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vogliamo la soluzione di OUTBREAK!!!

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  • vogliamo la soluzione di OUTBREAK!!!

    allora vi decidete a finire questo Benedetto OUTBREAK? mi sono già bloccato al terzo scenario.... non è che avete qualche suggerimento su come usare una chiave per lucchetto nell'ospedale?grazie.
    I'll be here...
    I'll be "waiting" here...
    I'll be waiting...for
    If you come here...

  • #2
    Vogliamo anche quella di Obscure !!!
    la vita è come il tempo, scorre inesorabilmente !!!! show.php/act/ST/f/87/t/13943


    • #3
      Con MOLTA calma e soprattutto PER FAVORE.
      Tiscali ADSL Gaming 20/1


      • #4
        Giusto per curiosità, ma cosa bisogna fare in RE outbreak senza il supporto online? E' come gli altri RE?
        Falli tattici fan club Brianza


        • #5
          Originariamente Scritto da Lord Axl
          Con MOLTA calma e soprattutto PER FAVORE.
          Quand'è che pubblicate la soluzione di Obscure ?
          Ne ho assoluto bisogno !!!
          la vita è come il tempo, scorre inesorabilmente !!!!



          • #6
            O ma imparate a finirveli da soli i giochi...e soprattutto imparate un po di educazione che non vi farebbe male..


            • #7
              scusa ma è una settimana che giro per tutto l'ospedale di Raccoon in cerca di un lucchetto da aprire. Cmq PER FAVORE POTRESTE DARMI UNA MANO? GRAZIE.

              I'll be here...
              I'll be "waiting" here...
              I'll be waiting...for
              If you come here...


              • #8
                Scusate, per favore quand'è che pubblicherete la soluzione di Obscure ?
                la vita è come il tempo, scorre inesorabilmente !!!!



                • #9
                  Se ti dico che al momento non abbiamo in programma la soluzione, la pianti di martellarci i ......timpani? (stranamente non ho voglia di fare il cafone).

                  Per Outbreak ho rimediato questa guida in inglese (e se mi dici che hai problemi con l'inglese, potrei anche perdere il mio classico piglio anglosassone)
                  Last edited by Lord Axl; 26 September 2004, 20:34.
                  Tiscali ADSL Gaming 20/1


                  • #10
                    Lunga vita a Lord Axl!!!
                    grazie cerco di capirci qualcosa ma grazie comunque e MY LORD AXL!
                    I'll be here...
                    I'll be "waiting" here...
                    I'll be waiting...for
                    If you come here...


                    • #11
                      Siamo tutti fermi alla chiavetta del terzo livello. Ci sarà un buco dove metterla?
                      Chi trova per primo questo buco è pregato di comunicarlo. GRAZIE.


                      • #12
                        La soluzione che abbiamo postato sul forum non ti aiuta ?
                        Tiscali ADSL Gaming 20/1


                        • #13
                          fonte faq ign

                          In inglese,ma meglio che niente

                          This section offers tips on using various types of weaponry in Resident Evil
                          Outbreak. You'll also find a list of vital items throughout the scenarios.
                          Melee Weapons
                          The benefit of melee weapons is you don't need ammunition to use them. But the
                          downside is you have to move very close to the enemy in order to inflict
                          damage. The closer you are to the enemy, the greater the risk of suffering
                          damage and increased virus infection.
                          Some melee weapons also suffer damage and become less potent over time. For
                          instance, bash zombies repeatedly with the iron pipe and it begins to bend.
                          The bent version is less effective than its straight counterpart. Melee
                          weapons found throughout the scenarios include the iron pipe, a crutch, a
                          butcher knife, a stick, a scrub brush, and David's creations.
                          If you must kill an enemy, use melee weapons in hit and run fashion. Inflict
                          damage then back off and avoid the counter attack. Repeat as necessary. Don't
                          neglect your character's own melee attacks, particularly the special abilities
                          of Kevin and George. These can repel an attacker and allow you to escape or
                          counter with another weapon.
                          Projectile Weapons
                          The benefit of projectile weapons is their longer range. You can remain at a
                          relatively safe distance and use the projectile weapon to inflict damage on
                          the enemy. This can keep you out of the enemy's attack range and prevent
                          harmful damage or viral infection. But the downside is that the projectile
                          weapons require ammunition, which is extremely scarce throughout the
                          Projectile weapons include Kevin and Mark's handguns, the handgun SG, the
                          burst handgun (found in night reception in The Hive), the magnum revolver
                          (found in the open window in Outbreak), the sub machinegun (found on the roof
                          in The Hive), the assault rifle (found in the subway car in Decisions,
                          Decisions), the shotgun, the grenade launcher, and the rocket launcher (found
                          in the front square at the end of Decisions, Decisions).
                          Conserve ammunition whenever possible by simply avoiding combat. Since
                          ammunition is so scarce, it's much more valuable in tougher situations, such
                          as boss battles or against faster, tougher foes. Zombies are easier to avoid.
                          Utilize your character's special abilities to avoid contact or being
                          surrounded by zombies. Be accurate with your shots and don't use the shotgun
                          at longer range. It's a close-range, powerful weapon. It has the ability to
                          down multiple enemies in a single blast. For instance, wait until several
                          zombies approach your position and pulverize them all with a close-range
                          shotgun blast.

                          Health Items
                          The following is a list of health items and their function in Resident Evil
                          ? Green Herbs: Restore health.
                          ? Blue Herbs: Cure poison.
                          ? Red Herbs: Mix to enhance herb.
                          ? Green Herb and Blue Herb Mix: Restore health and cure poison.
                          ? First Aid Spray: Stops bleeding and restore health.
                          ? Antidote: Cure poison.
                          ? Anti-Virus: Temporarily stops viral infection.
                          ? Recovery Medicine: Restores health.
                          ? Haemostat: Stops bleeding.
                          Vital Items
                          The following chart reveals the location and use of vital items found in each
                          scenario. This chart assumes normal difficulty level. Locations may change
                          depending on other difficulty levels.
                          SCENARIO ITEM LOCATION USE
                          Outbreak Staff Room Key J's Bar Opens staff room door.
                          Outbreak Key with Blue Tag Staff Room Opens door into
                          staircase leading to liquor room.
                          Outbreak Forklift Key Wine Room Activates the forklift in the
                          liquor room.
                          Outbreak Lighter Drawing Room or next to officer's corpse.
                          Ignites the gas from the tanker truck.
                          Outbreak Detonator Handle and Detonator Main Unit Amongst the
                          corpses at the end of Outbreak Combines to form the detonator.
                          Below Freezing Point Frozen Wrench B6F south passage Once thawed,
                          used to open the panel in the B6F security centre.
                          Below Freezing Point Valve Handle B6F security centre. Use to open
                          the door in the security centre and raise the ladder in the Duct.
                          Below Freezing Point VP-017 B7F chemical storage Combine with the UMB
                          No. 3 to create the V-Jolt.
                          Below Freezing Point UMB No. 3 B7F chemical disposal room
                          Combine with the VP-017 to create the V-Jolt.
                          Below Freezing Point V-Jolt Inventory combination of VP-017 and UMB No. 3
                          Use on the infected plant in the Duct.
                          Below Freezing Point Blowtorch 4F culture room Used to thaw the
                          frozen corpse in the B4F low temperature laboratory.
                          Below Freezing Point Turn Table Key B4F turn table Activates the train.
                          Below Freezing Point Lab Card Key B4F turn table Can be used to unlock
                          the compute room and east area passage instead of using the pass codes.
                          The Hive Blood Packs Several rooms including the nurses' centre and
                          laboratory. Used to distract the leeches and Leech Man, particularly in
                          the fixed temperature laboratory.
                          The Hive Card Key Level 1 Examination Room Opens door
                          into B1F south passage.
                          The Hive Card Key Level 2 Fixed Temperature Laboratory from
                          Leech Man corpse. Unlocks the door to the underpass entrance.
                          The Hive Padlock Key B1F south passage. Unlock the boat.
                          Hellfire Security Room Key Card Boiler Room Unlocks the security
                          Hellfire Silver Key In room 101's safe. Used to unlock doors
                          with the silver locks.
                          Hellfire Gold Key In the horse statue in room 204. Opened after
                          solving the Europe map puzzle. Used to open the door into the power supply
                          Hellfire Red Jewel Plant in room 306. Inserted into bust in
                          security office to open hidden passage.
                          Decisions, Decisions Red Jewel Inside the clock in the General
                          Manager's Office. Inserted into the moose head in the entrance hall.
                          Decisions, Decisions Brass Spectacles aiding Room Placed on the
                          bust in the 2F passage to open the testing passage A route.
                          Decisions, Decisions Blue Jewel Art Gallery (pull cord in Presidents'
                          Room first) Inserted into the moose head in the Entrance Hall.
                          Decisions, Decisions Card Key Back Square Opens double door back
                          into 1F passage B.
                          Decisions, Decisions Key with Red Tag Water Purifying Facility
                          Opens locked door in the water works management office into the water
                          Decisions, Decisions Sealed Reagent Case Water Tank Holds the P-
                          Decisions, Decisions P-base Water Works Management Office Held in the
                          sealed reagent case and inserted into the reagent incubator in the 3F
                          Decisions, Decisions V-Poison Emission Tower B1 Inserted into
                          the reagent incubator in the 3F laboratory.
                          Decisions, Decisions T-Blood IF Passage B Recovered from injured
                          Thanatos R.v
                          Decisions, Decisions Daylight Laboratory (from Reagent Incubator
                          after all three items inserted and incubator reactivated) Used to cure
                          self and the world of the virus. Can also be shot at Thanatos R in the second
                          battle using the shooter.
                          "E sul bianco dorso della balena egli scaricò la somma dell'odio e della rabbia provati da quelli della sua razza.Se il suo petto fosse stato un cannone,gli avrebbe sparato contro il suo cuore"
                          Now Playing:- Project Origin - Resurrection of Evil - Fallout 3 (360) - American McGee's Alice - BurnOut Paradise (360) - Visit my Blog:


                          • #14
                            Originariamente Scritto da rugiovann
                            Siamo tutti fermi alla chiavetta del terzo livello. Ci sarà un buco dove metterla?
                            Chi trova per primo questo buco è pregato di comunicarlo. GRAZIE.

