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Ciao ragazzi sto giocando a daxter ma mi sono bloccata nel livello dei pesci mi mancano 7 insetti da amazzare ma nn riesco a capire come trovarli!!!!QUALCUNO SA COME SUPERARLO???????????PLEASE
Ciao ragazzi sto giocando a daxter ma mi sono bloccata nel livello dei pesci mi mancano 7 insetti da amazzare ma nn riesco a capire come trovarli!!!!QUALCUNO SA COME SUPERARLO???????????PLEASE
soluzione da GAMEFAQS
If you followed the fish icon first on your map at the Port, then you will
end up at the Fish Cannery. Here is the strategy for the Fish Cannery.
Run ahead and crawl under the spikes. Kill the bug ahead and take a right.
crawl under the second set of spikes and torch the bug ahead with your new
flamethrower. Continue up the path until you get to a refridgerated room.
Once you enter the room, take an immediate right and enter through the door
to get to the next room.
Hit the lever and melt the ice cube a little bit with your flamethrower and
get to the above platform. Melt the ice cube all of the way ahead and
continue on. Hover across to the platforms and get to the other side of the
room. Move ahead on the passageway, killing bugs along the way and ride the
elevator up when you get to it.
Run across the room after the elevator and jump down the hole after you get
past the door in the previous room. Melt the ice cube to keep moving along
and in this room, you will see a couple bugs and a purple egg sack. Torch
all of them and run ahead to the next room. Jump down and melt the ice cube
to continue on.
In this room, watch out when jumping from platform to platform because the
fish will try to get you by jumping out of the water. Make sure they are not
facing you and then jump. Up ahead in the next room, hit the lever to make
the ice cube come up from the ground and melt the ice cube to continue on
further. Don't melt it all of the way because you need to use it to get up
on the platform. If you mess up and do melt the whole thing, just hit the
lever again for another ice cube to come back up.
Crawl through the vent and torch the bugs up ahead. Use the crates on the
right to get up and hit the lever for another ice cube. Melt the ice cube
and jump on top of it to get up to the next platform. Torch the bugs, then
get moving past the fish. At the end of the room, kill the 4 bugs and
jump in the elevator.
Once out of the elevator, you will be in a huge room with a bunch of moving
platforms and fish trying to eat you up ahead and you have to make sure the
fish don't eat you while trying to get on the platforms at the same time.
Once you get across safely, jump in the elevator and continue on.
Hit the lever, melt the ice cube, and jump up to the platfrom on the left
after jumping up onto the crates from the ice cube. Now you will see two
levers. Melt the ice cube that is closest to the ledge, and make sure you
keep it melted to the point where you can jump on it.
The next ice cube requires precision because it can't be melted too much.
Slowly melt it in bursts and you will see that it will keep its height if
you go in short bursts with the flamethrower. Basically, just hit it two
times with your flamethrower and you will be fine.
Jump on the first ice cube you melted, then the ice cube you were careful
with (use bug spray to hover to the second one to make it easier) and
switch to your flamethrower. Now, run to the very edge of the ice cube,
make a good double jump and hover all of the way over to the cage and you
will make it.
Continue ahead, up the elevator and into the next big room. Take a right and
melt the ice cube so there is a fish visible instead of an ice cube. Hurry
around to where you can see the big fish and make sure he eats the fish on the
moving line before hovering over to the other side.
Ride the elevator up, then in this room, go forward and take a left and
crawl under the spikes. From this room, just backtrack and get back to the
entrance from where you came to exit. Now at the Port, continue to the
Distillery level.
ciao a tutti autatemi!!!!sono rimasta bloccata nella birreria e sono 2 giotni che cerco di passarla ma nn ci riesco...Sono nel punto dopo essere passata dal sotterraneo e scendono i 3 ragni dalla soffitta
ciao a tutti autatemi!!!!sono rimasta bloccata nella birreria e sono 2 giotni che cerco di passarla ma nn ci riesco...Sono nel punto dopo essere passata dal sotterraneo e scendono i 3 ragni dalla soffitta
hola salsera!
purtroppo la mia psp è in assistenza
e non ricordo bene tutto il livello a memoria
se con l'inglese te la cavi eccoti la soluzione del livello (da Gamefaqs)
che ti ho mandato anche via mp perchè non avevo ancora visto la tua richiesta qui
Once it loads up to the level (which takes little to no time at all), you will
be in control of Daxter and you will be in the bar currently. Go forward and
head through the door on the left. Head down the passage until you see a
couple Metal-Heads, defeat them, and continue forward into the next part of
the room.
In the next part of the room, you will see two Metal-Head beasts, defeat those
and continue to the end of the room. You should see a web covering the door
and a little flame a little to the right of that. Face the little flame, and
press and hold Circle to initiate your flamethrower. After you have your
flamethrower in use, face the web and it will burn allowing access to the next
In the next room, you can defeat the two baddies on the floor then go back to
where you came from in the previous room. Don't go into the previous room,
just go on that platform that you would see going into this room and look
a little to the left. You will see another platform so what you do is jump
off of the current platform that you are on and press and hold Circle to
hover to the next platform. On that platform look off the ledge and in the
air you will see a floating green circle which is a thing to fill up your
Exterminator Spray tank. Jump off the ledge and Hover to the next platform
while hitting that green pellet to increase your air time. Defeat the baddie
and go to the left in the small passage which you have to press Triangle in
advance for. Continue on to the next room.
Jump onto the floor in the next room and three baddies will fall down and try
to hurt you. Just defeat them and look around the room for that little flame
that you can burn the web with. Do so, and continue on. In that next room
after the web, just jump to the next platform and then you will see two
pipes in front of you that are spewing flame out. What you do is Hover and use
the flames to get an extra boost to get to the next platform. Go ahead until
you reach three baddies. Defeat them and continue to the next room while
avoiding the steam being emitted from the pipes you should see after beating
the baddies. You should see another flame and web and light the web up to
In this long passage, make your way through using Hover and defeating baddies
along the way. You can collect Precursor Orbs that are placed in the level if
you want to but that isn't required. After the long passage, you should run
into another couple baddies and you know what to do. Go right and you will
enter another room. Continue through the room until you reach another web.
Go through the web and you will see a bigger baddie than what you normally
see. What you can do is just flame him too, it is much easier to do so.
Continue through the room until you see a big wall. Face the wall and jump to
it to climb it. Swat the baddies on the wall and get to the top. When you
get there, you will spot a big baddie and all you can do is just swat him to
death. To do this effectively, get behind him and swat him. It will lower
your chance of damage with this type of critter. Go through the steam, and
when you get to the green pellet, be cautious and walk slowly until the floor
collapses in front of you. Then all you have to do is Hover over it and you
are in front of another baddie. Try to defeat him and continue through the
steam. To get through the steam this time, time it correctly like after the
steam stops, Jump and Hover.
In the next part, you will take a right and you will see two other steam vents
which you get past by jumping over them at the right time. Continue on, and
you will see four baddies: three small ones and one big one. Skip past them
and start up your flamethrower to burn them up. That is the easy way to do it
so I recommend you do that. Light up your Flamethrower and get past the steam
to light up the web. Continue on.
Another Long Passage, just go through and if there is a place where you have
to Hover through the green pellets, then do so. Also, when you see something
that looks like you have to crawl through it, press Triangle and do so. At the
end of the passage, equip your Flamethrower and flame the baddie and the web
to get through. In the next part, jump to the platform on the left and take
your time to Hover past the steam. Continue on.
Head through the web, and you will be in a new room. Jump on the platforms
using hover and the flame vents to boost you up. If you miss a flame vent, you
will most likely fall down so get back up and try again. Once you get to the
top, you have to go through the vent and you will find yourself in another
room. Jump to the bottom of that room and head through the second vent.
In the next room, head to the ground level in the room and head straight
towards an object which is a minigame. Activate it and play the minigame.
What you have to do is press buttons on the D-pad and the Shape buttons which
coordinate with the red Circle on the screen. If you have played Jak II, then
it is very similar to the Metal Head Smash game in the Hip Hog Heaven. After
you defeat this minigame, head to the bottom level of the room and through the
door. Continue through this passage and you will show up back in the bar. Talk
to the barkeeper again and exit the brewery.
Continue to your next mission.
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