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Originariamente Scritto da ezio.auditore
le proteine animali fanno male al corpo umano, inacidisce il sangue
GMbar gives out various Christmas presents, grasp the special one!!!
At the joyous moment of Christmas Day approaching, Gmbar will launch a series of promotion activities to celebrate Christmas Day from Dec 20.2007 to Jan 6.2008.
For our GMbar’s new registers during the holiday promotion:
Reward Points + coupon codes_ top coupon reach $10 + mysterious Christmas gifts!
The points and coupon are valid for all the games at
For our GMbar’s all clients during the holiday promotion:
Free gold? Big discount??
Yup!!! We are going to giving out free game gold and big discount to appreciate our customers’ great and long-term support. Just start to purchase now, and our Christmas presents are prepared and wait for you!
Get ready? Well get start then! Join Gmbar for a Merry Christmas and a Joyous 2008 New Year!
Visit Gmbar:
MMO Games at GMbar: World of Warcraft, Lineage 2, Lord of the Rings Online etc...
io ritengo che word of warcraft sia un gioco bello e anche divertente ma, come ha detto c1cc10,è pericoloso so di gente che ormai nn esce piu di casa solo per giocare a word of warcraft
At the joyous moment of Christmas Day approaching, Gmbar will launch a series of promotion activities to celebrate Christmas Day from Dec 20.2007 to Jan 6.2008.
For our GMbar’s new registers during the holiday promotion:
Reward Points + coupon codes_ top coupon reach $10 + mysterious Christmas gifts!
The points and coupon are valid for all the games at
For our GMbar’s all clients during the holiday promotion:
Free gold? Big discount??
Yup!!! We are going to giving out free game gold and big discount to appreciate our customers’ great and long-term support. Just start to purchase now, and our Christmas presents are prepared and wait for you!
Get ready? Well get start then! Join Gmbar for a Merry Christmas and a Joyous 2008 New Year!
Visit Gmbar:
MMO Games at GMbar: World of Warcraft, Lineage 2, Lord of the Rings Online etc...
Preferivo 100 volte Dark Age Of Camelot dalla beta fino ai due anni successivi, poi i soliti giocatori Italiani hanno rovinato tutto con powerlevel ecc....
WoW è carino ma mancano fasi davvero di gruppo come accade nel RvR, sono molto fiducioso in Warhammer online!