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se mi dici meglio dove ti sei bloccato ti aiuto volentieri, l'ho finito al 100%
Scusa mi sono sbagliato non mi trovo nella birreria ma nel sistema di trasporto davati al mostro, per farti capire quello enorme; che non riesco a distruggere.
Grazie mille
Scusa mi sono sbagliato non mi trovo nella birreria ma nel sistema di trasporto davati al mostro, per farti capire quello enorme; che non riesco a distruggere.
Grazie mille
3 fasi:
1_quando spara dei raggi fulminanti, vola e valle dietro, poi colpiscila (si, proprio sul culo)
2_quando sbatte per terra e provoca una specie di terremoto, vola e valle dietro, poi colpiscila (si, anche stavolta proprio sul culo)
3_come la prima fase
3 fasi:
1_quando spara dei raggi fulminanti, vola e valle dietro, poi colpiscila (si, proprio sul culo)
2_quando sbatte per terra e provoca una specie di terremoto, vola e valle dietro, poi colpiscila (si, anche stavolta proprio sul culo)
3_come la prima fase
Grazie mille questa sera ci provo figlia permettendo, se ho bisogno ti ricontatto Ciao
Grande dopo 2 ore ci sono riuscito, adesso non trovo tutte le pietre blu della miniera.
quello è più complicato, se l'inglese lo sai bene ti posto la soluzione del livello, spiegartela in italiano sarebe troppo lungo
Enter the Power Station and go through the portal and select Strip Mine as
the level you want to transport. Walk ahead to talk to the miner and he
will give you the mission to do. Here is how to find the 8 eco crystals.
1st Crystal:
Walk ahead, and you will see a huge barred wall with a couple precursor
orbs on it. Climb it and at the top, you will see the first crystal.
Collect it and return to the miner.
2nd Crystal:
From the miner, walk ahead, past the barred wall and onto the next escalator
path and the crystal will be right in front of you. Collect it and return to
the miner.
3rd Crystal:
Now, from the miner, go to where you collected the 2nd crystal and climb
up the barred wall. Run to the end of the platform, hit the switch, and that
will activate the huge cylinder object and get it spinning around. Now,
backtrack to where you got the 1st Crystal and look on the left for an opening
to walk into the huge cylinder.
In the cylinder, you will see a bunch of Dark Eco and platforms spinning
around the cylinder. Just wait till the platform reachs you and jump on it
then the next platform and repeat till you get across. Once you get across,
the crystal is right there.
4th Crystal:
Now, from the miner, walk ahead and run to the right of the stage that you
are in. You will see an opening and a couple metal bees. Kill them and walk
ahead and grab the Crystal.
5th Crystal:
Go back to where you found the third Crystal, get on the floor escalator and
press triangle to get safely under the rotating chunk of metal. Hurry and jump
to the left and just start running up the path. To jump over the gap on the
way, just hover and make sure you hit both the green eco pellet and the
flame to get to the above platform.
Run ahead, walk to the right, and there is a Crystal right there.
6th Crystal:
Go back to where you found the first crystal and turn to the left to find
an opening to another cylinder. The setup this this cylinder is different
but it is pretty easy to figure out how to get across. Once across, you
will see the crystal, collect it.
7th Crystal:
Where you found the last crystal, jump on the zipline ahead and ride it down.
That will return you to the miner. Now, go back to where you found the 3rd
Crystal and run to the right where you will find a passage where there
are flames to use to boost up to the platform. Now use the first one and turn
to the right and hover to the green pellet and use the flames to boost up to
the platform.
Get to the elevator and have it bring you down and continue your path all the
way to the crystal. Along the way, you will see a barred wall. Jump on it and
crawl down to the below platform instead of up. Next, you will see a barred
wall shaped like a circle and these metal things rotating around it. Climb it
while avoiding the metal things and you will be fine.
After all of that, another wall to climb and there is the crystal.
8th Crystal:
After the last Crystal, continue down the passage and ride the elevator ahead
down to see a couple green eco pellets and a boosting flame. Use them to get
across and run ahead up the path. You will see the crystal ahead and now
you have collected all of the crystals! Use the elevators in the room (which
are just above and behind you while facing the crystal) and return to the
miner to complete the mission.
ciaoooo qualcuno di voi potrebbe aiutarmi...
sono nella miniera 2... e non riesco a sconfiggere l'ape regina
dopo la prima fase non vado piu avanti... da ore che ci provo ;(
ciaoooo qualcuno di voi potrebbe aiutarmi...
sono nella miniera 2... e non riesco a sconfiggere l'ape regina
dopo la prima fase non vado piu avanti... da ore che ci provo ;(
eccoti la soluzione dettagliata in inglese da gamefaqs
Hit the hive that you see, and defeat the bugs. Do this a couple times and
the Queen will come down to her hive and attach it to her body.
First, she will fly over to a hole and slam her bottom into the ground. Then
she will shoot a laser out of her mouth trying to hit you. Avoid this by
hovering over it with the flamethrower. Hover over to her and after she is
done with her laser, hit her with the flamethrower. She will fly up and hover
for a moment leaving you time to whack her a good few times before she slams back down (dodge that if you can). After a few hits, she will jump on the combs and shoot some red flying bugs at you, which you can kill by using the flamethrower or Ultra Sonic blasts.
Dodge/Kill the bugs and run up to her and blast her off the wall with your
Sonic blast. Once she flies to the center of the room and lands, here is your
ticket to move in and hit her a few good times. The best way to avoid the
red bugs that she lets out to kill you, is to follow her (run right under
her) and when she is securely on the wall, let loose and hit her with a Sonic
blast before she can produce another bug, then go hit her in the middle. At
the very end, when she has very little health left, she will float over a hole
and shoot a couple eggs down and then slam herself in the hole. Hit her with
a Sonic Blast to get her out of the ground and then you will kill her after
you hit her a couple times.
Additional Strategy:
When she is firing the "laser", if you simply stand behind her, you can avoid
her blasts, also if you smack her with the swatter in the blue abdomen
part (the one that in combat is vulnerable to sonic blasts) she will
dislodge herself from the hole, leap up briefly and come down at you
with a "laser" blast. But none-the-less this attack can be avoided(by
flame thrower flight), and you are free to blast her again. Also I
prefer to call the "laser" attacks Bug Plasma lances.
Ho un problema pure io..
SOno arrivata alla stazione di transito, zona di transito non ricordo molto bene.
Salgo su tutti i treni in movimento, evito tutte le scariche elettriche, Scendo sopra un treno fermo e poi da li non so dove andare, è un vicolo cieco..Da sopra uso anche l'insetticida x volare seguendo le cariche verdi ma mi ritrovo sopra una piattaforma..alzo gli occhi e mi posso arrampicare su una grata che però non mi conduce da nessuan parte...perchè se cado piglio la scossa e basta
che devo fare????...CI provo da due giorni cm minimo..AIUTO.....
Ho un problema pure io..
SOno arrivata alla stazione di transito, zona di transito non ricordo molto bene.
Salgo su tutti i treni in movimento, evito tutte le scariche elettriche, Scendo sopra un treno fermo e poi da li non so dove andare, è un vicolo cieco..Da sopra uso anche l'insetticida x volare seguendo le cariche verdi ma mi ritrovo sopra una piattaforma..alzo gli occhi e mi posso arrampicare su una grata che però non mi conduce da nessuan parte...perchè se cado piglio la scossa e basta
che devo fare????...CI provo da due giorni cm minimo..AIUTO.....
se sei davvero alla fine di tutti i treni
vai nello stanzino accanto alla banchina dove si ferma l'ultimo treno
guarda in alto e vedrai un cunicolo a cui arrivi salendo sui cubi