor Visualizza Messaggio
      In poche parole non riesce ad aprire il file per la scrittura:
      Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\Setup.
      Setup.'Estensione'(commento)..è probabile che nella directory non ci siano nè permessi di lettura nè di scrittura per gli utenti(Amministratore,Anonimo...questo non saprei..dipende da come ti logghi)..cerca di allargare un pò i massimo dopo li restringi..
      Il problema è saperlo fare, io mi connetto in remoto è con i diritti di Administrator.
      Lo farei anche ma come ?



      • #4
        Sinceramente non ho mai provato ad installare SQL Server 2005 in qualunque caso..prova a vedere qui:;EN-US;896613
        E come Fix ti porta qui:;[LN];1414&from=KBHotfix&WS=hotfix
        Non sò se centri qualcosa,non viene spiegato il tuo errore...forse dovresti usare una versione apposita per il remoto...
        o meglio ancora ho trovato sul sito microsoft la seguente discussione:
        TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup
        The installer has encountered an unexpected error. The error code is 2380. Error opening file for write: 5. GetLastError: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\Setup.
        For help, click: ProdVer=9.00.1399.06&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=2380&E vtType=sqlca%5csqlsecurityca.cpp%40Do_sqlGroup%40D o_sqlGroup%40x5


        1. Regarding the error message when you install sqlserver 2005. Can you confirm the following points, cheers:
        a. Operating System? (XP??)
        b. OS Service Pack level? (SP2??)
        c. What flavour of SQL? (Express??)
        c. Is this a second instance of SQL or the default one thats failing? (first based on the registry key error??)
        d. Have you logged on as local administrator, cleared the temp directory, copied the files onto to the C:\ and tried to install from harddisk?

        2. Should you continue to experience problems with this machine, is it possible to test with another PC or rebuild the problematic one?

        I've encountered this issue on one PC, yet I was able to install SQL Express successfully on another PC via RDP at the same site but not on another PC that was producing the error your seeing. To cut a long story short, we got onsite staff to reboot the (WinXP SP2) Pc and it started showing symptoms seen in this KB article:;EN-US;826955
        "Virus alert about the Blaster worm and its variants"

        3. If you can NOT get another PC to rule-out virus, hardware, media &/or etc related issues as the root cause and would like to pursue troubleshooting.. Can you please run FileMon & RegMon traces (and provide the SQL SETUP LOGS) on the PC while your installing SQL?
        Based on the error message, the problem stems from "Error opening file for write: 5." and the API for GetLastError reports a Registry key is to blame: "GetLastError: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\Setup." - hence the FileMon and Regmon traces are needed to aid troubleshooting,

        To get a FileMon & RegMon traces
        goto (I believe the company and its tools were recently purchased by Microsoft - Mark Russinovich and Bruce Cogwell)
        Search for FileMon/Regmon
        Scroll to bottom of pages
        Download the Programs

        0. Remote in as Admin and clear the Temp directory.
        1. Save Filemon and Regmon to the PC
        2. Get ready to start the SQL Express install
        3. Launch open Filemon and Regmon. - To start with I recommend stopping the traces and clearing the logs (with tool bar buttons) because when you launch open the programs they quickly start tracing out Disk and Registry Activity
        4. When you get very close to the problem occurring start FileMon/RegMon together - tracing out all the activity in real-time.
        5. After you encounter the problem, stop the FileMon/Regmon traces
        6. Zip up ALL the traces INCLUDING ALL THE SQL SETUP LOGS YOU CAN FIND - hehe and also RUN THE "mps reports" -sql flavour, on the pc - and post them online!!

        Regarding the error messages link: setup.rll 2380 error, try looking in your application event log for the events leading up to the problem and cross reference them with

        PS the tip to analysing these Regmon/FileMon files is (off the top of my head) > Excel > Data menu > Filter item > Auto Filter item. Then select the combobox with Success, Path not found > and set it to DEVICE DATA ERROR or ACCESS DENIED & hunt down those leads!!

        come ti dicevo non ho mai gestito un database in remoto..cmq penso ci sia un pannello di configurazione o qualcosa del genere...
        Io le mie colpe le sto ancora pagando, tu che mi dici delle tue?

