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Dynasty warriors 5 super trucchi

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  • Dynasty warriors 5 super trucchi

    Volete sapere come si sblocca zuo ci????
    Volete sapere come si sbloccano le armi segrete dei generali????
    Volete sapere come si sbloccano altri personaggi???
    Questa è la discussione per gli appassionati di dynasty warriors 5....
    Potete chiedermi qualunque cosa io vi risponderò tranquillamente.
    Ponete domande,ponete domande e io vi rispondo.
    Ciao a tutti
    Batista the best

  • #2
    mi dici come sbloccare le armi segrete dei generali e zuo ci?
    Inoltre, puoi darmi altri codici di dynasty warriors 5?
    Non ne conosco nessuno!


    • #3
      Se vuoi sapere tutto,dirigiti alla nostra agenzia di trucchi!!!


      • #4
        Ecco i trucchi

        Allora per sbloccare zuo ci (che è fortissmo),
        Devi finire il musuou mode con questi personaggi

        SHU......Guan Yu, Huang Zhong, Ma Chao, Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei
        WEI......Xiahou Dun, Cao Pi,2 caratteri a propria scelta , Cao Cao
        WU.......Ling Tong, Sun Quan, Zhou Yu, Sun Ce, Lu Xun, Sun Jian
        OTHERS...Lu Bu, Diao Chan, Meng Huo

        Poi le armi segrete dei generali eccole qui (fai il free mode a difficoltà hard):

        SHU FORCES( all 4th weapons must be done on hard)

        Liu Bei
        (unlocked through)Beat it 3 shu
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Yi Ling, In order kill Zhu Ran, Ling
        Tong, Gan NING, then Sun Xiang Xing before she
        Guan Yu
        (unlocked through)starting character
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of FAn Castle, kill gate captain and
        stronghold captain within 5 minutes. Kill Niu
        Jin and Yu Jin enter Fan castle, start flood,
        go near Guan Ping
        Precious item.
        Zhang Fei
        (unlocked through)starting character
        (4th WEAPON)Battle Of Chang Ban, Kill Xiahou Dun and His
        officers, meet zhao Yun, return to camp event,
        then kill Xiahou En, Precious Item.
        Zhao Yun
        (unlocked through) starting character
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Cheng DU, Kill Lei Tong, then Fei Guan
        then Deng Xian, move to west gate and kill Liu
        Dun and his gate captain. Occupy Luo castle,
        kill Yang Huai and Gao Fei, then North gate
        captain. Precious item.
        Zhuge Liang
        (unlocked)Beat any shu campaign
        (4th WEAPON)Battle Of Tian SHui, Occupy AnDing and Nanan.
        release Xiahou Lin, report of defect,go near
        Tian Shui, Jiang wei returns to castle. Message
        to stop him, then defeat Jiang WEi. Precious
        Pang Tong
        (unlocked)Beat with 2 shu characters
        (4th WEAPON)Battle Of Nan Zhong,Kill gate troop points,
        bridge event, seal troop point near kongming,
        Yue Ying tiger tanks event, ignore Meng Huo and
        go to nanamn troops, event Meng Huo retreat,
        protect bridge captain, kill Wu tugu. Precious.
        Guan Ping
        (unlocked) Beat shu campaign with Guan Yu
        (4th WEAPON)Chi Bi Retreat BAttle, Defeat all generals
        Then first 2 reinforcements, escape point appears
        then kill general at eascape point, Precious Item

        Xing Cai
        (unlocked)Start with her
        (4th WEAPON)Battle Of Bai Dai, Get Xing Cai health in orange
        Liu chan message about courage, Xing Cai health
        in red, Liu Chan moves toward Xing, go to him.
        Cutscene and morale increase, allies join up,
        Rescue allies, return to Ba Dai. Precious Item
        Yue Ying
        (unlocked)Beat Zhuge Liang's campaign
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Wu Zhang Plains, Guide the wood ox
        without any losses. Before Catapults set up
        Kill Deng Ai; Item.
        Huang Zhong
        (unlocked)Starting character
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Mt. DIng Jun, go down east path,
        Kill Yue Jin, Zhang He, clear the two offense
        gates and supply gate, from right path go up
        mountain and kill Gao Shun, then Cao Zhen, then
        go defeat Xiahou Yuan, after Cao Cao comes in
        item will appear.
        Ma Chao
        (unlocked)Starting character
        (4th weapon)Battle of Tong Gate, cross river right at start
        Before Cao Cao crosses river knock him off
        Wei Yan
        (unlocked)Beat Huang Zhong's campaign
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Chen Cang,1st wave of ladders destroyed
        Kongming message, clear 2 guard captains on wall
        wall message, kill Cao Ren, east gate open, kill
        last guard captain, stop wall defense, open
        front gate, Item report.
        Jiang Wei
        (unlocked)Beat any 2 shu
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Tian Shui, On the WEI SIDE, defeat Gao
        Xiong when he appears, he will appear if your
        commader tries to run, so just dont kill anybody

        WEI FORCES

        Cao Cao
        (unlocked)Complete 4 wei musou's
        (4th WEAPON)Battle Of Xia Pi, Go to water gate kill Gao Shun
        then Zhang Liao, Item
        Xiahou Yuan
        (unlocked)Beat it with Xiahou Dun
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Chi Bi, kill Pang Tong, Kongming, then
        Huang Gai, Item., Before they can do their acts
        Xiahou Dun
        (unlocked)starting character
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Fan Castle, Get to the top left
        kill Guan Ping and prevent water attack
        Cao Ren
        (unlocked)Beat Cao Pi's campaign
        (4th WEAPON)Chi Bi Escape Battle, Kill all officers and subs
        after Sun Quan dies you get it
        Xu Chu
        (unlocked)starting character
        (4th WEAPON)Battle Of Tong Gate, Cao Cao crosses, Ma Chao
        moves, Kill Ma Dai, Kill Ma Chao, Kill Pang De
        Dian Wei
        (unlocked)starting character
        (4th WEAPON)Battle Of Wan Castle, Meet With Cao Cao, defeat
        Hu Che Er, kill Jia Xu, Kill 6 troop Leaders,
        without letting any past
        Xu Huang
        (unlocked)Defeat any 3 wei campaign's
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Fan Castle, DO NOT kill Zhang Fei or
        Guan Yu, Liu Qi appears, then kill them.
        Zhang Liao
        (unlocked)starting character
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Hei Fei, kill 6 officers(try doing
        sub generals) Zhang Liao event, kill a few more
        and then another event, then Item.
        Zhang He
        (unlocked)Defeat any 2 campaigns
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Jie Ting, Kill Gao Shun, seal gate
        event Li Mountain, Kill Wang Ping, event Ma Su
        retreats, Kill Ma SU after SIma Yi Says to.

        Cao Pi
        (unlocked)Start with him
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Wu Zhang Plains,Kill any 3 generals
        then after kongming dies, destroy arbalists
        Sima Yi
        (unlocked)Beat any one wei campaign
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Chen Cang, Control 3 stronholds
        without losing the castle, Item report.
        Zhen Ji
        (unlocked)starting character
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of He Fei, kill 300, go to Cao Pi, event
        OR kill Taishi Ci and his officer, destroy
        ramming machine, kill Wu reinforcements, go to
        secret tunnel.
        Pang De
        (unlocked)Defeat Ma Chao's campaign
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Mt. Ding Jun, Kill all officers
        except Liu Bei,and Huang Zhong, Huang charges
        then kill him.

        WU FORCES

        Sun Jian
        (unlocked)Beat Any 4 Wu
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Shi Shui Gate, Kill Lu Bu, within 5
        minutes of him showing up
        Huang Gai
        (unlocked)beat any 3 musuo modes
        (4th WEAPON)Yellow Turban Rebellion, Kill Yan Zhen, Gao Zhen
        ZHang Liang, Cheng Yuan Zhi, Fei Yuan Shao, He
        Yi and his officers, Deng Mao, Zhang Bao, Zheng
        Man Cheng.
        Zhou Yu
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Wu Jun, Kill Sa Li, Yan Xing, Yan Bai
        Hui, Kill Chen Guang, Zhou Xi in under 5 mins.
        Sun Ce
        (unlocked)Beat Sun Quan's musuo
        (4th WEAPON)Sun Ce Illusionary Battle, Kill Yu Ji, Kill all 4
        fakes, kill new fakes, KO 50, more mirages, kill
        Yu JIn fakes
        Lu Meng
        (unlocked)Beat any 2 wu
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Fan Castle, kill Zhang Bao and Fei
        Da Qiao
        (unlocked)Defeat Sun Ce's musuo
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Xia Kou, Kill Cai mao And Gan Ning,
        Then it comes
        Xiao Qiao
        (unlocked)Defeat Zhou Yu's story
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Jing Zhou, Dont let Sun Jian be
        ambushed. Kill Huang Zu immediatly,then go to
        kill Zhang Hu, Jing Liang, Cao Mao, Lu GOng,
        kill all strogholds and all allies alive.
        Reinforcments cannot show up, Precious Item,
        Sun Quan
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Chi BI, kill Wang Lang, clear the
        bridge Kill Cao Mao, clear the bridge, success
        of sabatoge and pang tong succeed, Go help Huang
        Gai start fire by clearing any generals near him
        then do the same for zhuge Liang, and have both
        succeed, Precious item.
        Taishi Ci
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Wu Jun, Lure Sun Quan into fort. Item
        Sun Shang Xiang
        (4th WEAPON)Battle Of Nan Zhong, kill AhHuiNan, DongChaNa,
        JinLanSan Jie, Zhu Rong, go near Meng Huo,
        elephant event, construction troops appear, DONT
        kill them, bridge fall, go to Sun Quan, kill
        MangYaCheng, MuLiDaWang and tamers, Kill DaiDOng
        Wang, Yang Feng, WuTugu.
        Zhou Tai
        (unlocked)Beat any one WU musuo
        (4th WEAPON)Battle Of Yi Ling, Fire event successful, keep
        all your generals alive, Precious Item in maze
        Ling Tong
        (unlocked)Start with him
        (4th WEAPON)Battle Of He Fei, Defeat Zhang Liao 4 times.
        Gan Ning
        (unlocked)Beat Ling TOng campaign, Wu side.
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Xia Kou, Kill ling Chao, event with
        Ling Tong Attack Gan Ning, Kill ling Tong,
        Kill Ling Cao.
        Lu Xun
        (4th WEAPON)Battle of Bai Di, head into maze, succeed in
        passing through it, Kill Jiang wei,
        and Ma Chao when he attacks base,Precious Item.
        Batista the best


        • #5
          OTHER FORCES

          Zhang Jiao
          (unlocked)Beat it with all Cao Cao, Liu BEi, Sun Jian
          (4th WEAPON)Yellow Turban Rebellion, kill Gongsun Yue,
          falling stones event, go to Zhang Liang alter
          brainwash event, go to Zhang Bao alter, no
          ally defeated.
          Yuan Shao
          (unlocked)Beat it with Cao Cao
          (4th WEAPON)Battle of Guan Du, kill Guan Yu before he kills
          Yan Liang, kill Liu Yan, Li DIan, Cao Pi,
          Xiahou Dun, Cao Zhang, Yue Jin, take all gates
          on the way.
          Dong Zhou
          (unlocked)Beat it with Diao Chan
          (4th WEAPON)Battle of Liang Zhou, capture 5 gates, defeat
          Ma Chao and Pang De
          Lu Bu
          (unlocked)You have to beat it with one from every kingdom and
          face him in one of them
          (4th WEAPON)Battle of CHang Shang, Yuan Shao, Kill 1000
          Diao Chan
          (unlocked)Beat LU BU's story mode
          (4th WEAPON)Battle of Xia Pi, help Hou Chen, Song Hui, kill
          all generals, Cao Cao appears. Item.
          Meng Huo
          (unlocked)Beat Nanman campaigns of Wu and Shu
          (4th WEAPON)Submisssion of Nana Zhong, follow directions
          kill all officers except ma Su and Kongming.
          Zhu Rong
          (unlocked)Beat the game with Meng Huo
          (4th WEAPON)Invasion of Nan Zhong, without destroying bridge
          once elephant charge, kill 2 wu reinforcements
          Zuo Ci
          (unlocked)UNLOCK everyone
          (4th WEAPON)Battle of Hu Luo Gate, Kill Lu Bu. Item.

          Ciao e buona giornata
          Batista the best


          • #6
            Mega Vegeta, non per essere pignolo, ma cosa cambia in sostanza tra il contenuto di questo topic e l'altro che hai aperto tempo fa con GLI STESSI trucchi?


            • #7
              Grazie Mega Vegeta!
              A Batista '91: dove trovo la "agenzia dei trucchi"?


              • #8
                Se vuoi tatsumaki elimina l'altro topic
                Batista the best


                • #9
                  ok ok ok lasciamo perdere...


                  • #10
                    taatsumaki non è un moderatore collega,è un recensore....


                    • #11
                      Veramente sono anche moderatore, anche se non di questa sezione (il che non cambia, perché se segnalo il post agli admin magari non chiudono subito ma cmq intervengono...)


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          Originariamente Scritto da Batista '91
                          Io se fossi in te la finirei di sfottere Taz siccome è un pezzo grosso del forum.

                          PS: Taz auguri


                          • #14
                            Non lo stavo sfottendo auguri anche da parte mia ban mi ha preceduto sul tempo


                            • #15
                              Grazie grazie

