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mi domando e chiedo: se davvero quello che cerchiamo è la competenza è non la bella ragazza, come mai abbiamo visto molto più lei per un singolo gioco che i migliori programmatori in tutta la loro carriera?
I progammatori di Assassin's si son visti, soprattutto nei video, io questa è la prima volta che la vedo
mah. assassin's per me è più lustrini che gioco. Producer executive significa solamente che ci metti la faccia. I veri producer sono ben altri, i produttori artistici o i produttori esecutivi senza ditta alle spalle, cioè quelli che sganciano i soldini e per questo decidono l'indirizzo del gioco. Per convincermi di saper fare qualcosa, non mi basta Sims Online ( e ci mancherebbe) e qualche intervista preconfezionata. Scusate ma sono davvero scettico sul fatto che lei possa avere un apporto serio sul gioco. Poi non dubito che qualcuno possano averlo giocato e gradito senza sapere di lei, ma ci siamo sorbiti ANNI di marketing dove ti mostravano solo il suo faccione e le sue forme. eccheppale. Insomma, dimostrami qualcosa, se vuoi che ti prenda sul serio, cara Jade.
ah nonono su questo non ci metto bocca, io davo per scontato che il suo lavoro lo faceva. Si è vero, un posto così al top, ad una gnocca simile, che comunque gestisce anche le relazioni pubbliche, è quantomeno sospetto, non mi fido nemmeno io tanto. Eh le dure leggi del marketing
io non ho detto che è una raccomandata. ho detto che mi deve dimostrare che sa fare qualcosa oltre ad essere li per le pubbliche relazioni con la bella faccia. Che non significa non saper far nulla, soprattutto per le ditte che devono vendere.
Tu vuoi vedere altri fare le cose che fa lei.. ma cosa le hai visto fare?
Questa è la sua biografia(non fatemela tradurre!)
Jade Raymond was born in Montreal Canada. She attended the Marianopolis private college in Downtown Montreal and after spending one whole summer playing video games it became pretty clear for her that she had not only to play them, but to make them.
As a teenager, she did night shifts working as a hospital switchboard operator. Part of her job involved calling "Code-Green" or "Code-Red" over the loud speaker and paging hospital staff when there were emergencies.
She later studied computer science at the McGill University in Montreal, and after graduating college with a degree in, Jade's first job was programming games at Sony. While at Sony, she founded the first Research and Development group within Sony Online. Her team was responsible for leveraging Sony IP across multiple platforms and ultimately building Sony Online's most trafficked offerings: the entire suite of Jeopardy games played by over 3,000 simultaneous users on a daily basis.
With a specialty in creating and designing online games, Jade began work at EA as a producer and went on to be the Producer behind one of EA's most popular online games to date, The Sims Online. She was directly responsible for all design and implementation of online game features and content for EA's highest revenue generating wholly owned property.
After seven years of working in New York and San Francisco she moved back to Montreal, her hometown, to make games at the world acclaimed Ubisoft Montreal Studio.
She is currently the producer of the highly anticipated title Assassins Creed, one of the most buzzed-about titles of 2007. As a video game producer, she is in charge of overseeing the development of the game regarding the creative and technical development of the game as well as maintaining schedules and budgets. She is also acting as a liaison between the development staff and the publisher or executive staff insuring the game will be delivered in time.
Her biggest break came at the 2003 Game Developer Award's Ceremony where she was one of the presenters. After the ceremony, Victor Lucas, the co-host and executive producer of the popular G4 TechTV's show called The Electric Playground came up to her and asked her to join the crew along with Tommy Tallarico, Julie Stoffer and Geoff Keighley. Although she never thought that I would be doing tv, she said it's a lot of fun and liked her experience very much. Because of this, Jade is now known to game fans throughout the world. As a result, she also gets to help out other game designers and producers by interviewing them for the show, which allows fans to put faces with names.
Once a person behind the scenes, Jade Raymond has advanced to a level many in the gaming community never see. Her appearances during gaming conventions such as E3 and X06 have made her popular amongst gaming fans. And while she is enjoying the fame that come with being on television, she still finds time to do what she loves most: Make video games.
She played Everquest 10 hours every day for three months when it came out. Her favorite video games of all time is Resident Evil 4, but liked alot Prince of Persia Sands of Time, Tekken 3, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, PaRappa the Rappa, Intelligent Cube and Incredible Crisis. She is currently playing Loco Roco on her PSP and has a weak spot for any game that involves monkeys, peculiar Japanese names or Zombies.
Quando dicevo che volevo vedere altri fare ciò che fà lei intendevo dire molti non riuscirebbero ad arrivare dov' è lei adesso e a mantenere il posto se non lo meritasse
Il suo primo lavoro dopo la laurea è stato come programmatrice della SONY!
Ma come keiser ha fatto!
Anche se fosse solo una modella senza cervello hanno preso lei e non altre! Qualcosa in più delle altre ce l' avrà no?
Jade Raymond was born in Montreal Canada. She attended the Marianopolis private college in Downtown Montreal and after spending one whole summer playing video games it became pretty clear for her that she had not only to play them, but to make them.
As a teenager, she did night shifts working as a hospital switchboard operator. Part of her job involved calling "Code-Green" or "Code-Red" over the loud speaker and paging hospital staff when there were emergencies.
She later studied computer science at the McGill University in Montreal, and after graduating college with a degree in, Jade's first job was programming games at Sony. While at Sony, she founded the first Research and Development group within Sony Online. Her team was responsible for leveraging Sony IP across multiple platforms and ultimately building Sony Online's most trafficked offerings: the entire suite of Jeopardy games played by over 3,000 simultaneous users on a daily basis.
With a specialty in creating and designing online games, Jade began work at EA as a producer and went on to be the Producer behind one of EA's most popular online games to date, The Sims Online. She was directly responsible for all design and implementation of online game features and content for EA's highest revenue generating wholly owned property.
After seven years of working in New York and San Francisco she moved back to Montreal, her hometown, to make games at the world acclaimed Ubisoft Montreal Studio.
She is currently the producer of the highly anticipated title Assassins Creed, one of the most buzzed-about titles of 2007. As a video game producer, she is in charge of overseeing the development of the game regarding the creative and technical development of the game as well as maintaining schedules and budgets. She is also acting as a liaison between the development staff and the publisher or executive staff insuring the game will be delivered in time.
Her biggest break came at the 2003 Game Developer Award's Ceremony where she was one of the presenters. After the ceremony, Victor Lucas, the co-host and executive producer of the popular G4 TechTV's show called The Electric Playground came up to her and asked her to join the crew along with Tommy Tallarico, Julie Stoffer and Geoff Keighley. Although she never thought that I would be doing tv, she said it's a lot of fun and liked her experience very much. Because of this, Jade is now known to game fans throughout the world. As a result, she also gets to help out other game designers and producers by interviewing them for the show, which allows fans to put faces with names.
Once a person behind the scenes, Jade Raymond has advanced to a level many in the gaming community never see. Her appearances during gaming conventions such as E3 and X06 have made her popular amongst gaming fans. And while she is enjoying the fame that come with being on television, she still finds time to do what she loves most: Make video games.
She played Everquest 10 hours every day for three months when it came out. Her favorite video games of all time is Resident Evil 4, but liked alot Prince of Persia Sands of Time, Tekken 3, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, PaRappa the Rappa, Intelligent Cube and Incredible Crisis. She is currently playing Loco Roco on her PSP and has a weak spot for any game that involves monkeys, peculiar Japanese names or Zombies.
Quando dicevo che volevo vedere altri fare ciò che fà lei intendevo dire molti non riuscirebbero ad arrivare dov' è lei adesso e a mantenere il posto se non lo meritasse
Il suo primo lavoro dopo la laurea è stato come programmatrice della SONY!
Ma come keiser ha fatto!
Jade Raymond was born in Montreal Canada. She attended the Marianopolis private college in Downtown Montreal and after spending one whole summer playing video games it became pretty clear for her that she had not only to play them, but to make them. As a teenager, she did night shifts working as a hospital switchboard operator. Part of her job involved calling "Code-Green" or "Code-Red" over the loud speaker and paging hospital staff when there were emergencies. She later studied computer science at the McGill University in Montreal, and after graduating college with a degree in, Jade's first job was programming games at Sony. While at Sony, she founded the first Research and Development group within Sony Online. Her team was responsible for leveraging Sony IP across multiple platforms and ultimately building Sony Online's most trafficked offerings: the entire suite of Jeopardy games played by over 3,000 simultaneous users on a daily basis. With a specialty in creating and designing online games, Jade began work at EA as a producer and went on to be the Producer behind one of EA's most popular online games to date, The Sims Online. She was directly responsible for all design and implementation of online game features and content for EA's highest revenue generating wholly owned property. After seven years of working in New York and San Francisco she moved back to Montreal, her hometown, to make games at the world acclaimed Ubisoft Montreal Studio. She is currently the producer of the highly anticipated title Assassins Creed, one of the most buzzed-about titles of 2007. As a video game producer, she is in charge of overseeing the development of the game regarding the creative and technical development of the game as well as maintaining schedules and budgets. She is also acting as a liaison between the development staff and the publisher or executive staff insuring the game will be delivered in time. Her biggest break came at the 2003 Game Developer Award's Ceremony where she was one of the presenters. After the ceremony, Victor Lucas, the co-host and executive producer of the popular G4 TechTV's show called The Electric Playground came up to her and asked her to join the crew along with Tommy Tallarico, Julie Stoffer and Geoff Keighley. Although she never thought that I would be doing tv, she said it's a lot of fun and liked her experience very much. Because of this, Jade is now known to game fans throughout the world. As a result, she also gets to help out other game designers and producers by interviewing them for the show, which allows fans to put faces with names. Once a person behind the scenes, Jade Raymond has advanced to a level many in the gaming community never see. Her appearances during gaming conventions such as E3 and X06 have made her popular amongst gaming fans. And while she is enjoying the fame that come with being on television, she still finds time to do what she loves most: Make video games. She played Everquest 10 hours every day for three months when it came out. Her favorite video games of all time is Resident Evil 4, but liked alot Prince of Persia Sands of Time, Tekken 3, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, PaRappa the Rappa, Intelligent Cube and Incredible Crisis. She is currently playing Loco Roco on her PSP and has a weak spot for any game that involves monkeys, peculiar Japanese names or Zombies.
Quando dicevo che volevo vedere altri fare ciò che fà lei intendevo dire molti non riuscirebbero ad arrivare dov' è lei adesso e a mantenere il posto se non lo meritasse PS: Il suo primo lavoro dopo la laurea è stato come programmatrice della SONY! Ma come keiser ha fatto!
Jade Raymond was born in Montreal Canada. She attended the Marianopolis private college in Downtown Montreal and after spending one whole summer playing video games it became pretty clear for her that she had not only to play them, but to make them.
As a teenager, she did night shifts working as a hospital switchboard operator. Part of her job involved calling "Code-Green" or "Code-Red" over the loud speaker and paging hospital staff when there were emergencies.
She later studied computer science at the McGill University in Montreal, and after graduating college with a degree in, Jade's first job was programming games at Sony. While at Sony, she founded the first Research and Development group within Sony Online. Her team was responsible for leveraging Sony IP across multiple platforms and ultimately building Sony Online's most trafficked offerings: the entire suite of Jeopardy games played by over 3,000 simultaneous users on a daily basis.
With a specialty in creating and designing online games, Jade began work at EA as a producer and went on to be the Producer behind one of EA's most popular online games to date, The Sims Online. She was directly responsible for all design and implementation of online game features and content for EA's highest revenue generating wholly owned property.
After seven years of working in New York and San Francisco she moved back to Montreal, her hometown, to make games at the world acclaimed Ubisoft Montreal Studio.
She is currently the producer of the highly anticipated title Assassins Creed, one of the most buzzed-about titles of 2007. As a video game producer, she is in charge of overseeing the development of the game regarding the creative and technical development of the game as well as maintaining schedules and budgets. She is also acting as a liaison between the development staff and the publisher or executive staff insuring the game will be delivered in time.
Her biggest break came at the 2003 Game Developer Award's Ceremony where she was one of the presenters. After the ceremony, Victor Lucas, the co-host and executive producer of the popular G4 TechTV's show called The Electric Playground came up to her and asked her to join the crew along with Tommy Tallarico, Julie Stoffer and Geoff Keighley. Although she never thought that I would be doing tv, she said it's a lot of fun and liked her experience very much. Because of this, Jade is now known to game fans throughout the world. As a result, she also gets to help out other game designers and producers by interviewing them for the show, which allows fans to put faces with names.
Once a person behind the scenes, Jade Raymond has advanced to a level many in the gaming community never see. Her appearances during gaming conventions such as E3 and X06 have made her popular amongst gaming fans. And while she is enjoying the fame that come with being on television, she still finds time to do what she loves most: Make video games.
She played Everquest 10 hours every day for three months when it came out. Her favorite video games of all time is Resident Evil 4, but liked alot Prince of Persia Sands of Time, Tekken 3, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, PaRappa the Rappa, Intelligent Cube and Incredible Crisis. She is currently playing Loco Roco on her PSP and has a weak spot for any game that involves monkeys, peculiar Japanese names or Zombies.
Quando dicevo che volevo vedere altri fare ciò che fà lei intendevo dire molti non riuscirebbero ad arrivare dov' è lei adesso e a mantenere il posto se non lo meritasse
Il suo primo lavoro dopo la laurea è stato come programmatrice della SONY!
Ma come keiser ha fatto!
Anche se fosse solo una modella senza cervello hanno preso lei e non altre! Qualcosa in più delle altre ce l' avrà no?
tante belle parole, ma i fatti? dai, si parla anche di cosa gli piace giocare... è tratto da un sito creato apposta dai suoi fan
bhe... anche i factor 5 hanno avuto grossi soldi da sony :P
tante belle parole, ma i fatti? dai, si parla anche di cosa gli piace giocare... è tratto da un sito creato apposta dai suoi fan
bhe... anche i factor 5 hanno avuto grossi soldi da sony :P
tante belle parole, ma i fatti? dai, si parla anche di cosa gli piace giocare... è tratto da un sito creato apposta dai suoi fan
bhe... anche i factor 5 hanno avuto grossi soldi da sony :P
di entrambi, così puoi fare un paragone
Ha lavorato con sony, ea, ubisoft se per te è niente...
Ma secondo te che deve fare uno per arrivare alla sua posizione? Programmare da solo God of War 4 o Windows 8?
Io sono il primo ad essere sospettoso su tutto e su tutti, ma non capisco perchè si debba dubitare che una ragazza giovane e bella possa meritarsi un posto di rilievo.
Ha lavorato con sony, ea, ubisoft se per te è niente...
Ma secondo te che deve fare uno per arrivare alla sua posizione? Programmare da solo God of War 4 o Windows 8?
Io sono il primo ad essere sospettoso su tutto e su tutti, ma non capisco perchè si debba dubitare che una ragazza giovane e bella possa meritarsi un posto di rilievo.
ha lavorato con tutti quelli che vuoi (come moltre altre mezze figure di questo mondo), ma non ho visto prodotti davvero degni di nota, ne nulla che mi dimostri che ha davvero fatto qualcosa lei. a me basta, a te no, amen