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Scusate ma ho bisogno dei comandi del gioco THE WATCHMAKER
(Comme inginocchiarsi, come far agire i due investigatori insieme, come far scambiare loro gli oggetti,farli parlare anzichè far uscire i sottotitoli ecc...)
- To move your character around the world, you can use the KEYBOARD ARROWS.
- You may also left click the Mouse on the screen to make your character move
in that direction.
- To examine an object, left click on it.
- To use a highlighted Item, right click on it.
- To switch between characters, press the F8 function key. (This action is not
required to solve the demo puzzle)
- To take an object from the other playable character firstly open the Full
Inventory and left click on your
character's name, you then receive the Full Inventory list of the other
character. Left click on the item that
you require and then click on the character's name to return to your original
The other Action, or 'Hot' Keys are:
F1: opens the SaveGame screen.
F2: opens the LoadGame screen.
F3: opens the OPTIONS screen.
SPACEBAR: switches between a first and a third person point of view.
'A': moves the view up when in first person point of view.
'Z': moves the view down when in first person point of view.
SHIFT: when in first person and used with the keyboard arrows, the character's
eyesight moves accordingly.
SHIFT: when in third person and used with the keyboard arrows, the character
runs in the direction indicated.
SHIFT: when used with the mouse, the character RUNS to the point indicated.
CAPS LOCK: makes the character ALWAYS RUN.
TAB: opens the BASIC inventory. The inventory expands to FULL if the selected
object is examined.
From the inventory a Right Click will allow use of a selected inventory object.
Non condivido ciò che dici, ma sarei disposto a dare la vita affinché tu possa dirlo.
nn ci si può abbassare o almeno io nn l'ho mai fatto, cmq per passare tra i vari personaggi apri l'inventario e premi sull'icona del telefono e l'altro personaggio arriverà nella stanza in cui sei. Per cambiare trai personaggi cerca tra i tasti f1 e f12: credo sia f4.
(l'inventario si apre con i se nn mi ricordo male..)