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Child Learns Live-Saving Skills From WoW

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  • Child Learns Live-Saving Skills From WoW

    An article tells of a 12 year old Norwegian boy who used the skills he learnt whilst playing WoW, to save his sister from a deadly threat.

    While out walking in the woods, Hans Jorgen Olsen and his 10 year old sister stumbled upon an enraged Moose. The animal attacked Hans' sister, so in a bid to rescue the girl, Hans used a couple of tricks he'd learnt from playing WoW. First, he taunted the Moose by hitting it repeatedly with a stick. Once he had the furious animal's attention, he Feigned Death.

    The Moose soon lost interest in Hans, thinking him dead, and went off about his business.

    There you have it, proof that WoW saves the lives of children! It should be played in schools to teach kids valuable life skills! In all seriousness though, good on you Hans, and it's nice to see WoW being accredited for something positive

    Hot damn, WoW is not only a fun MMO; it's actually a life saver! You can read it for yourself right here:

  • #2
    Ahem, just last summer i was attacked by a huge, monstrous carcarodon megalodon, about 45 metres for 35 tons, when i was enjoying my holydays near Jesolo's beach. The monster, here you can see him in a picture picked up by a guy that spected the spectacular scene:

    well i was saying: the monster jumped out of water with his huge jaws opened to bite me, but he didn't know that i had played killer instinct before... with no esitation i grabbed the fish and with a single uber-uppercut in jago's stile i destroyed him dead. Now you have the proof that if you played killer instinct you are virtually immune to shark attacks...
    Era gente strana... dicevano e facevano tutto, il contrario di tutto, l'inverso di tutto e il contrario e l'inverso di tutto quello che avevano detto e fatto perchè seguivano ogni istante la loro onestà!

