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Maximo ( Ps2 )

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  • Maximo ( Ps2 )


    Sto giocando a Maximo e non riesco a sconfiggere il boss Pirata. Questo boss lo si affronta in una specie di arena sott'acqua. Sul pavimento ci sono quattro grate nelle quali, di volta in volta che viene colpito, si impiglia la gamba di legno. In quel momento lo colpisco ma nulla non lo scalfisco nemmeno! E' dotato di un braccio a forma di ancòra gigantesca e poi spara proiettoli di fuoco e ghiacciati! Qualcuno sa dirmi quale è il suo punto debole?! Quando si impiglia nelle grate con la gamba e viene colpito dalla spada o dallo scudo gli trapassa il corpo ma la barra vitae non cala.

    Help me

  • #2
    Ciao Federika, prova a dare uno sguardo qui, è una guida del gioco in inglese
    Originariamente Scritto da ezio.auditore
    le proteine animali fanno male al corpo umano, inacidisce il sangue


    • #3
      sposto in Truccihi e Soluzioni :P
      Seguimi su Twitter! Insomma, follouami!


      • #4
        Ecco il livello del boss. Ma non risesco a capire. Non sono molto brava in inglese! Ho tentato di tradurlo, ma senza significati risultati.


        I had the following prepared before this battle: 4 health bars, Silver Shield,
        Lenore's Kiss, Mamba Marie's Kiss, Second Strike, Mighty Blow, Throw Shield,
        Magic Bolt, Shield of Storms, Mask of Sorrow, Doomstrike, Long Sword, Increased
        Armor, Gold Seeker, Mighty Throw, Wider Shockwave, Furious Spin Attack and
        Hovering Shield. I'd recommend you at least have Increased Armor, 4 FULL Health
        Bars, a FULL Silver Shield, a Flame Tongue if possible (Though I've done it
        without) and you should be fine.

        The boss has the same range of attacks than the previous two, one for long
        range, one at mid range and another at close range. If you're away from him for
        a while, he'll stop and pull out his pistol. Firing 3 shots at you. No use
        trying to avoid them as they're HOMING shots, you can try to avoid them by
        constantly jumping while going in a direction on the side, it works about 1/3
        of the time. He'll either use 3 flame shots or 3 ice shots. The flame shots
        will damage you and nothing else, while the ice shots will freeze you for a
        while, leaving ample time for the boss to close in and make you suffer for
        staying too far from him.

        If you stay not too far, but not too close either, he'll stop and start
        spinning on himself. A blue shockwave will appear around him as he rushes at
        you, as soon as he stops moving when you're away from him, just jump and run to
        any direction and he'll miss. He'll be dizzy after this move too. If you get
        hit by it, it will send Maximo flying on the ground farther away from the boss.

        If you get too close, he'll swing his anchor over his head, hitting you in the
        motion, and stay immobile with his anchor in the head for a few short moments
        before slamming it in the groudn in front of him. The first swing will usually
        always hit, but you need to run away from him to avoid his anchor slam.

        Now, to damage him you should always close in near him and jump to the left of
        him to avoid his anchor swing. Watch the ground, see the 3 grates? Head towards
        the boss, wait until he stands up, jump in the air and slash him TOWARDS one of
        the grates (You need to jump to hit him in the head). He'll hop on his peg leg
        and get stuck in the grate.

        While he's trying to free himself, close in on him and crouch down. Slash at
        his peg leg to deal him damage (The only way is to crouch down and slash, no
        other ability works). He'll free himself as you hit him and the pattern
        restarts, just stay at mid-distance, close in and repeat the steps until he
        dies. Should take 5 hits from your regular sword to kill him. Take note that
        the grates will close themselves as you hit him, so you can't use the same
        grate over and over.

        You'll free Aurora Lee after that, choose whichever prize you wish, the Kiss if
        you want the extra. Lock it in the new Lock Spot she gives you and continue on.



        • #5
          quando rimane impigliato ti devi abbassare (se non ricordo male con L2) e colpirlo sulla gamba.
          è tosto maximo!
          sigpic (a)


          • #6
            Sentite Io Cio' Maximo Per Ps2 Ma Nn So Come Si Fa A Salvare
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            • #7
              devi andare vicino a quella specie di stagni (mi pare che stanno nel primo livello di ogni sezione) e avere abbastanza soldi... si salva entrando nell'acqua
              ci sono anche dei checkpoint che puoi attivare per non dover ricominciare da capo ogni volta che muori, ma non mi ricordo come.
              edit: se non erro sta roba sta sul libretto!
              Last edited by etnasante; 22 July 2007, 00:55.
              sigpic (a)


              • #8
                eem eem io nn ho il libbretto l'ho s.......o!!!
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                • #9
                  é bello maximo??
                  <<<<<<clicca qui per qualsiasi cosa vogliate>>>>>>


                  • #10
                    per il libretto se cerchi in rete lo trovi sicuramente
                    per quanto riguarda la bellezza del gioco dipende dai gusti, alcuni lo ritengono troppo difficile ed in effetti alcune volte &#232; frustrante ma &#232; molto bello
                    sigpic (a)

