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  • jak

    qualcuno ha i trucchi di jak 2 o jak 3 ? grazie

  • #2
    ecco qualcoca, italiano e inglese

    jak 2

    Jak 2 Renegade

    Colleziona un certo numero di globi precursor per sbloccare alcuni extra:
    - Frammento di libro alternativo: Colleziona 200 globi nella modalità Eroe
    - Teste grandi: Colleziona 30 globi
    - Modalità Eroe: Colleziona 200 globi
    - Invulnerabilità: Colleziona 175 globi
    - Barbetta di Jak: Colleziona 5 globi
    - Seleziona il livello: Colleziona 145 globi
    - Mirror World: Colleziona 15 globi
    - Gara Peace Maker Gun: Colleziona 105 globi
    - Gare invertite: Colleziona 135 globi
    - Scene Atto 1: Colleziona 65 globi
    - Scene Atto 2: Colleziona 95 globi
    - Scene Atto 3: Colleziona 125 globi
    - Frammento di Libro: Colleziona 55 globi
    - Teste piccole: Colleziona 45 globi
    - Munizioni infinite: Colleziona 155 globi
    - Dark Jak illimitato: Colleziona 165 globi
    - Furia Vulcan: Colleziona 75 globi

    Daxter armato
    Equipaggia una qualunque arma quindi ruba un mezzo per veder Jak passarla al suo compagno Daxter che da quel momento sparerà al suo posto

    Colpire i soldati senza conseguenze
    Per colpire un soldato Krimzon senza subirne le conseguenze, procurati uno Zoomer quindi lanciati in velocità contro le guardie. Poco prima di colpirle premi Triangolo per saltare giù dal mezzo.

    Trucco per la battaglia finale
    Dopo il filmato che introduce lo scontro finale tieni premuto R1 per trasformarti in Dark Jak ma con la barra dell’Eco Oscuro illimitata

    Ottenere infiniti globi Precursor
    Dirigiti ad una delle macchine che ti commissiona il ritrovamento di un globo Precursor, quindi una volta rintracciato, aspetta che il tempo concesso sia scaduto per raccoglierlo. La missione verrà considerata fallita, ma il globo raccolto resterà tuo e nello stesso tempo ancora disponibile per la stessa missione.

    Colpi speciali con il Blaster
    Equipaggia il fucile Blaster, quindi premi Quadrato per colpire un avversario con un pugno seguito rapidamente dal tasto R1 per il fuoco: vedrai Jak finire il nemico con una raffica di fucile dopo averlo stordito.
    Sempre con il Blaster equipaggiato premi il tasto X per saltare quindi una volta in aria premi Cerchio per avvitarti e R1 per sparare. Questa mossa è molto utile quando dovrai eliminare molti avversari che ti hanno circondato

    Destroy Errol in last zoomer race
    It is possible to destroy Errol in the final race. All you have to do is force him to hit a wall (the large rock one works best). He will not regenerate and the cutscene once you win the race remains the same. This does not work with other races and it is also possible for you to be destroyed as well.

    Swim Anywhere You Want in the Pumping Station
    You can get rid of that annoying robot that kills you instantly by turning into Dark Jak and executing Dark Bomb in the water while the robot is in view. If done correctly your screen should shake a little and the robot should disappear.

    Weird Death
    While in the Water Slums, send a zoomer under a building. Next, get off the zoomer and try to get on again. If done correctly, you'll go into the water and sink til you die. You'll come back though.

    No Damage from Big Falls
    When you fall from a high place, kick (Circle) shortly before you hit the ground and you won't take any damage from the fall.
    sigpic (a)


    • #3
      solo inglese

      jak 3
      Jak 3 Cheats
      sit in air, passenger of a vehicle without driving
      in haven port take a non one-sitter and take the best version of the peacemaker you must be in the higher mode of the vehicle then shoot jump out quickly and jump back in before the explosion and you will float a few seconds later you will be in a strangers car and he is driving, if you shoot again the vehicle will explode again and you get in another vehicle.
      if you use the vulcan fury and keep schooting the vehicle will explode and you will stay in it
      you can only get out by restarting
      Another good vehicle
      When you do the mission where you have to protect Kleiver's place, you can use the dune hopper because it can blow up the enemys really fast!
      Best Vehichle
      When you get to the misson where you have to protect the place where you get the vehicles from Kleiver, you should pick the Sand Shark, the other one won't cut it, (If have a; Heat Seeker, Slam Dozer or any other ones, choose a vehicle that has rapid fire, like the Sand Shark )
      Easy Hang Time!!!
      Just use the Light Jak Time Freeze for the hoverboard. The time will still move but really slowly.
      Easy win on Hang Time challenge
      In the mission when you must get a high hang time. In stead of doing it the standard way by using jumps in your buggy, get out of you buggy and use the Mass Invertor: it will get you an automatic gold in total hang time (you may have to use the gun more than once) and single hang time.

      Enemies Won't Leave You Alone?
      If you are surrounded by tons of enemies then there are two things you can do. Either press down on the D Pad 3 times to get out your Gyro Blaster or press up on the D Pad twice to get out the Wave Concussor gun. Both these weapons should dispatch enemies quickly.
      Excellent Combo
      To do this combo, press: Square, X, Square and O.
      First go to the desert or city. For the desert, get a lot of cars on you then hop out of your vehicle. Get on your hover board and go a fair distance away. Then bring out the peace maker level 2. As the cars are going mock speed towards you...Fire the peace maker level 2 and make them fly. While their in the air bring out the blue gun level 3 and shoot like crazy to make them fly out of the trotosphere.(do not blow cars up though, just shoot them enough so the go really high.)
      For the city, go to where people or enemies are. Then bring out the peace maker level 2 and shoot them to make the people fly. When the people or enemies are in the air bring out the blue gune level 3 and start shooting like crazy.Note the people spin a lot. (The people won't blow up so you can shoot them as much as you want until the peace maker level 2's shot wheres off.)
      Good Combos.
      Okay, there's a good combo that'll hurt enemies but you might miss a lot until you practise it.
      Punch+Jump+Punch=Aerial Ground Pound.
      Punch+Jump+Punch+Daxter Attack=Super Aerial Ground Pound Whip.
      In Haven City get a Vehicle and drive under any other one, now hit triangle than jump and hit triangle, you will knock the other guy out and get in his vehicle. Just a cool tip is all this is.
      How to get a hole lot of egg things.
      First get as many eggs as possible before you do this. Then beat the game and unlock hero mode, then buy hero mode.{cost 5 eggs}.
      Start hero mode by clickind on it. Even thow you'll start your game over you'll still have all your weapons, cheats, and eggs. THE BEST PART IS THAT YOU'LL GET ALL THE EGGS YOU GOT BEFORE ALL OVER AGAIN. THAT MEANS LOTS OF CHEATS.
      Unlimited Orbs
      I know a way of getting an unlimited amount of orbs. First go to Spargus City and go out in to the desert and go to the extra mission thing directly in front of the garage. It is the Marauder Destoyer Mission. Note: You will want to have all your guns full of ammo. As soon as the mission starts, get in the car you are using and then jump out and pull out your gun. As the marauders get close, blast them away. When i tried it the first time I had unlimited ammo and used the peace maker because it is a one shot kill and you can hit more than one marauder. When time runs out and you have at least reached the goal, Kliever will say u failed but you still get the Precurser Orbs
      Get This |By Doing This
      ------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------
      Invulnerability |100 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
      Upgrade Vechicle Toughness |15 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-14
      Scene Player Act 1 |2 Precursor Orbs After Act 1
      Toggle Jak's Goatee |2 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
      Jak And Daxter Model Viewer |2 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-24
      Scrap Book |2 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-24
      Scene Player Act 2 |2 Precursor Orbs After Act 2
      Model Viewer |2 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-25
      Scene Player Act 3 |2 Precursor Orbs After Act 3
      Jak 3 Model Viewer |2 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
      Mega Scrap Book |2 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
      Dark Jak Invisibility |25 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
      Big Head Mode |3 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
      Small Head Mode |3 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
      Unlimited Vechicle Turbos |30 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-25
      Increased Scatter Gun Ammo Capacity |4 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-17
      Increased Blaster Gun Ammo Capacity |4 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-17
      Increased Vulcan Fury Ammo Capacity |4 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-24
      Increased Peace Maker Ammo Capacity |4 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-19
      Bad Weather |5 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
      Mirror World |5 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
      Fast Movies |5 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
      Slow Movies |5 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-1
      Audio Commentary |5 Precursor Orbs after buying scene players 1-3
      Hero Mode |5 precursor orbs, after finishing the game
      Level Select: ACT 1 |5 Precursor Orbs, buy it after Act 1
      Level Select: ACT 2 |5 Precursor Orbs, buy it after Act 2
      Level Select: ACT 3 |5 Precursor Orbs, buy it after Act 3
      Unlimited Light Jak |50 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
      Unlimited Dark Jak |50 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
      Unlimited Ammo |50 Precursor Orbs After Act 3-11
      Vulcan Fury Damage Upgrade |6 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-17
      Blaster Damage Upgrade |6 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-9
      Scatter Gun Rate-Of-Fire Upgrade |6 Precursor Orbs After Act 1-9
      Rachet And Clank Gun Courses |6 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-12
      Peace Maker Increased Radius |6 Precursor Orbs After Act 2-19

      sigpic (a)

