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aiuto daxter miniera 2

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  • aiuto daxter miniera 2

    A rieccomi bloccata uffa mi trova nella miniera 2 ho battuto l'ape regina e il minatore mi ha detto che ora può tornare a lavorare solo che nn mi assegna nessun altra missione e sulla cartina mi rimane accesa sempre l'insegna come se nn avessi terminato la missione.Come posso fare per superarla? AIUTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  • #2
    Originariamente Scritto da nanàska Visualizza Messaggio
    A rieccomi bloccata uffa mi trova nella miniera 2 ho battuto l'ape regina e il minatore mi ha detto che ora può tornare a lavorare solo che nn mi assegna nessun altra missione e sulla cartina mi rimane accesa sempre l'insegna come se nn avessi terminato la missione.Come posso fare per superarla? AIUTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
    forse non hai trovato tutti i nidi?

    sempre da gamefaqs (dai che mo diventi brava con l'inglese)

    D.o. Strip Mine II

    It seems like Taryn gave you your last upgrade for your bug spray device. It
    is an Ultra-Sonic Attachment so it will pack a blast and can destroy many
    things. You will find this new attachment very useful in this level. Okay,
    now talk to the miner after the first cutscene and take a left while facing
    him. Once you get across the dark eco, take a right and jump on the treadmill
    device and head up further.

    Once you get through a bit, you will see that there are some boulders
    stacked up and in your way. What are you going to do about it? Equip your
    Ultra Sonic attachment and blow the rocks to bits, that is what you do.
    Continue on through the passageway, blowing up rocks to get past and you will
    get to a room with a few treadmill type of devices. Jump on the first one,
    take a right and head through that room jumping on the next one and jump to
    the left to get to the next part of the room.

    Head up the path, and get through the rocks to see a hive. Torch the hive,
    and continue on through the next set of rocks at the end of the room. Now you
    will see two sets of rocks right by each other. The left side holds some
    Precursor Orbs and the other is the path you have to continue. Go to the
    right one and head up and over the platforms to get to the next room.
    We have ourselves other hive, torch it and move on ahead.

    In this new room, there will be three sets of treadmills and a bunch of
    jagged metal rollers that are very harmful to you. Run up on the first
    set and jump over one of the jagged metal pieces that are suspended in air and
    rolling. Now jump to the left to get another hive. Jump back to the
    treadmills and get on the second set and ride it all of the way up to
    another room.

    Jump to the crate holding dirt and take a left to get into the next room.
    Move into the room, take a left and run to the single crate which gives
    a lift to the next room. Jump on it and run into the next room. Get on the
    first treadmill you see, then the second. It will seem like you are entering
    the same room with the three sets of treadmills but it is an entirely new
    room. Ride the second treadmill after the first and go to the right to get
    another hive.

    Now get back on to the second treadmill again and hover to the left side
    instead of the right which you did to get the last hive. Again, you will
    come to two sets of rocks that you can destroy. The left side is the path
    you want to go to get to another hive and the Right side holds two precursor
    orbs for you to collect.

    After you hit the last set of rocks that lead to the next room, you will
    see a whole bunch of hives. Just destroy them all plus the bugs and go back
    to the room with the treadmill. Ride the main treadmill to the end for
    another hive then turn right for another set of rocks to destroy.

    Get through all of the rock sets and steadily get to the bottom of the room
    at the end by using all of the platforms provided for you. At the bottom
    of the room, there will be a lift and just jump on it to ride it up. Get
    through the sets of rocks, torch the hive, and move on through the next
    sets of rocks. Now you will be back at the miner, run to him and run behind
    him to see a space where you can jump up on. Get past that and the rocks ahead
    and torch the hive to bring your count down to 10 (if you have followed this

    It seems like I missed something so here is how to get the last 10 hives.
    Backtrack to the room with the three sets of treadmills and hover all of the
    way to the left and you will see a set of rocks in your way. Go through
    the sets of rocks and you will come into a room that has hives everywhere.
    Torch all of them and return to the miner. Now another boss battle lays
    ahead of you. Take the door on the left side of the room and continue on
    to the next battle.

    D.2. Hive Queen II

    Hit the hive that you see, and defeat the bugs. Do this a couple times and
    the Queen will come down to her hive and attach it to her body.

    First, she will fly over to a hole and slam her bottom into the ground. Then
    she will shoot a laser out of her mouth trying to hit you. Avoid this by
    hovering over it with the flamethrower. Hover over to her and after she is
    done with her laser, hit her with the flamethrower. She will fly up and hover
    for a moment leaving you time to whack her a good few times before she slams
    back down (dodge that if you can). After a few hits, she will jump on the
    combs and shoot some red flying bugs at you, which you can kill by using the
    flamethrower or Ultra Sonic blasts.

    Dodge/Kill the bugs and run up to her and blast her off the wall with your
    Sonic blast. Once she flies to the center of the room and lands, here is your
    ticket to move in and hit her a few good times. The best way to avoid the
    red bugs that she lets out to kill you, is to follow her (run right under
    her) and when she is securely on the wall, let loose and hit her with a Sonic
    blast before she can produce another bug, then go hit her in the middle. At
    the very end, when she has very little health left, she will float over a hole
    and shoot a couple eggs down and then slam herself in the hole. Hit her with
    a Sonic Blast to get her out of the ground and then you will kill her after
    you hit her a couple times.

    Now you are done with the boss battle, continue on to the Lumber Mill.
    sigpic (a)


    • #3
      I nidi li ho bruciati tutti e anche gli insetti mi ha detto complimenti ne hai uccisi 81 su 81.


      • #4
        hai visto se qualche altro livello non l'hai completato?
        sigpic (a)


        • #5
          Ma gli altri livelli nn mi han dato problemi ho provato anche a rifare illivello miniera2 ma nn c'è nulla.
          Gli altri liveli penso siano a posto altrimenti nn mi avrebbero fatto passare avanti.


          • #6
            Originariamente Scritto da nanàska Visualizza Messaggio
            Ma gli altri livelli nn mi han dato problemi ho provato anche a rifare illivello miniera2 ma nn c'è nulla.
            Gli altri liveli penso siano a posto altrimenti nn mi avrebbero fatto passare avanti.
            se non ricordo male alla mineira due accedi da un portale

            non è che invece devi andare a un altro livello sempre da quel portale?
            tipo il mulino...

            vado a memoria eh
            che l'ho giocato ormai tanto tempo fa
            sigpic (a)


            • #7
              si si accede da un portale ma le opzioni che mi da sono miniera segheria miniera2 e basta.Può essere che devo portare il livello sogno ad essere tutto con le coppe d'argento?


              • #8
                scusa che gioco è??


                • #9


                  • #10
                    Originariamente Scritto da nanàska Visualizza Messaggio
                    si si accede da un portale ma le opzioni che mi da sono miniera segheria miniera2 e basta.Può essere che devo portare il livello sogno ad essere tutto con le coppe d'argento?
                    no, non credo.

                    mi spiace ma ora ho pure la psp rotta e non posso riprovarlo

                    qui ci sono varie soluzioni
                    prova a dare un occhio
                    sigpic (a)


                    • #11
                      Grazie cmq

