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gli Incredibili

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  • gli Incredibili

    ciao a tutti volevo sapere se esistono dei trucchi per GLI INCREDIBILIi versione PC è ne approfitto per chiedere se ce ne sono anche per il gioco IL SIGNORE DEGLI ANELLI è LA BATTAGLIA DI MEZZO

  • #2
    Start game as usual, during gameplay press [Esc], go to the "Secrets" menu and use the following codes (Some codes only work on certain levels/missions):

    GazerBeam - Shoot beams temporarily
    SmartBomb - Destroy all nearby enemies and items
    SpringBreak - Level select
    SassMode - Faster game
    Uuddlrlrbas - Refill 25% health
    PinkSlip - Health remains constant
    Showtime - Temporary unlimited Incredi-points
    DashLikes - Temporary unlimited Incredi-power while playing as Dash
    DanielTheFlash - Press Right Mouse Button for Superspeed Incredipower while running
    McTravis - Press Right Mouse Button for Fast Running and Ramming Incredi-power
    Kronos - Findtrails and Superpunch
    AthletesFoot - Fire Trail
    Flexible - Unlimited Elastigirl powers
    Gilgendash - Dash not hurt when running into objects
    TonyLoaf - Temporary unlimited Incredi-power while playing as Violet
    BWTheMovie - Slow motion player
    InvertCameraX - Mouse horizontal camera control switched
    InvertCameraY - Mouse vertical camera control switched
    Einsteinium - Big head mode
    DeEvolve - Small head mode
    bHUD - Toggle HUD
    InvertTurret - Reverse movement with Nomansian Island turret
    DiscoRules - Some objects flash different colors
    EMode - Brightness/bright colors
    Hi - Introduction sequence
    YourNameInLights - Credits sequence
    BoaPlace - Easier game
    Dandruff - Henchmen always launch death shrapnel
    RotAIDalg - Battle mode
    Labombe - Beat levels with Bombvoyage
    TheDudeAbides - Deactivate all active codes
    Non condivido ciò che dici, ma sarei disposto a dare la vita affinché tu possa dirlo.

