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    Ciao a tutti è da poco ke gioco a questo gioco nn mi interessano trucchi o soluzioni ma la lista delle fusioni delle carte , ne ho trovata una ma è in inglese ho provato a tradurla on-line ma nn si capisce tanto se x favore l'avete in italiano ???? Oppure cercate di darmi una mano a tradurre la lista
    eccola qua

    Fusion List:
    Green phantom king + Eldeen = Queen of Autumn Leaves
    Green phantom king + Fiend Hand = Wood Remains
    Griggle Milus + Radiant = Flower Wolf
    Gruesome groo + Yamatano = Dragon Scroll + Spike Seadra
    Guardian of Labyrinth + Milus Radiant = Tiger Axe
    Guardian of Labyrinth + Wolf = Tiger Axe
    Guardian of Labyrinth + Milus Radiant = Tiger Axe
    Guardian of Labyrinth + Silver Fang = Tiger Axe
    Guardian of the Labyrinth + Corroding shark = Zombie Warrior
    Haniwa + Shadow Specter = Stone Ghost
    Haniwa + M-warrior #1 = Minomushi Warrior
    Haniwa + Kageningen = Minomushi Warrior
    Haniwa + Bone Mouse = Stone Ghost
    Hinotama Soul + Kageningen = Fire Reaper
    Hinotama Soul + Kageningen = Charubin the Fire Knight
    Hinotama Soul + ansatsu = Flame Swordsman
    Hinotama Soul + Silver Fang = Flame Cerebrus
    Hinotama Soul + Milus Radiant = Flame Cerebrus
    Hinotama Soul + Armed Ninja = Bean Soldier
    Hinotama Soul + Eyearmor = Charubin the Fire Knight
    Hourglass of Courage + Milus Radiant = Garvas
    Hourglass of Courage + Silver Fang = Garvas
    hourglass of Courage + Lady of faith = Dark Witch
    Hourglass of Life + Nemuriko = Dark Witch
    Hourglass of Life + Milus = Radiant Garvas
    Hourglass of Life + Silver Fang = Garvas
    Hourglass of Life + Queen's Double = Dark Witch
    Kageningen + Laughing flower = Bean Soldier
    Kageningen + Cyber Commander = Cyber Soldier
    Kageningen + Fireyarou = Flame Swordsman
    Kageningen + Flame viper = Charubin the Fire Knight
    Kageningen + Haniwa = Minomushi Warrior
    Kageningen + Hinotama Soul = Fire Reaper
    Kageningen + Hinotama Soul = Charubin the Fire Knight
    Key Mace + Laughing flower = Queen of Autun Leaves
    Key Mace + Man Eating Plant = Queen of Autumn Leaves
    Key Mace + Muka Muka = Mystical Sand
    Key Mace + Barrel Lilly = Queen of Autun Leaves
    Key Mace + Dark Plant = Queen of Autumn Leaves
    Key Mace + Milus Radiant = Nekogal #2
    Key Mace + Shadow Specter = Battle Warrior
    Kraegen + Cyber-Stein = Cyber Soldier
    Lady of faith + hourglass of Courage = Dark Witch
    LaLa Li-oon + Wetha = Bolt Escargot
    LaLa Li-oon + Necrolancer the Timelord = The Immortal of Thunder
    Laughing flower + Armed Ninja = Bean Soldier
    Laughing flower + Basic Insect = Queen of Autun Leaves
    Laughing flower + Bone Mouse = Wood Remains
    Laughing flower + Eyearmor = Bean Soldier
    Laughing flower + Kageningen = Bean Soldier
    Laughing flower + Key Mace = Queen of Autun Leaves
    Laughing flower + Milus Radiant = Flower Wolf
    Laughing flower + Nemuriko = Queen of Autumn Leaves
    Laughing flower + Wolf = Flower Wolf
    Mammoth graveyard + The snake hair = Great Mammoth of Goldfine
    mammoth graveyard + Dragon zombie = Great Mammoth of Goldfine
    Mammoth Graveyard + Armored zombie = Great Mammoth of Goldfine
    Mammoth Graveyard + Corroding shark = Great Mammoth of Goldfine
    Mammoth Graveyard + Fiend Hand = Great Mammoth of Goldfine
    Mammoth Graveyard + Graveyard and the Hand of Invitation = Great Mammoth of Goldfine
    Copy + Paste to another cheat site = Stolen from
    Mammoth Graveyard + Shadow Specter = Great Mammoth of Goldfine
    Man Eating Plant + Key Mace = Queen of Autumn Leaves
    Man-eater Bug + Eyearmor = Cockroach Knoght
    Man-eating Plant + Skull Servant = Wood Remains
    Man-eating Plant + Armed Ninja = Bean Soldier
    Man-eating Plant + Unknown Warrior of Fiend = Bean Soldier
    Masaki the legendary swordsman + Blue eye silver zombie = Zombie Warrior
    Masaki the legendary swordsman + Silver Fang = Tiger Axe
    Masaki the legendary swordsman + Wolf = Tiger Axe
    Masaki the legendary swordsman + Milus Radiant = Tiger Axe
    Masaki the legendary swordsman + Wolf = Tiger Axe
    Masaki the legendary swordsman = Dragon Zombie = Sword arm of dragon
    Mech Mole Zombie + Rainbow Flower = Wood Remains
    Mechanical Snail + Mystic Lamp = Disk Magician
    Mechanical Snail + Armed Ninja = Cyber Soldier
    Mechanical snail + Milus Radiant = Giga-tech Wolf
    Mechanical Snail + Tomozaurus = Cyber Saurus
    Mechmole Zombie + Swordsman from a = Zombie Warrior
    Milus Radiant + Mechanical snail = Giga-tech Wolf
    Milus Radiant + Armed Ninja = Tiger Axe
    Milus Radiant + Swordsman = Tiger Axe
    Milus Radiant + Guardian of Labyrinth = Tiger Axe
    Milus Radiant + Laughing flower = Flower Wolf
    Milus Radiant + Dark Plant = Flower Wolf
    Milus Radiant + Barrel Lily = Flower Wolf
    Milus Radian + Tentacle Plant = Flower Wolf
    Milus Radiant + Nemuriko = Nekogal # 2
    Milus Radiant + Key Mace = Nekogal #2
    Milus Radiant + Griggle = Flower Wolf
    Milus Radiant + Flame Viper = Flame Cerebrus
    Milus Radiant + Fireareyou = Flame Cerebrus
    Milus Radiant + armaill = Flame Cerebrus
    Milus Radiant + Fireyarou = Flame Cerebrus
    Milus Radiant + Flame viper = Flame Cerebrus
    Milus Radiant + green phantom king = Flower Wolf
    Milus Radiant + Guardian of Labyrinth = Tiger Axe
    Milus Radiant + Hinotama Soul = Flame Cerebrus
    Milus Radiant + Hourglass of Courage = Garvas
    Milus Radiant + Hourglass of Life = Garvas
    Milus Radiant + masaki the legendary swordsman = Tiger Axe
    Milus Radiant + protechtor of the throne = Nekogal #2
    Milus Radiant + White Dolphin = Tatsunootsoshigo
    Muka Muka + Flame Viper = Dissolverick
    Muka Muka + Bone Mouse = Stone Ghost
    Muka Muka + M-warrior #1 = Minomushi Warrior
    Muka Muka + Nemuriko = Mystical Sand
    Muka Muka + Key Mace = Mystical Sand
    Mushroom Man + Temple of Skulls = Wood Remains
    Mushroom Man #2 + wolf = Tiger Axe
    Mushroom Man #2 + Fireareyou = Flame Sordsman
    Mushroom man #2 + Blast Juggler = Flame Swordsman
    Mushroom man #2 + Silver Fang = Tiger Axe
    M-warrior #1 + Abyss Flower = Bean Soldier
    M-warrior #1 + Cyber-Stein = Cyber Soldier
    M-warrior #1 + Haniwa = Minomushi Warrior
    M-warrior #1 + Muka Muka = Minomushi Warrior
    M-warrior #1 + Shadow Specter = Zombie Warrior
    Mystic Lamp + Shadow Specter = Magical Ghost
    Mystic Lamp + Pot the Trick = Ushi Oni
    Mystic Lamp + Bat = Disk Magician
    Mystic Lamp + Mechanical Snail = Disk Magician
    Mystical Lamp + Pot the Trick = Ushi Oni
    Mystical sheep #1 + Flame viper = Flame Cerebrus
    Necrolancer + Shadow Specter = Magical Ghost
    Copy + Paste to another cheat site = Stolen from
    Necrolancer the Timelord + LaLa Li-oon = The Immortal of Thunder
    Nemuriko + Shadow Specter = Magical Ghost
    Nemuriko + Aqua Snake = Queen of Autun Leaves
    Nemuriko + Laughing flower = Queen of Autumn Leaves
    Nemuriko + Aqua Snake = Queen of Autun Leaves
    Nemuriko + Bat = Disk Magician
    Nemuriko + Hourglass of Life = Dark Witch
    Nemuriko + Milus Radiant = Nekogal # 2
    Nemuriko + Muka Muka = Mystical Sand
    Niwatori + Boo Koo = Spirit of the Books
    Phantom Dewan + Steel Scorpion = Disk Magician
    Pot the TricK + Fire Eye = Dissolverock
    Pot the Trick + Flame Viper = Dissolverock
    Pot the Trick + Sectarian of Secrets = Ushi Oni
    Pot the Trick + Mystical Lamp = Ushi Oni
    Pot the Trick + Mystic Lamp = Ushi Oni
    Princess of Tsunagi + Happy Lover = Dark Witch
    protechtor of the throne + Milus Radiant = Nekogal #2
    protector of the throne + Bone Mouse = Zombie Warrior
    protector of the throne + Silver Fang = Nekogal #2
    Psychic Kappa + Frog the Jam = Hyosube
    Queen's Double + Barrel Lili = Queen of Autumn Leaves
    Queen's Double + Hourglass of Life = Dark Witch
    Rainbow Flower + Mech Mole Zombie = Wood Remains
    Root water + Air Marmot of Nefariousaess = Tatsunootsoshigo
    Sectarian of Secrets + Pot the Trick = Ushi Oni
    Shadow Specter + Key Mace Battle Warrior
    Shadow Specter + Armed Ninja = Zombie Warrior
    Shadow Specter + Swordsman = Zombie Warrior
    Shadow Specter + M-warrior #1 = Zombie Warrior
    Shadow Specter + Barrellily = Pumpking the King of Ghost
    Shadow Specter + Mammoth Graveyard = Great Mammoth of Goldfine
    Shadow Specter + Bean Soldier = Pumpking the King of Ghost
    Shadow Specter + Haniwa = Stone Ghost
    Shadow Specter + Mystic Lamp = Magical Ghost
    Shadow Specter + Necrolancer = Magical Ghost
    Shadow Specter + Nemuriko = Magical Ghost

  • #2
    ecco il continuo

    Silver Fang + Armed Ninja = Tiger Axe
    Silver Fang + Mushroom man #2 = Tiger Axe
    Silver Fang + Guardian of Labyrinth = Tiger Axe
    Silver Fang + Beast fangs = Silver Fang
    Silver Fang + Ancient Tree of Enlightment = Flower Wolf
    Silver Fang + Fireyarou = Flame Cerebrus
    Silver Fang + Flame viper = Flame Cerebrus
    Silver Fang + Flame viper = Flame Cerebrus
    Silver Fang + Happy Lover = Garvas
    Silver Fang + Hinotama Soul = Flame Cerebrus
    Silver Fang + Hourglass of Courage = Garvas
    Silver Fang + Hourglass of Life = Garvas
    Silver Fang + Hourglass of Life = Garvas
    Silver Fang + Masaki the legendary swordsman = Tiger Axe
    Silver Fang + Protector of the throne = Nekogal #2
    Silver Fang + Tentacle Flower = Flower Wolf
    Skull Servant + Genin = Magical Ghost
    Skull Servant + Man-eating Plant = Wood Remains
    Copy + Paste to another cheat site = Stolen from
    Steel Scorpion + Phantom Dewan = Disk Magician
    Steel Scorpion + Swordsman from a = Cyber Soldier
    Swordsman + Basic = Insect Cockroach Knoght
    Swordsman + Bat = Cyber Soldier
    Swordsman + Cyber Commander = Cyber Soldier
    Swordsman + Milus Radiant = Tiger Axe
    Swordsman + Shadow Specter = Zombie Warrior
    Swordsman from a + Steel Scorpion = Cyber Soldier
    Swordsman from a + Mechmole Zombie = Zombie Warrior
    Temple of Skulls + Celtic Guardian = Dark Elf
    Temple of Skulls + Mushroom Man = Wood Remains
    Temple of Skulls + White Dolphin = Corroding Shark
    Temple of Skulls + Dark Plant = Wood Remains
    Temple of Skulls + Ancient Tree of Enlightment = Wood Remains
    Tentacle Flower + Silver Fang = Flower Wolf
    Tentacle Plant + Milus Radiant = Flower Wolf
    The snake hair + Mammoth graveyard = Great Mammoth of Goldfine
    Time wizard + Corroding shark = Magical Ghost
    Time Wizard + Yamatano dragon scroll = Thousand Dragon
    Time Wizard + Dragon zombie = Thousand Dragon
    Time Wizard + Wicked Dragon w/ Ersatz Head = Thousand Dragon
    Tomozaurus + Mechanical Snail = Cyber Saurus
    Unknown Warrior of Fiend + Man-eating Plant = Bean Soldier
    Wetha + LaLa Li-oon = Bolt Escargot
    White Dolphin + Temple of Skulls = Corroding Shark
    White Dolphin + Armed Ninja = Wow Warrior
    White Dolphin + Milus Radiant = Tatsunootsoshigo
    White Dolphin + Bone Mouse = Corroding Shark
    White Dolphin + Cyber Commander = Misairuzame
    Wicked Dragon w/ Ersatz Head + Time Wizard = Thousand Dragon
    Winged Dragon #2 + Fireyarou = Crimson Sun Bird
    Winged Dragon #2 + Flame viper = mavelus
    Winged dragon #2 + Flame viper = mavelus
    Wolf + Ancient Tree of Enlightment = Flower Wolf
    Wolf + Fireyarou = Flame Cerebrus
    Wolf + Flame manipulato = Flame Cerebrus
    Wolf + Flame viper = Flame Cerebrus
    Wolf + Green phantom king = Flower Wolf
    Wolf + Masaki the legendary swordsman = Tiger Axe
    Wolf + Mushroom Man #2 = Tiger Axe
    Wolf + Masaki the legendary swordsman = Tiger Axe
    Wolf + Laughing flower = Flower Wolf
    Wood Clown + Cyber Commander = Cyber Soldier
    Yamatano Dragon Scroll + Behegon = Spike Seadra
    Yamatano Dragon Scroll + Gruesome groo = Spike Seadra
    Yamatano dragon scroll + Celtic Guardian = sword arm of dragon
    Yamatano dragon scroll + Time Wizard = Thousand Dragon
    Dragon zombie + Electric Snake = Twin Headed Thunder Dragon
    Monsturtle + Brave Scizzar = 30,000 Year White Turtle
    Darkfire dragon + Violent rain + Electric lizard = Twin headed thunder dragon 2800/2100
    Dancing Elf + Prevent rat = Nekogal #2 1900/2000
    Darkfire dragon + Faith bird = Crimson sunbird 2300/1800
    Dancing elf + Muka Muka = Mystical sand 2100/1700
    Petit dragon + right arm of Exodia = Blackland Fire Dragon 1500/800
    Pot the trick + Mystical lamp = Ushi Oni 2150/1950
    Saggi the dark clown + celtic gardian = dark elf 2000/800
    Tyhone#2 + Blackland fire dragon = Red-eyes black dragon
    Ancient Jar & Mystic Lamp = Ushi Oni 2150/1950
    Fusionist + Milus Radiant = Garvas A 2000
    Milus Radiant + Fire Reaper = Flame Cerebus A 2100
    Blackland Fire Dragon + Milus Radiant = Swordarmor Dragon A 1850
    ElecticSnake + Dragon + PatrolRobo = Twinheaded ThunderDragon A2800
    Ancient Jar + Right Of of Exodia = Ushi Oni A 2150
    DragonZombie + Any plant = Pumpking The King Of Ghosts
    Any zombie with attack under 1200 + Any warrior = Zombie Knight
    Time Wizard + Any dragon with attack under 2400 = Thousand Dragon
    Steel Scorpin + Any dinosaur + Thunder Dragon=Twin Headed Thunder Dragon
    La-la-lioon + B dragon jungle king = Twin headed thunder dragon
    Any pyro under 2100 + Any beast = Flame cerebrus
    Metalmorph + Zoa = Metal zoa
    Metalmorph + Redeyes black dragon = Red eyes black metal dragon
    Summoned skull + Red eyes black dragon = Black skull dragon
    Dark magician + Blue eyes white dragon = Dark eyes magic dragon
    Judgementhand + w-warrior = Judgementman
    Blackland Fire Dragon + Hard armour = Swordarmor Dragon


    • #3
      Originariamente Scritto da steccio Visualizza Messaggio
      ecco il continuo

      Silver Fang + Armed Ninja = Tiger Axe
      Silver Fang + Mushroom man #2 = Tiger Axe
      Silver Fang + Guardian of Labyrinth = Tiger Axe
      Silver Fang + Beast fangs = Silver Fang
      Silver Fang + Ancient Tree of Enlightment = Flower Wolf
      Silver Fang + Fireyarou = Flame Cerebrus
      Silver Fang + Flame viper = Flame Cerebrus
      Silver Fang + Flame viper = Flame Cerebrus
      Silver Fang + Happy Lover = Garvas
      Silver Fang + Hinotama Soul = Flame Cerebrus
      Silver Fang + Hourglass of Courage = Garvas
      Silver Fang + Hourglass of Life = Garvas
      Silver Fang + Hourglass of Life = Garvas
      Silver Fang + Masaki the legendary swordsman = Tiger Axe
      Silver Fang + Protector of the throne = Nekogal #2
      Silver Fang + Tentacle Flower = Flower Wolf
      Skull Servant + Genin = Magical Ghost
      Skull Servant + Man-eating Plant = Wood Remains
      Copy + Paste to another cheat site = Stolen from
      Steel Scorpion + Phantom Dewan = Disk Magician
      Steel Scorpion + Swordsman from a = Cyber Soldier
      Swordsman + Basic = Insect Cockroach Knoght
      Swordsman + Bat = Cyber Soldier
      Swordsman + Cyber Commander = Cyber Soldier
      Swordsman + Milus Radiant = Tiger Axe
      Swordsman + Shadow Specter = Zombie Warrior
      Swordsman from a + Steel Scorpion = Cyber Soldier
      Swordsman from a + Mechmole Zombie = Zombie Warrior
      Temple of Skulls + Celtic Guardian = Dark Elf
      Temple of Skulls + Mushroom Man = Wood Remains
      Temple of Skulls + White Dolphin = Corroding Shark
      Temple of Skulls + Dark Plant = Wood Remains
      Temple of Skulls + Ancient Tree of Enlightment = Wood Remains
      Tentacle Flower + Silver Fang = Flower Wolf
      Tentacle Plant + Milus Radiant = Flower Wolf
      The snake hair + Mammoth graveyard = Great Mammoth of Goldfine
      Time wizard + Corroding shark = Magical Ghost
      Time Wizard + Yamatano dragon scroll = Thousand Dragon
      Time Wizard + Dragon zombie = Thousand Dragon
      Time Wizard + Wicked Dragon w/ Ersatz Head = Thousand Dragon
      Tomozaurus + Mechanical Snail = Cyber Saurus
      Unknown Warrior of Fiend + Man-eating Plant = Bean Soldier
      Wetha + LaLa Li-oon = Bolt Escargot
      White Dolphin + Temple of Skulls = Corroding Shark
      White Dolphin + Armed Ninja = Wow Warrior
      White Dolphin + Milus Radiant = Tatsunootsoshigo
      White Dolphin + Bone Mouse = Corroding Shark
      White Dolphin + Cyber Commander = Misairuzame
      Wicked Dragon w/ Ersatz Head + Time Wizard = Thousand Dragon
      Winged Dragon #2 + Fireyarou = Crimson Sun Bird
      Winged Dragon #2 + Flame viper = mavelus
      Winged dragon #2 + Flame viper = mavelus
      Wolf + Ancient Tree of Enlightment = Flower Wolf
      Wolf + Fireyarou = Flame Cerebrus
      Wolf + Flame manipulato = Flame Cerebrus
      Wolf + Flame viper = Flame Cerebrus
      Wolf + Green phantom king = Flower Wolf
      Wolf + Masaki the legendary swordsman = Tiger Axe
      Wolf + Mushroom Man #2 = Tiger Axe
      Wolf + Masaki the legendary swordsman = Tiger Axe
      Wolf + Laughing flower = Flower Wolf
      Wood Clown + Cyber Commander = Cyber Soldier
      Yamatano Dragon Scroll + Behegon = Spike Seadra
      Yamatano Dragon Scroll + Gruesome groo = Spike Seadra
      Yamatano dragon scroll + Celtic Guardian = sword arm of dragon
      Yamatano dragon scroll + Time Wizard = Thousand Dragon
      Dragon zombie + Electric Snake = Twin Headed Thunder Dragon
      Monsturtle + Brave Scizzar = 30,000 Year White Turtle
      Darkfire dragon + Violent rain + Electric lizard = Twin headed thunder dragon 2800/2100
      Dancing Elf + Prevent rat = Nekogal #2 1900/2000
      Darkfire dragon + Faith bird = Crimson sunbird 2300/1800
      Dancing elf + Muka Muka = Mystical sand 2100/1700
      Petit dragon + right arm of Exodia = Blackland Fire Dragon 1500/800
      Pot the trick + Mystical lamp = Ushi Oni 2150/1950
      Saggi the dark clown + celtic gardian = dark elf 2000/800
      Tyhone#2 + Blackland fire dragon = Red-eyes black dragon
      Ancient Jar & Mystic Lamp = Ushi Oni 2150/1950
      Fusionist + Milus Radiant = Garvas A 2000
      Milus Radiant + Fire Reaper = Flame Cerebus A 2100
      Blackland Fire Dragon + Milus Radiant = Swordarmor Dragon A 1850
      ElecticSnake + Dragon + PatrolRobo = Twinheaded ThunderDragon A2800
      Ancient Jar + Right Of of Exodia = Ushi Oni A 2150
      DragonZombie + Any plant = Pumpking The King Of Ghosts
      Any zombie with attack under 1200 + Any warrior = Zombie Knight
      Time Wizard + Any dragon with attack under 2400 = Thousand Dragon
      Steel Scorpin + Any dinosaur + Thunder Dragon=Twin Headed Thunder Dragon
      La-la-lioon + B dragon jungle king = Twin headed thunder dragon
      Any pyro under 2100 + Any beast = Flame cerebrus
      Metalmorph + Zoa = Metal zoa
      Metalmorph + Redeyes black dragon = Red eyes black metal dragon
      Summoned skull + Red eyes black dragon = Black skull dragon
      Dark magician + Blue eyes white dragon = Dark eyes magic dragon
      Judgementhand + w-warrior = Judgementman
      Blackland Fire Dragon + Hard armour = Swordarmor Dragon
      mi dispiace io non ho la lista in italiano e sara' difficile ke qualcuno ti traduca kuella ke hai in inglese, quindi ti consiglio vivamente di cercare ancora su qualke altro sito se la trovi in ita. ciao!



