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Gear Design Contest per Final Fantasy XIV

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  • Gear Design Contest per Final Fantasy XIV

    La competizione è aperta!

    Continua a leggere la notizia

  • #2
    ehmm.... nei dettagli del concorso c'è questo paragrafo:
    Step 1: Create digital images (an "entry") of gear for tank role Final Fantasy XIV characters (including head, body, hands, legs and feet) that comply with the following requirements:
    Entrant must create the image using digital graphics software or by capturing a photo of artwork Entrant has created by hand.
    The design must show both the front and back of the gear.
    The gear must be for all of the following: head, body, hands, legs, and feet.
    Entrant must include any additional information and/or explanations within the entry image itself (for example, pointing out any aspects of the gear that may be hidden).
    Design may feature any in-game race/gender combinations. However, the entry must be a gear design that can be used by any race/gender, therefore any entry specific to any one race/gender may be removed from the grand prize winner selection.
    Note: The development team will assign all in-game parameters to gear implemented into the game.

    Tank è il ruolo in gioco, non il carroarmato.

