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aiuto! Qualcuno sa aiutarmi con taz wanted? sono al secondo livello e dovrei entrare nell'arena ma non so come si faccia, ho provato ad infilarmi nella macchina che impasta la calce, ma mi risputa nelk prato di fronte e non riesco a spostarla in nessun modo.
Aiutatemi, grazie
Putroppo io non l'ho mai giocato e soluzioni in Italiano che io sappia non ce ne sono. Se te la cavi con l'inglese ti metto la soluzionepresa direttamente da gamefaqs
TAZ: WANTED FAQ/Walkthrough
by HellViper
Version 2.0 May 20, 2003
Legal Information:
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for per-
sonal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this
guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is
strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
Contact Information:
I can be contacted by E-mail at Check all the
way through my walkthrough for the information you need before writing
me with a query.
Copyright (c) 2003 by HellViper
Version History
Ver 1.0--First basic walkthrough including:
Obtaining 100 sandwiches for each level
Finding the Golden Sam Statue on each level
Getting the Destruction Bonus
How to destroy all 7 Wanted Posters for each level
Ver 1.5--Added authorized websites AND 3 alternate solutions to a few of
the Golden Sam Statues. Also added the BOSSES description
underneath the Obstacles Section
Ver 2.0--Added FAQ section
Table of Contents:
I. Game Controls
II. Main Menu
III. Special Items in the game
IV. Obstacles in the game
V. Level basics
VI. World 1: Yosemite Zoo
A. Zooney Tunes
B. Ice Burg
C. Looney Lagoon
D. BOSS: Elephant Pong
VII. World 2: Sam Francisco
A. Samsonian Museum
B. Looningdale's
C. Bank of Samerica
D. BOSS: Gladiatoons
VIII. World 3: Wile E. West
A. Granny Canyon
B. Taz: Haunted
C. Cartoon Strip-Mine
D. BOSS: Dodge City
IX. World 4: Tasmania
A. Tazland A-maze-ment Park
B. BOSS: Disco Volcano
C. BOSS: The Hindenbird
X. Bonus games (100 sandwiches collected)
XII. Acknowledgments
I. Game Controls
START button: Pauses the game
SELECT button: Access the map of the level
L1 button: Spins the camera to the right
R1 button: Spins the camera to the left
L2 button: Tiptoe (good to keep from falling off slim obstacles)
R2 button: Switches to 1st-person view through Taz's eyes
Left Analog Stick/Directional Buttons: Moves Taz through the level
Right Analog Stick: Moves camera (Much the same as the L1/R1 buttons)
TRIANGLE button: Bite an enemy or eat an object. After eating an item,
press TRIANGLE again to spit it out (except Dynamite)
SQUARE button: Will rant and go crazy/If you have a costume on, will
perform the special attack only for that costume/If you
eat a particular item, pressing the SQUARE button will
activate that item
X button: Makes Taz jump
CIRCLE button: Makes Taz spin (destroy items or spin up slanted walls)
If you move while spinning, you will travel faster
During the game, Taz will have access to different vehicles, all with
the same controls
Left Analog Stick/Directional Buttons: Controls the direction you go
CIRCLE button: Accelerates (if the vehicle allows it)
X button: Jump with the vehicle (if vehicle allows it)/ Enter or exit
II. Main Menu
To maneuver through the screens, use the left analog stick/directional
buttons. To confirm your choice, press X. If you want to cancel a sel-
ection, press TRIANGLE
You can select 1 of 3 caves to save a game into.
To start a new game, move Taz to an empty cave. Select an icon
to use for your game, then enter your initials
To continue a previously saved game, move Taz to a cave with a
saved game and select "Continue this game." If you want to
delete a saved game, select "Clear his game."
DAFFY-CULTY (Difficulty)
Selects the difficulty level you want to play at:
Standard, Advanced, Expert
Switches the vibration during the game ON or OFF
Centers the picture on your screen
When this is ON, all the instructions that are spoken will be
displayed at the bottom of the screen
Depending on the television you have, you may want to decide
which option fits your TV better
Adjusts the music volume or the sound effects in the game
If there are 2 controllers connected to your PlayStation, you
can access the 2-player game modes
Eat and tear through everything you can to win
Go 3 laps on a shopping cart, floor polisher, or jet-bike
Spin your way through 3 areas before the timer runs out
Select any combination of the above 3 games to play together
There are 3 secret games that you unlock once you defeat the 3
bosses of the game. Here is where you can play them
The best scores for every level of the game are listed here
As you progress through the game, you will earn more and more
money (bounty). There are 10 art galleries you can unlock in
the game depending on how much bounty you have collected.
The amounts are as follows:
1) $10,000 2) $30,000 3) $60,000 4) $110,000 5) $185,000
6) $285,000 7) $535,000 8) $1,035,000 9) $1,785,000 10) $2,785,000
III. Special Items in the game
There are 5 special items Taz can acquire to give him special abilities
After taking this, Taz can sneak by enemies and
Whack-in-the-boxes for a short period of time
After eating one of these, GREEN bubbles will come from Taz's
mouth. Pressing SQUARE will unleash a super mega-powerful burp
that can destroy some things that are normally unable to be
destroyed but ordinary means. It can also defeat opponents
from a distance
After eating this, Taz will start hiccuping uncontrollably for
a short period of time. You will be able to super-high jump
during this time to reach areas that are normally too high
After eating this, pressing SQUARE will unleash a gust of fire
from Taz's mouth which can destroy opponents/items around you
After eating this and blowing a bubble, Taz can fly for a
short period of time. Pressing SQUARE will pop the bubble
These are littered the levels. Eating one will result in Taz
burping and smoke billowing out of his mouth. No purpose for
this item has been found yet
IV. Obstacles in the game
Through the levels, Taz will come across certain obstacles which will
need to be either avoided or defeated to progress through the level
Sam's particular favorite obstacle. It's a blue box with eyes
looking out. Running near one results in a glove flying out
and sending Taz backwards. To pass by, use a nearby Spin-Pad
to temporarily disable it. Spin the Whack-in-a-box to destroy
it for destruction points
Large record players that can only be destroyed by powerful
explosions. Avoid them or else Taz will be hypnotized and you
won't be able to do anything
Most opponents can be defeated by spinning them. Others, need
special attacks or powers to beat. TAZ CATCHERS, in particular
can be permanently defeated from the level by using a SPECIAL
COSTUME ATTACK. If they grab you, though, you will get thrown
in a cage and lose some money. (Catchers are the ONLY enemy
that can take money away from you. Falling in water, getting
beaned by enemies, or even getting electrocuted will not
result in a monetary loss whatsoever)
For each World you enter, there is a boss waiting for you once
you complete all 3 levels of that world. The exception being the
final world, Tazmania. The only thing you need to do in order to
complete the level is destroy all 7 Wanted Posters. Once all 21
Posters are destroyed in the world that you are in, you can THEN
access that world's boss. Trying to access the boss prior to
accomplishing the above mentioned task will get you nowhere
V. Level basics
Yosemite Sam has started his own Zoo and captured Taz and brought him
to the zoo. Of course, eventually, the zoo is unable to hold Taz. Your
job is to get Taz through every level and get him home to Tasmania.
Sam, however, has alerted his entire force of highly trained Taz
Catchers to stop you as well as placed a bounty on your head
In each level, there are different tasks you will want to perform
There are 7 Wanted Posters in every level. You must destroy
all 7 of these to clear that area. Once all 3 levels in each
world are cleared, you can access the boss and then proceed
on to the next world
There are sandwiches littered all throughout the levels. By
finding and devouring 100 of them, you can access a special
bonus game. There is one for each level. At the world hub, the
bonus game can be played by walking into the blue phone booth
As you destroy anything in a level, the bounty on your head
increases. Destroying anything, smashing Wanted Posters, and
completing the bonus game for each level (FIRST time only) all
increase the bounty. Getting captured by the Taz Catchers will
decrease the bounty each time you are caught
In each level, there's a gold statue that looks like Yosemite
Sam's mustache. Finding it is an added secret bonus. Although
most of the level is very straight-forward and easy, solving
the Sam statue is a little bit tougher
During gameplay, pressing START will bring up your score and
how much of the level you completed. There are 2 options here
you can select: Map and Options. Press X to select the one you
want. The Map is broken down as follows:
Your location--Represented by a red flag
Wanted Posters--The 7 Posters are shown by the yellow
triangle. Depending on the difficulty
you have, hints can be given to you on
how to solve each poster puzzle
Most objects in the level are edible. Walk up to it and press
TRIANGLE to swallow it. Depending on what you eat, pressing
TRIANGLE again will spit it out. This is useful to hit objects
that normally can't be reached. 1st-person helps the aim
Going into the Acme Dial-a-Costume Phone Booth will give Taz
a level specific Costume. Each costume gives Taz a special
attack which can be done by pressing SQUARE. Doing this for
most enemies will stun them temporarily. But against the Taz
Catcher, it will permanently remove them from the level so you
never have to worry about them again. You must do it to EACH
Catcher to remove them individually from the level
If you leave the level to come back to it later, every Catcher
will be resurrected, every WITB is back. Everything in the
level will revert back to how it was when you started the
level for the first time - except sandwiches and Posters
First off, my walkthrough is as thorough as I could get. Walking you
through step by step typing "get sandwich, get sandwich, spin
into bush" every single time would get a little redundant. I
wrote all I could, but in the interest of saving my fingers
and your eyes from reading, when you find a sandwich OR a
bush/bench/trash can/tree/etc, smash or eat all that you see
until you get a message saying that you reached 100 sandwiches
or you destroyed 50% of the destructible objects. Also, my
directions are not only for the Posters themselves. In them, I
have included the directions I took on my way in order to get
all sandwiches and destruction points so excuse some of the
rather longer explanations. Also, this walkthrough was done on
STANDARD difficulty so some things in the harder levels might
be different then what I have here. Also, my order of levels
is based on the rating given by the game for each level. The
first level of the world is the one that has 1 star, the 2nd
has 2, and the 3rd has 3. Lastly, this is my first walkthrough
so if I did something wrong, be gentle. With that in mind, I
hope this walkthrough helps.
When you start off, there are 4 tutorials that you can go through that
explain the different things you will be doing in the game
itself. When you are done with them and you're ready to start
the first level, go through the gate between Tutorial 2 and 3.
Jump over the water using the lilypads and the log. Spin
through the boxes and enter the doors to begin the 1st level.
WANTED POSTER #1/7: First one in house
Off the bat, once You start, there are 9 sandwiches. Go behind
the phone booth for 4 more and of course, remember the bushes
and trees. Enter the phone booth to get the skateboarder cos-
tume. Further down the path, on the right is a house. Enter it
and destroy the first Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #2/7: Teetering truck on cliff
Keep going and line yourself up with the first Taz Catcher.
Press SQUARE to skate into him. Follow the purple area to the
left (watching out for the jumping gators). **Remember to de-
stroy any and every bush, tree, and shrub you see, no matter
the color.** Now, jump on the tree stump in the water and hop
over to the land on the other side. Spin where the 3 purple
bushes are and destroy the wall behind them for a hidden area.
Instead of going through the hole, go past it for a sandwich
and a phone booth. Get changed and come back through the hole
you made. Inside, pass the tire and collect the sandwich and
smash the boxes. Jump on the tire near the hole onto the wall.
Tiptoe(L2) to the left for some sandwiches. Then go back right
for more sandwiches. Remember to destroy every plant in here
as you go. Now, line yourself up to the first monkey and jump
up to grab its arms. Using the stick/directional buttons,
swing yourself back and forth and press the X button as you
reach the peak of the swing to jump up to the next level. Keep
doing this until you are all the way to the top and you can
see a truck swaying off the edge. Spin the truck 3 times to
knock it off and destroy your second Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #3/7: Wanted Poster behind the waterfall
Back down to where the gators are jumping and there will be a
broken bridge. Spin over it grabbing the sandwich. You should
have a costume on. Skate into the catcher to eliminate this
one. Further up is a elephant sign with a red arrow and a
purple arrow. Follow the red one around the tree and collect
all the sandwiches you see. Back at the arrows, go left again.
Shortly, you will see water off to the left. Log jump over,
grabbing the sandwich on the way. Bust the white rocks, then
log jump to the end to find the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #4/7: Cork in the hollowed out log
Jump over the pads and logs to the small island with a sand-
wich on a branch. Use the branches to jump up to the next
level. Turn left and you'll see a Spin-Pad. Jump on it, then
face the bridge and spin the Spin-Pad. A timer will tick down.
Run across the bridge making sure to get every sandwich and
destroy the Whack-in-the-box (WITB from now on). Run in the
log spin the cork 3 times to destroy the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #5/7: Large blue fallen tree
Jump forward from the log to the tire, which will bounce you
to another tire. Jump up for a couple sandwiches. Don't go
into the waterfall as there's nothing good below. Go the
direction opposite the waterfall. Careful of the catcher. Spin
the tall blue tree with the 3 supports. Once the supports are
gone, spin the tree destroy the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #6/7: Wanted Poster above bear cave
Behind the fallen tree is a circular dirt path. Go around it
to collect some sandwiches. In the center are trees and plants
to destroy. Stand on the Spin-Pad and aim yourself just right
of the fallen tree. Spin and then spin to get yourself up the
slanted hill. At the top is a WITB. Destroy it. Ahead you will
see a large sign with an 'H' on it. This'll be important when
it comes time to get the Golden Statue. Remember this area. Go
back down and cross over the fallen tree watching out for the
electric fence. Destroy the benches, trash cans, etc. Over the
fence, turn right and follow the wall. You will see a metal
door. Further down is a cage with 3 Super Burp Colas, past
which is another metal door. Spin the cage to get a Burp cola.
Then enter the left metal door. Super burp the cage with a
sandwich inside (SQUARE button) to destroy it and get the sand
wich. Get another burp cola and find the bear cage with the
big yellow honey spill near the front. Spin it to open it,
then enter it and immediately use the super burp. This should
destroy the Wanted Poster and hopefully, if you've smashed
everything you've seen so far, get the destruction bonus.
WANTED POSTER #7/7: Large tree with Wanted Poster inside
Leave back out the door. Jump onto the truck that is driving
around in a circle. Get on the roof and collect the sandwiches
floating in the air. Watch out for the low bridge. When you
pass by a blue ledge on the right, jump on it from the truck.
Follow the path past the elephant. Don't go over to the other
area but stay on the path you are on now. Go through a log and
in the phone booth. Jump to the next area with the small house
to find a sandwich and plants. From the front of the house,
cross the red log to the other side. Use your special attack
on the catcher and destroy everything. Use the Spin-Pad and
run across the bridge. (At this point, I had 100 sandwiches).
Get in the phone booth. Jump down and Skate into the catcher.
Use the Spin-Pad and destroy the 3 WITBs. Destroy the white
rocks. Pass the catcher and destroy the other white rocks.
Back near the beginning is the elephant sign with the arrows.
Cross over the bridge and get into the phone booth one last
time. To the right of the elephant sign is an uphill walkway.
Go up it and destroy the catcher and everything here. (If at
any point you get the message that you have the destruction
bonus, you don't need to bother destroying anything else
unless you feel the need to. Cross the log and you will see a
tree with a Wanted Poster on it. Spin the Poster until you go
through most of the tree to destroy the last Wanted Poster.
Back at the fallen tree area. Grab a super burp cola from the
cage between the metal doors and carefully go up the metal
pole. (If you are electrocuted, you lose the burp gas). Spin
up the hill to the right of the fallen tree. I hope you got
rid of the WITB earlier or else you will have to do it now.
Once you get near the 'H' sign, creep up next to it on the
cliff and belch. You will knock one of the supports off. One
more to go. To the left of the fallen tree is another sloped
hill. Go up it and you will get onto a bridge you were on
earlier. Before you get to the waterfall, turn left and you
will see a bridge down below. This is where you need to go so
jump over the railing and onto the bridge below. If you look
further ahead you will see a big rock statue. Walk up to it
and spin it to blow it up and send the top piece flying into
the 'H' sign. Walk to the new bridge and cross over it. Fall
into the area to obtain the Golden Sam Statue. To the left of
where the statue was is a hallway you can leave through.
Use the super burp to break down the door to the Golden Sam.
This is the same door Taz uses to leave the area after
following the route across the planks.
Now that you have completed everything at Zooney Tunes
(hopefully), you can go back to where the caged elephant is
and exit the level.
WANTED POSTER #1/7: Wanted Poster in snow cave
When you start off, turn left. Spin the poles and signs you
see. Go through the house in front of you. Spin through it,
naturally. Once on the bridge, Jump over the bridge to the
other side. Careful of the ice as you will slip around. To the
left is a purple sign. Spin it and grab the sandwiches that
you see. Jump down into the icy area. Carefully maneuver
through it. Destroy the plants you see. Make it back to the
purple sign. If you take the right path through the mountain,
there will be a Taz Catcher waiting for you. Don't go that way.
Go left on the OTHER bridge following it around watching out
for the OTHER catcher. Halfway up you will see a path off to
the side. Jump onto it and climb up. There will be sandwiches
and what looks like a steep drop-off on the other side. Go down
it collecting the sandwiches. On the other end, there will be a
phone booth. Go inside to get the snowboarder costume. Destroy
everything around the house. On the house are 3 sandwiches you
can get to. From the house, take the right path. There will be
some sandwiches and you will be led to a broken bridge. There
are 3 sandwiches on top. At the bottom is a Spin-Pad. Spin it
and follow the path right past the snowball-throwing polar bear.
There are trees and such to destroy but now with the time limit
may not be a great time to do it but you can always re-spin the
Spin-Pad. The path splits. Go right to find the WITB. Destroy it
and continue through. Make sure to destroy all the trees that
you pass by. Spin all the signs as well. Coming back from the
WITB, turn right and you will pass under an ice cave. Inside the
cave is another WITB behind some ice blocks. Continue further for
another catcher. Special attack the catcher with a snowball.
There are more sandwiches to get. Find the open door. Inside is
the Christmas tree. Destroy the presents. Leave and turn right.
Find the Spin-Pad and spin it. Now hurry back and enter the snow
cave. Destroy the WITB behind the ice blocks and keep going. You
will find the first wanted Poster of the level.
WANTED POSTER #2/7: Ice block above the igloo
In the room with the Wanted Poster are 2 fridges. Only the left
one opens for now. Inside is an invisibility potion. Take it
and exit out of the cave. Turn right and go to the bridge that
I told you NOT to go to earlier due to the catcher. Pass by him
as long as you're invisible. You will now be in an area with 3
igloos. One of which is electrified. Go into the igloo next to
the electrified one for a sandwich. Then enter the other igloo
across from the other two. It will bounce you up to an electrified
pole. Spin the pole to cause a spark to travel across and short-
circuit the electric igloo. Enter the igloo that is now
un-electrified. It will bounce you up into an ice block which
will break and free the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #3/7: Wanted Poster by the bear skating rink
After destroying the ice blocks and trees, continue on being
careful to watch out for the catcher near you. There is a phone
booth, however, near one of the igloos that you can jump into.
Get the costume and use your special attack on the catcher. Get
another costume after you lose the first one. Behind one of the
igloos is a Spin-Pad. Use it and run along the path. Jump over
the water and you will come across the WITB. Be careful not to
fall in the water. Destroy everything and grab all sandwiches
(again). On the other side are 2 more igloos. Take the igloo on
the right and you will see a little path in the ice. Follow it
and spin yourself across the gap to reach 3 sandwiches. Watch
out for the WITB. Go into the other igloo now and bounce up for
more sandwiches. Go onto the Spin-pad and use it. Spin yourself
through the ice path and destroy the WITB underneath where the
3 sandwiches were. Watch out for the polar bear's snowballs.
There are 2 bears. In between them is a snowman and a wanted
Poster. Slide up to the stable ground and destroy the Poster.
WANTED POSTER #4/7: Wanted Poster in the middle of the floating
ice chunks. Go back to the igloos and jump into the first one
on the left to reach the phone booth behind it. Now follow the
grassy/ice path that goes up in the air at an angle and curves
back down. It looks like a snowboarding ramp. You will come to a
bridge with another catcher. Destroy him and continue across the
bridge. **At this point, I managed to find 50 sandwiches** The
bridge takes you back to where the two paths meet. Follow the
lower path to the intersection with the tree in the middle. Turn
left and take that path (where the WITB used to be). Through here
is another bear and a hut with a boat and a few other things to
destroy. Cross the water carefully. You will see a Wanted Poster
here but you need to go further along to destroy it. Across the
water and icebergs you will see a Spin-Pad and a super burp cola
can. Grab the can, then hop over the water back to the snowy area
near the fence and the polar bear. (You can only perform actions
while standing on NON-icy ground). Turn, face the Wanted Poster
and burp to destroy it.
WANTED POSTER #5/7: Christmas tree star
There is a shortcut to finding the Golden Sam Statue and since
it is here that I found it, here is where I mention it. Grab
another super burp cola. Stand on the Spin-Pad and jump across
to the ledge with 3 trees. Walk up to the next ledge (you cannot
jump onto it). Face the ledge, and burp. If done right, it should
open the other fridge door in the wanted Poster room. Now pass by
the large ice sculpture. Jump over the lake and you will come to
what looks like Santa's house. Destroy everything there. When you
come to the house, there will be a small path to the right in the
mountain. Take it for a sandwich and go back to the house. Go
around the house to the right. Destroy the trees and presents and
continue on. Watch out for the catcher. There is a phone booth in
the small cave with all the presents. At the end of the path you
will come to the Christmas tree that you saw earlier. Jump into
the star on top to destroy the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #6/7: Cable car electrocution
Now, remember the fridge that you opened up with the super
belch? Go back to that ice cave and enter the right fridge. It
looks like a control room, doesn't it? Go to the large red button
in the back and spin it 3 times. A submarine will pop out of the
ice and there will be the Golden Sam Statue on top of it. We'll
get that in due time. Leave and go back to the very beginning of
the level. You should have seen the cable cars going back and
forth by now. This is where you will get on it. At the beginning,
wait for a cable car and ride it up. If you go to the left,
there are some sandwiches you can get on top of the large house.
If you take the car to the right, it will stop at a wooden
circular platform. Get off at this platform. If you are facing
the direction in which the cable car will leave in, the platform
should go off to the far left and far right. Take the far right
side. There will be some blocks, a tree, and a target. **I hit
50% destruction here** The target does nothing at this point so
don't worry about it. Near the polar bear is a large sign.
Destroy the supports for it as well as everything else and look
for the big red switch. Spin the big button 3 times to send a
jolt of electricity through the cable car sending it flying
along the wires and eventually will blow up for the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #7/7: Teetering truck
There will be a Spin-Pad here. Use it and take the path heading
down. Break a block, destroy the WITB and another ice block. You
arrive at some trees and a catcher from before. Go up the large
curved path and back down. To one side you will see a catcher
unless you removed him earlier. There are more trees to destroy.
Eventually you will make it to an icy path. Take it for more
sandwiches and blocks to destroy. At the top is an ice bridge.
Cross over it to get to a rocket in the mountain. There is another
sandwich across from the rocket if you need it. The door to the
rocket will open and close. Keep trying to enter the rocket door
until you manage to do so. The rocket will blow you into the air
across to a target with a swaying truck. Carefully spin the
truck 3 times to destroy the Wanted Poster.
Golden Sam Statue:
Hop down one level from the Wanted Poster. Turn around and face
the submarine. Aim for the statue and spin yourself straight off
the ledge and hopefully onto one of the sub's fins. The fins will
bounce you up at which time you can reach the top of the submarine
and claim the Sam Statue.
Now that you have completed everything at Ice Burg (hopefully),
you can go back to where the large ice sculpture melted to exit
the level.
C. Looney Lagoon
WANTED POSTER #1/7: Washing machine
To start, jump on the inner tube to bounce to the level. Once
you get to the level itself, get the sandwich and run through
the tunnel in the mountain. Get the other sandwich and look for
the WITB near the bridge. Head back to the Spin-Pad and use it.
Spin yourself to the other side and destroy the WITB. Pass over
the bridge and get the sandwiches on it. Careful of the catcher
on the left. There is a sign near the catcher and Spin-Pad,
behind which is an invisibility potion. You don't need it yet.
There should be a blue arrow pointing along a path. Don't do that
yet. Instead, turn right and go over the white bridge. I will
call this area the laundry area. If I say go to the laundry area,
this is of course where I mean. Destroy all you can and watch out
for the catcher. If you really want to get rid of him now, walk to
behind the sink and you should see some pipes in the water. Hop
on it and tiptoe across to where the phone booth is. Go back and
you will see another invisibility potion near the catcher. Wait
till you have enough room and grab it. Then easily walk up to
the catcher and smack him with your surfboard. Once he is gone,
go to the washing machine. There are sponges around the machine
in the water. The pink ones bounce you and the green ones sink.
Hop over the pink one, 3 green ones, then another pink one. Jump
up on the washing machine. Taz might hop up and down but that is
because the machine is hot. Stay on the machine until he stops
bouncing. Destroy the first Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #2/7: Gramophone on the diving board
Get all the sandwiches in the area and jump back on the pipes.
Follow them to the cannon and hop in it. It sends you to a
canyon area. Jump in the phone booth if you aren't dressed.
Destroy everything and get every sandwich. There are inner tubes
mounted up on some signs. Find the one with the sandwich in front
of it and jump on it. It'll bounce you around into a cannon. The
cannon will send you up to a board with a Gramophone. Bounce up
to get the sandwich and the super burp cola. Jump into the
gramophone and it will hypnotize you. Hold L2 and walk to the
right. Once you are out of the trance, let go of L2, turn left
and press SQUARE to destroy the gramophone and the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #3/7: Lighthouse light
Fall down. There are 2 slides to take here. Take the one on the
right with the picture of the pirate ship and the laundry machine.
As you're sliding, hold right and the slide will take you to a
pirate ship. Destroy everything then go to the front of the ship.
Turn around and look at the sail. There is a Wanted Poster. But
how to get it? Later... From the right, facing the sail, turn right
and jump to the land. Walk across the wooden plank getting all the
sandwiches. Back on the mainland, there will be a platform with an
ape on it. Go in the door under the platform and get the sandwich.
Don't use the Spin-Pad just yet. Go onto the platform and destroy
everything. There are 2 chests you can open. One has a sandwich,
the other dynamite. From here, there is a pathway that leads upward.
Once you activate the Spin-Pad down below, spin your way up here
and head up the path. Hit the WITB and continue on to the lighthouse.
Bounce up the platforms (every other one bounces you). When you reach
the top. Stand between the Wanted Poster and the railing to prevent
falling. Spin it 3 times to destroy it.
WANTED POSTER #4/7: Wanted Poster in the hut on the pier
Back at the base of the lighthouse, enter the cannon there. It
will send you up back to where you were before. Don't go down the
slides yet. Take the other walkway and there will be 3 sandwiches.
You will need to spin yourself to reach the higher ones. If you go
down the path, there will be one sandwich to get and then eventually
a catcher. Head back up to the slides. Take the left one to the ape.
Try getting every sandwich on the slide. Pass the ape and cross the
bridge. Go over the plank. There is a sandwich at the edge to get.
There is a plank that leads to a cannon. There are also sandwiches
to be gotten to the left of the cannon. If you get them, you have to
head back up since you can't jump that high. The cannon will send
you to a small island. Destroy everything first, then hop onto the
red and blue raft to bounce you up to the cannon. You will fly back
to where you were. On the other side of the water from the ape
platform, you'll find 3 doors and a catcher. Pass these and walk
until you see a hut with a gramophone and a Wanted Poster. Grab the
super cola to the left of the gramophone and walk back the way you
came from. Once you're out of your trance, turn around and aim for
the gramophone. Burp to destroy the gramophone and the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #5/7: Wanted Poster in lifeguard hut
Keep going to the water where there will be a pier with an ape
and a shark. If you've destroyed everything you came across, you
should have approximately 100% destruction. The boat with the red
cover bounces you up to a couple sandwiches. Ahead in the water are
a series of boats. Jump from one boat to the next one. **An
interesting side note--if you jump from one boat to the next and
the shark decides to jump then, it will swallow you and a really
neat Matrix style camera shot will ensue.** Afterwards, the shark
will spit you out back into a boat. Once on the other side, follow
the beach for a sandwich. Go up the stairs to the Spin-Pad and
catcher. Use the Spin-Pad and grab the invisibility potion. Spin up
the path past the catcher. If you have a costume and you're
invisible, you can still do the special attack on the catcher. A
little ways further there will be an area where the path widens.
The WITB is here on the left along with a sandwich. Further up is
another Spin-Pad but there's another catcher. Go back to the
invisibility potion and take it. Hurry back up the path to destroy
the other catcher and go all the way up to the slides. Now, we're
going to the laundry room from the slides. That means take the RIGHT
slide but it forks off twice. At the first fork, hold left to avoid
the pirate ship. At the next split, hold right to take the lower
slide. You will crash into the sink and drain it of water. This is
important for later. Go back up the bridge (careful cause it falls)
and you're back to the Spin-Pad intersection. Follow the right path
with the blue arrow and you will wind up at a beach area. Grab every
sandwich and destroy everything if you haven't made your quota yet.
There are 3 doors here with a catcher. (If you look in the water,
there is a bridge with a sign of a shark smiling in the water over
it. This is where the level ends when you're finished). There is a
raft you can bounce up into a palm tree for another sandwich. Now for
the doors. Enter Door #1. Get the sandwich and use the Spin-Pad. Run
back into the door and you'll end up on a raft. Bounce across all 3
rafts to the lifeguard hut. Destroy the WITB and continue into the
hut. Spin the red button 3 times to destroy the Wanted poster.
WANTED POSTER #6/7: Pirate ship sail
Go behind the hut to collect the sandwiches. Don't enter the cannon,
but go back across to the beach with the 3 doors. Enter Door #2.
Destroy everything and get the sandwiches. Jump into the cannon and
you will end up to the 3 doors. Enter Door #3 to go to another
island. Destroy the chests and get the sandwiches and jump in the
cannon. Make your way back to the laundry room. To the right of the
sink are 3 stones and another island. Hop over them, get the
sandwiches and spin the metal cage. Go through the tunnel and jump
on the inner tube at the end. You go to a cannon which will fire
you into the pirate ship so you destroy the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #7/7: Laundry room sink plug
Now for the last Wanted Poster. Go back up to the slides. Take
the RIGHT slide. Hold LEFT at the first intersection, and hold
LEFT at the second intersection. You end up in the sink. Spin
the sink plug to destroy the Wanted Poster. You should have
approximately 100 sandwiches. If not, there's still time since
I will talk about the Golden Sam Statue now.
OK, when you're near the ape on the pier. You will see the super
burp cola. Face the burp cola and the ape should be on its right
standing on the pier. Turn left here and walk towards the water.
Before you reach the water, turn to the right and you will see a
cave with dynamite. Go to the end of the cave and there will be a
steering wheel. Spin it once and you will see the statue come out
of a chest in the ocean near sponges. If I need to tell you, go
back to the laundry room. Bounce on the sponges but instead of
heading to the washing machine, go right and carefully bounce to
the end of the sponges to the chest.
Now that you have completed everything at Looney Lagoon
(hopefully), you can go back to where the broken bridge is with
the shark sign to exit the level.
D. BOSS: Elephant Pong
From the Zoo hub, jump into the snowblower which will send you
into the raft into the elephant's rear. The first boss of the
game is fairly simple. If you've ever played Pong or tennis, it's
something like that but instead of a ball or a white dot bouncing
around, there's a large elephant running back and forth between
you and Gossamer the monster. To make the elephant go away from
you, you need to scare it by pressing the SQUARE button when it
comes close to you. Use the walls to bounce the elephant at an
angle. Watch out cause the longer the point goes, the faster the
elephant runs. 3 points wins the match and finishes the first boss.
Once you beat the first boss. You will notice that at every world hub is
a door right in the middle of nothing. Going into it will take you to
Planet X. Here will be 4 doors that you can take to any of the 4 world hub
doors. (You can only access doors once you have beaten that world's boss).
VII. World 2: Sam Francisco
A. Samsonian Museum
WANTED POSTER #1/7: Control center mainframe
Enter through the revolving doors. Jump over the red lasers to
get the sandwich. The guards in red are not catchers. Just
security guards. Past the first sandwich. Jump up onto the next
display watching out not to bounce from the ropes. Inside is a
sandwich between a pair of shoes. There are 3 more sandwiches
towards the back. After you get those sandwiches, find the stairs
leading DOWN. There are a couple sandwiches to be had there as
well. Go down and get the sandwiches on the road display. There is
one beneath the road as well. Further on there is a guard with a
doorway. Stepping in the doorway on the SAME side as the guard
will put you in the Gossamer painting. Spin out of it and enter
the OTHER side of the doorway to go into the painting of Daffy Duck
dressed as Bugs Bunny. Spin out of it and continue further down
the hallway. There are green platforms coming up. Sandwiches on
basically all of them but there is a catcher beneath you so try
not to fall. At the other end of the platforms, jump into the
painting where there is a sandwich and a door. The door is merely
a truck coming at you. Leave and walk to the end of the hall. At
the archway are 2 signs with anvils on them. Don't go through the
archway yet but get the sandwich and a door will open. In the door
are lockers. Take the sandwich and a game table will fall on you.
Destroy everything in here and once all is well, Go to the
elevator. Inside are gramophones but they don't matter. Go out the
other door and there will be a invisibility potion and a door.
Through the door is a large revolving tunnel. Pass by the rotating
blockades and at the other end is a WITB you need to avoid. In the
control center, destroy everything and spin attack the large
control center 3 times to destroy the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #2/7: Abstract art Wanted Poster
Activate the Spin-Pad to destroy the WITB and go back to the
elevator. Back in the main hall with the catcher, turn right.
There are 8 circles on the ground. The circles WITHOUT sandwiches
have traps that will fall on Taz. Collect the sandwiches and then
go through it to the stairs. On the right of the stairs are
sandwiches. At the top, smash all and get the sandwiches at the
end. Come back and enter the doors near the stairs. Destroy
everything and proceed through the room. There will be a Wanted
Poster on the floor. Go all the way making sure everything is
destroyed and sandwiches are yours. You can't go through the far
door so come back and go out the doors to this room. Turn left
and go to the end of the hall. Enter the doors here to get to the
main lobby. Turn left and find the stairs heading up with sandwiches
on the left side. Past the guard at the top is a window with a
Wanted Poster behind it. This will be later. Go through the hall
getting the sandwich. There is a painting of a bedroom that you
can jump into. Don't destroy the chairs until after you jump onto
the bed for the sandwich. Then destroy the chairs. Exit the
painting and go to the next painting. You will be hit by lightning
trying to get the sandwich but it's all good. In the next room is
a chess floor and pieces moving. Familiarize yourself with the
layout and go back to the Spin-Pad. Use it and go through the
chess room. The next room you will turn left and destroy the
WITB. Spin the painting of the Wanted Poster 2 times to destroy
it and open a hole in the wall.
Turn around and jump on the couches to get more sandwiches. Near
the bookcase, there will be a sliding door that opens. Go
through the door and you will go through another one. There is a
large screw here. Don't worry about it, go around it and there
is a floor tile that is a different color. Get near it and another
door will open. Destroy all the boxes and get the sandwiches in
the display cases. Go to the end to make sure you've gotten
everything. Then when you reach the chandeliers, turn around and
head the other way. At the end are 2 guards and more chandeliers.
Go around the room to destroy everything and get into the phone
booth for a ninja costume. You can attack the guards without
losing the costume and a really neat Matrix kick attack happens.
On the OTHER side of the room from the Yosemite Sam portrait is
another painting. Jump onto the little yellow thing underneath
it to reach the painting and jump into it. Jump into the cannon
and it will send you flying through the chandeliers into the Sam
picture where you will find the Golden Statue.
WANTED POSTER #3/7: Coin slot display
Leave the room and head back to the other end with the hanging
chandeliers. Jump across them being careful since they tilt when
you stand on them. After you reach the other side, destroy the
boxes since there are sandwiches in some of them. (I managed to
accomplish the destruction bonus at this point). At the end is
a no passing rail with a WITB behind it. Go back to the Spin-Pad
and destroy the WITB. You are in a room with a broken bridge so
you can't cross over it. Jump down and you will find a Wanted
Poster the looks like a coin. Get the sandwiches then jump up
next to the Wanted Poster. There are arrows that point the
direction you need to go. So spin into the Wanted Poster until
it spins enough to fall into the slot.
WANTED POSTER #4/7: Light Bulb
Once the Wanted Poster falls, 2 doors will open with robot
guards. Spin the red button behind both of them to open the 3
doors in the room. Enter the right door. Scoot past the WITB
and you will see a light bulb with a Wanted Poster. Go to the
other end of the room. There are cement mixers to reach sand
wiches and there are 2 sandwiches down a side hall with a robot
guard. (I reached 100 sandwiches here). At the other end, jump
in the cement mixer to send you through the glass. Use the Spin-
Pad and jump back through the glass. Run to the other end and
destroy the WITB. Enter the door behind it. Look for the large
white and black switch. Spin it 3 times to destroy the light
bulb Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #5/7: Floor buff job
There is a buffer in the light switch room. Jump on it to ride
it. Take it back to the room that had the coin Wanted Poster.
Enter the LEFT door (has a $ sign on it also). In the room is
the Wanted Poster on the floor. You need to buff it until the $
reaches 100%. Once it does, you have destroyed this Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #6/7: Bathroom mirror Wanted Poster
Jump off the buffer and go back to the room with 3 doors. Go
through the middle door with the guard. At the other end are a
stack of boxes. Jump up the right side to reach the top of them.
There is a Spin-Pad and boxes here. Down at the end are some
munchers and eventually there will be a wall that you can't go
over unless you come in from the other side (where the painting
made a hole in the wall). In the opposite direction from the
munchers are a few boxes suspended in the air with chains.
Activate the Spin-Pad and jump over them to the other side. Go
through the gated area and smash the WITB. Drop down and take a
right into the door. Pass the light bulb and at the end, enter
the cement mixer. Don't activate this Spin-Pad yet. On the other
end at the end is a wet floor. Take the door to the left of the
bucket. In the bathroom, open the left stall where a WITB will
punch you back into the mirror destroying it and allowing you
access to a Wanted Poster. Jump in and destroy it.
WANTED POSTER #7/7: Toilet plumbing Wanted Poster
Now go back into the hall and activate the Spin-Pad. Go back in
the bathroom and enter the stall where the WITB is. He will be
stunned so jump into the toilet underneath it. You will fall down
a pipe and come out behind the glass with the Wanted Poster here.
Now that you have completed everything at Samsonian Museum
(hopefully), you can go back to where the Golden Statue was
found in the Sam portrait to exit the level.
B. Looningdale's
WANTED POSTER #1/7: Dynamite hole corridor
Go through the lobby destroying as much as you can and getting
the sandwiches. There is a phone booth here with a rapper costume.
Go all around the lobby doing everything before you enter any
doors or halls. There is a toy airplane that you can ride. Take
note because to the right of this plane is the entrance to the
supermarket we will need later on. On the first floor, to the
left of the phone booth is a door that opens with 3 WITBs behind
it. Activate the Spin-Pad in the lobby and go through the doors to
destroy the 3 WITBs. This room is the Sporting Goods room. There is
a catcher here. Go around destroying everything and getting the
sandwiches. Along the walls, (which are sloped) you can spin up
them and collect the sandwiches all the way around the top. On one
side of the room is a broadcasting booth with TVs and cameras.
There is a door here with a yellow triangle. Going through the door
will lead to a very long corridor with a lot of boxes and a few
sandwiches. It's worth it if you are trying to get everything.
The exit comes out to the escalators over the fountain. (Courtesy
of my girlfriend Melissa). Once all is peaceful here, leave to
the lobby. Follow the lobby to the right and you will see stairs
to level 2. Break all and don't go to the 3rd level yet on the
escalators. Go to the end of the hall taking care of everything.
The first door in this hall has a yellow triangle with a '!' on it.
Go all the way down the main hall, then turn around at the WITB
and come back to this door. Break it and enter it. Go all the way
down it and you will come out to a battery. Spin the battery and
you'll see the treadmill get electrified. Run further down to
find the other door with the triangle and '!' to bust through.
There are a lot of breakable objects here. A lot. Destroy all.
Then go up the incline walkway opposite the door with stairs
behind it. At the top, you will come to a room with 2 security
guards. Go around taking care of everything, then head up the
circular walkway to the next level. There will be a dog here. Go
around here and you will see an area with a few beds and sandwiches.
Get them and go back into the main walkway. Find the chocolate
doughnut and go through it to the deli. Destroy everything here
and get the sandwiches that you see here. There are sandwiches on
the umbrellas that you need to jump on the chairs to get. Go back
through the doughnut. Walk around until you find the long white
corridor. There are a lot of holes here that if you fall in one,
you will appear out another one. Keep hopping around them until
you fall in front of a Wanted Poster. Jump on the dynamite box
to destroy the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #2/7: Wall of TVs
You will be spit out to an area with a few doors. To the right of
the doors with the red triangle is a hallway with a couple sand
wiches then a WITB. Go back into the main room through the door
with the green guard. Follow the hall to the right and you will
come up to a bowling alley. Go through the alley and destroy all
10 pins. Once they are gone, a door behind them will open up. Go
through it and spin the large white pin so it moves to the right.
This will start the locomotive running and you will spot the Golden
Sam Statue. Back into the main hall. Go right and down the hallway
that leads you to the room you were at previously that contained
about 50 boxes that you destroyed. (If you need to go back and
activate the Spin-Pad, do it. If you did it before you came down,
great). At the bottom, turn right and open the doors to the elec
tronics store. Destroy the WITBs and everything else. Behind the
wall of TVs are a series of cables with electricity going through
them. Jump over the cables so you are in between them. Spin the
large blue electronic box 3 times to destroy the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #3/7: Toy Store Kite
Go back out the doors and turn right. There is a door that has
stairs leading up. Go up them to the main lobby. Go up the
escalator. You will see the train tracks here. Go around
collecting sandwiches and destroying everything else. There is a
catcher here. Also there is a phone booth. (I managed to reach
the destruction bonus around this point). Go around until you
reach the security guard near the sliding doors. Enter the doors
to go to the toy store. There are 2 catchers here to get rid of.
In one area you will see dominoes standing up. In the back there
is one sitting on its side. Jump on it and then jump to the lego
castle and go inside. You will see a crossbow with a sticky dart.
Spin it to shoot the dart. There are 2 more of these crossbows in
the room. One you will need to walk along the electric car track.
When you come to the loop-de-loop, look down and you will be at
the top of the toy castle. There is a crossbow at the top of the
castle. You need to jump down and spin it to shoot the arrow. The
final crossbow is at another lego area. It has 4 ramps that aim
into the middle of the structure. You should see the crossbow up
on one of the columns. Jump up and spin it to release the final
arrow. There are sandwiches all around the room, especially on the
electric car track. Go to where the 3 arrows are and jump onto the
bottom one. Jump up to get to the next one, then the top one. Jump
up to destroy the kite Wanted Poster.
To get the statue, walk along the electric car track until you
come to where the train is sitting. Jump to the blue block next
to it and hop into the train. Sit in it and wait until you pass
through the statue.
WANTED POSTER #4/7: Sporting Goods JumboTron
Leave and go back to the main lobby. Enter the sporting goods
store. Get onto the treadmill. It will throw you into the
JumboTron Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #5/7: Rafter Wanted Poster
Go to the main lobby. Find the Wile E. Coyote fountain. Jump onto
the red cushion and it will take you up to the fountain. Jump in
the fountain and it will shoot you up into the rafters. Rotate the
camera to find where the WITBs are and where the Spin-Pad is. Walk
to the Spin-Pad and activate it. Go to the first WITB and destroy
it. There are 3 more: one on each side of the Wanted Poster. Go
back to the Spin-Pad and activate it. Now you can go to the
nearest WITB, jump over it avoiding the water puddle and then
quickly destroying the Wanted Poster. If that is too difficult,
activate the Spin-Pad and then run past the nearest WITB all the
way down the rafter going past a couple puddles. Then turn left
and come up the next rafter. You will be coming up to a WITB
without water and behind it, the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #6/7: Cuckoo Clock
If you still need sandwiches, there are some up here. Go back to
the Spin-Pad on the rafters. You don't need to activate it, but
turn around 180 degrees from it and you will be looking at one
of the 4 corners of the main lobby. You should see the Cuckoo
clock Wanted Poster. Walk along the rafters and come up on the
right side of the clock. Jump onto the clock from the rafters.
Walk along the top until you get to the center of it. Turn and
face towards the rear of the clock. Walk backwards and as soon as
you fall off, push up to land on the ledge underneath the clock's
face. Walk into the gears and spin it 3 times to destroy it.
WANTED POSTER #7/7: Grocery Store Wanted Poster
In the main lobby, activate the Spin-Pad and go to the grocery
store (near the toy plane). Enter it and destroy the first WITB.
There are a lot of WITBs here. After you destroy the first one,
look down over the ledge and you will see a couple grocery carts.
Jump on one and you will be able to ride it using the CIRCLE
button to move. The WITBs won't attack you and you won't slide on
the water. Destroy all the WITBs being careful not to destroy all
the boxes yet. If you still need sandwiches, you can jump on the
boxes to reach the tops of the shelves. (I hit 100 sandwiches here).
If you don't need them, don't worry about them, just destroy
everything. There is a Wanted Poster surrounded by water. Run
the cart right into it to destroy it.
Now that you have completed everything at Looningdale's
(hopefully), you can go back to the escalators that are over the
Wile E. Coyote fountain to exit the level.
C. Bank of Samerica
WANTED POSTER #1/7: Caution Gate Wanted Poster
The bank is under construction and this level can get fairly
confusing since there are a couple buildings and a lot of metal.
Go right at the start. Go right of the barrels and destroy all
you can. There are some sandwiches around there. At the end,
there is a super burp cola you can get and use to destroy more
things. There a 2 port-a-potties here which will be used later.
Note the Spin-Pad here. Now turn and face back towards the
beginning. There is a path with a few offices you can go into the
destroy things and pick up a couple sandwiches. From the last
office on the left, turn right and there will be a fence along
your left side. Follow it along to the left. There is a short maze.
Walk around it destroying all and getting the sandwiches that you
find. At the end you will find a small room with a lever. Spin the
lever to lower a gate with a Wanted Poster. Go back out of the maze
and go back to the beginning of the level. Go straight ahead from
the beginning and spin the Wanted Poster 3 times to destroy it.
WANTED POSTER #2/7: Toxic Waste Barrel
Jump over the gate and go to the right. Collect the sandwiches
while watching out for girders. Stay on the path. Walk up on the
metal beam for more sandwiches. Go all the way around the building.
At the back, don't fall into the cement. Turn up along it for more
sandwiches. There will be a WITB here. Go to the Spin-Pad and
activate it. Destroy the WITB. There is a building here with a
yellow robot and some stuff to destroy. Around the back is a blue
ramp that goes up. This is how you make it up most of the buildings.
Go back to the gate that contained the Wanted Poster. Go left from
it (the opposite way from where you went before). There are more
sandwiches and girders to watch out for. When you get to the red
arrow, watch on the right for a catcher. Turn left from the catcher
and take care of the things there. Follow the fence. Hop on the
items in the cement to the end. You will get a hiccup cola which
will allow you to bounce further onto the last couple cement blocks.
There is a toxic waste barrel at the end. Jump on the barrel 3 times.
WANTED POSTER #3/7: Wrecking Ball/Whack-In-The-Box Wanted Poster
Jump over the fence to get out. Turn left at the catcher and go
up the plank with the sandwiches. Remember to destroy everything
in the dumpsters. Run back to the beginning. As you get close to
it, you will see a lever in a booth. Spin the lever to raise the
gate on your right. Go through it destroy the things here. Use the
Spin-Pad and destroy the WITB. Careful of the wrecking ball and
spin through the pink wall. There is a second WITB, a second
wrecking ball, and a second pink wall to destroy. One more WITB and
one more wrecking ball. Destroy the Wanted Poster at the end.
WANTED POSTER #4/7: Blacktop Level 2 Wanted Poster
Keep going further to the phone booth for a bike cop costume.
The weapon is a cheese-shooting shotgun. Destroy everything near
the phone booth and continue on. The next room there's a dumpster
and a catcher. Shoot the catcher. Proceed on past the catcher.
There are some fire boxes and sandwiches up ahead. There are some
red boxes you should see. Jump up them to the second level. Walk
carefully along the edge of the wall for some sandwiches. If you
need a costume, there's a phone booth nearby. From the phone booth,
go up the ramp. There is a WITB here so keep going up the ramp to
the second level. Carefully cause it will get narrow at some places.
The second level has a Wanted Poster surrounded by blacktop. Turn
around to look for a white fence. Jump on it and you will fly into
the air. There are sandwiches and a super burp cola. Get the cola
and land yourself back on the second level. Get near the Wanted
Poster and stand on a sturdy area other then the blacktop. Burp
at the Wanted Poster to destroy it.
WANTED POSTER #5/7: Level 2 Steel Girder Wanted Poster
Get back on the fence and bounce up to the third level. Pass the
yellow robots and jump into the pink garbage chute. There is
usually a sandwich in the garbage chute and a lot of junk to
destroy also. You will wind up in a new area. Break what's in the
dumpster and walk up the planks until you come to the cement mixer.
Jump in it to get to level 2. The port-a-potty here warps you to
the left port-a-potty on the ground. Go back up to level 2. Along
the edge is a diving board looking platform that you can get some
sandwiches from. If you look to the right of the ramp that goes up
to level 3, you will see a Wanted Poster. Jump over the girder and
walk along the steel beam, crossing over the wooden plank to reach
the Wanted Poster and destroy it.
WANTED POSTER #6/7: Radio Antenna Wanted Poster
Go back into the building and go up the ramp to level 3. Carefully
go across the plank for sandwiches. Another one on the other side.
After you're done with level 3, go up the ramp to level 4. Around
the edges of most levels are lights and lunchboxes to destroy. On 4,
Climb into the booth by the magnet to jump over to the other
building. Destroy stuff here then go up to level 5. More sandwiches
and there's a hiccup cola. Go up to 6 when you're done. At 6, watch
the construction workers. There is a port-a-potty here that will
take you down to the right port-a-potty on the ground. After 6, go
to 7. On 7, there is a blue chute but hold off on that one. Carefully
go to the center and grab the bubble gum. This will make you fly for
a short period of time so you can get the sandwiches up high. Press
SQUARE to pop the bubble early. Enter the blue garbage chute. At the
bottom, destroy everything and there will be an elevator here that
you can take. Careful cause there will be 3 catchers up here. To
avoid them off the bat, run straight ahead to one of the red girders.
Walk along the planks and girders and you will see a hiccup cola.
Grab it and bounce your way along to the other building. Don't bounce
on the wooden planks cause you will fall through. Once you reach the
other building, at the far left corner is a structure that looks like
a TV broadcasting antenna, which it is. Use the hiccup cola to bounce
up to one of the short antennas. The antennas will bounce you up to
higher to the next one. Once you reach the top one, spin the Wanted
Poster 3 times to destroy it.
Go back to the first building and go around the edge to t
Non condivido ciò che dici, ma sarei disposto a dare la vita affinché tu possa dirlo.
Go back to the first building and go around the edge to the left
where you will see a ramp going down to level 7. Jump on the
dynamite to make a plank bridge appear on the roof. You can jump
in the phone booth here to get rid of the 3 catchers to make it a
little easier. Go back to the roof and make it over to the newly
formed plank bridge. As you're walking, the gramophone will take
over and you will sleepwalk the entire time. Make your way along
the planks and turn left at the first intersection. You will have
to fall off the plank onto a lower one and continue on to the end
where you will find the Golden Sam Statue. Take the left way back.
Make your way back to the bubble gum on level 7. If you notice,
at one side of the building, a large steel beam moves back and
forth. Grab the bubble gum and float over to that beam and land
on it. Careful not to fall cause it's a long way back up. Once
on the beam, walk to the middle of it where the other building
meets the beam. If you look down, you will see a blue level.
Jump down and manage to make it onto that floor. You will see a
cement mixer and a cement truck dangling from a rope. Spin the
bricks that are holding the rope 3 times so the truck falls down
into the cement. Thus destroying the Wanted Poster. If you still
need sandwiches, try falling down the garbage chutes for a few.
Now that you have completed everything at Bank of Samerica
(hopefully), you can go back to where the locked door was near
the offices to exit the level.
D. BOSS: Gladiatoons
From the Sam Francisco hub, jump into the cement mixer which
will send you into a few items finally propelling you into the
large ball on top of the theater. The concept of this boss is
fairly simple. The application isn't so simple. Daffy Duck Vs.
you. Each one of you is in a large metal sphere. You must roll
around the arena (and it is fairly large with tunnels and
bumpers and magnets). You need to roll over the light pods to
turn them your color (green. Daffy's is red). Watch out cause
Daffy can be very aggressive. There are 7 pods. One up high in
the caged area. Some down low in tunnels. Whoever has more light
pods in THEIR color when time runs out is the winner.
VIII. World 3: Wile E. West
A. Granny Canyon
WANTED POSTER #1/7: Wanted Poster surrounded by cacti
Go along the road getting sandwiches and watch out for falling
objects. At the painted tunnel, take a left and go along the
path. Get the sandwiches and bust through the keep out sign.
You will enter a cave with sandwiches. There are 3 different
paths all leading out to the same place. Out the other side,
destroy all the boxes and you will see a Wanted Poster behind
some cacti. Watch the Mexican guy throwing dynamite at you.
Destroy everything and then turn around to go the other way
(away from the gated area). You will pass by a masked cowboy
shooting cacti at you. Destroy all and enter the saloon. There
will be lots to destroy and you will see Speedy Gonzalez
running around. Grab one of the chili peppers and go back out
the door for now. Go up to the Wanted Poster surrounded by
cacti and press SQUARE to blow it up.
WANTED POSTER #2/7: Gas Station
Go back into the saloon. Grab a chili pepper and breath fire
into the room and a spot on the back wall blows up revealing a
hidden area. Go into it and take care of everything inside. At
the other end, be careful not to fall off. Get the bubble gum
and fly over the road to the gas station. There will be a sign
of Granny and a Spin-Pad. Hit the Spin-Pad and drop down a
level. You will see a road that has a large gap in it. Don't
worry about that one. Go on ahead and there will be a catcher
on this level. Make it around him and go through the tunnel
ahead. At the other end, go on ahead over the narrow path and
jump in the phone booth to get the sheriff's costume. Go back
and remove all the catchers so that you don't have to worry
about them anymore. At the gas station, use the Spin-Pad and
go up the hill. Since the WITB is disabled, shoot the Catcher
and if you have time, destroy the WITB. If not, redo the Spin-
Pad and get rid of it. Go back to the Spin-Pad and spin the
Granny sign 3 times. The glasses will fall over and ignite the
spilled oil blowing up the gas station Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #3/7: Water Silo
Go down to where the gap in the road is and use the Spin-Pad.
Get yourself over the gap and continue ahead. You should make
it to the WITB before it wakes. There's a cabin by the WITB.
There are some sandwiches and a Spin-Pad. (At this point, I
hit the destruction bonus). Go back along the path to where
the WITB was, turn left and you'll see a path going up fairly
high. Activate the Spin-Pad and go up it. At the top, destroy
the WITB and continue on. On your left will be a silo with a
Wanted Poster. Jump inside to destroy it.
After you come down in the silo, there will be some sandwiches
and some green sludge in canisters you can destroy. There is
a car sticking out of the ground. Spin it to open the trunk.
Jump on the red button and the UFO will open. Enter it and
spin up to the ledge. Opposite the yellow transporter is the
Golden Sam Statue. Grab it and transport out of the UFO.
WANTED POSTER #4/7: Cannon Bomb Wanted Poster
You can jump on the UFO to bounce and get a few sandwiches. Go
the way opposite the closed gate through a cavern. There will
be sandwiches and a Spin-Pad. Activate the Spin-Pad and spin
past the cactus-shooting cowboy. Go up the spiraling road up
and destroy the WITB. Jump into the cannon and it'll fire you
straight up and come crashing down into the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #5/7: Fiery locomotive
Crawl out of the crater and walk along the path all the way
down the hill getting everything. You will arrive at teepees.
There's stuff to destroy and sandwiches to get. Activate the
Spin-Pad here and go down the hill. Go fairly fast. There are
2 WITBs under the wooden bridge across the path and then the 2
down by the loop-de-loop. Make sure to get the 2 up under the
wooden walkway. Right past the pink rock is a lever in a hut.
Spin the lever 3 times. Dynamite falls into a train and the
train will blow up the bridge destroying the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #6/7: Hole in the ground Wanted Poster
Go back to where the little cabin was by one of the WITBs. Go
up the steep hill up to the next level. You will recognize
this area as where the silo Wanted Poster was. Continue going
straight ahead and you'll fall off the ledge and land near a
couple water barrels and a Mexican. Further up the road past
the Mexican man are a few wooden boards over a hole in the
ground. Spin them to fall into an area with a Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #7/7: Gramophone plank Wanted Poster
You will exit out the saloon. When you come down, go left and
you will come to the beginning area with the Mexican man. Make
your way to where the lever was that you pulled to blow up the
Sam sign. Facing the lever, turn around and there will be a
small hill going up. Go up it and turn left. Cross the wooden
planks and at the end, a gramophone will play so you need to
walk over the planks all the way around to the other side.
Once you enter the cavern, destroy the Wanted Poster.
Now that you have completed everything at Granny Canyon
(hopefully), you can go to the gas station and enter the cave
behind it to the catapult to exit the level.
B. Taz: Haunted
WANTED POSTER #1/7: Saloon balcony Wanted Poster
When you start off, go along the blue path and you will arrive
at the ghost town. There will be a catcher here. Go left and
jump over the fence that pops up. When you leave the graveyard
tombstones will pop up. Now you can reach the sandwiches that
are here. Leave the graveyard and enter the saloon across the
way. Destroy everything and grab the invisibility potion. Exit
out and turn left. Go by the catcher and destroy the boxes.
Activate the Spin-Pad and go back around the saloon to the
other side. There are a set of stairs going up to the second
story of the saloon. Destroy the WITB and continue on to
destroy the Wanted Poster. There are some sandwiches up here.
WANTED POSTER #2/7: Electric chair laboratory
Go back into the saloon and get another invisibility potion.
Go around and use the Spin-Pad again. Go along the path past
the 2-headed dog and you will come to a house with a WITB in
front of it. Destroy it and enter the house by spinning the
door. Inside, the fireplace is a doorway but don't go that way
yet. Find the large spiderweb and spin through it. Take the
path to the library. Turn right and there will be some boxes
to jump on. Get on the shelves and walk to the other end. Spin
across the gap to reach the sandwiches. Drop down and you will
see a phone booth. On the way there, a book will fall. Step on
it to open a hidden area. Enter the phone booth to get the
ghoul Taz costume. Walk over the bookshelf bridge and jump
from stone to stone. When you reach the other end, go through
the large metal doors. Walk forward and you'll be transformed
first into a mouse, then a ball. Use the X button to jump.
Further on through the next doors, there are 6 cables on the
ground. Jump over them avoiding them cause you will blow up
and have to do it all over again. There are 6 red buttons to
bump into you need to hit. Once they are all activated, the
chair appears. Bounce on the chair's button to destroy it and
the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #3/7: Haunted House stained-glass window
If you did this without getting blown up, a green port-a-potty
appears to take you back to the house foyer. Otherwise, you'll
have to walk back up to reach the house. Walk through the fire
place and the gramophone will hypnotize you. Turn left and
there will be 3 sandwiches you can get. Then go back past the
fireplace and continue along the planks getting the sandwiches
and not falling off. On the other side of the room, cross the
2 planks and go upstairs. Cross over the planks on the second
floor and go all the way to the green carpet. There are some
sandwiches here if you want. Past them is a large red wall you
need to go through. From one of the chandeliers is a sandwich
near a stained-glass window. If you fall down, you can jump on
the spring in the chair to go back up. Now, there are 2 suits
of armor that aren't swinging axes, but catcher nets. If you
get captured, you will lose money. To the left of the first
one is a space you can break into to avoid the first net. Then
to the right of the second one is another area to break to
avoid the second net. Then spin through the glass to destroy
the Wanted Poster.
Jump out of the house. There is a catcher down here. Avoid him
and find the dark cave path with all of the eyes looking. Go
through destroying everything. (I reached the destruction
bonus here). Go all the way through and you will come out the
other side near a house. Go up the steep hill next to the
house. At the top of the hill you will see train tracks in the
air. Jump to them and beyond them you will see a lever with 3
settings. Jump to it and spin the lever 3 times to open the
doors inside the house. Jump back to the top of the hill. Now
jump to the red boat-shaped balcony on the house and smash
through the window. Fall down the now open doors and you will
come to the Golden Sam Statue.
WANTED POSTER #4/7: Swamp tree gong
Exit the house and go back through the cave with the eyes.
Come out and turn left. Take the next path and get a few sand
wiches. You will come to a small pond with bones sticking up
out of it. Watch out for the catcher and go on to the narrow
path over the swamp with the guillotines swinging across it.
At the other end, there are a few stumps with sandwiches on
them. In the middle is a large green gear thing. Stand on it
and spin until you see planks pop out of the tree in the round
swamp. Now, go back to that tree carefully without falling in
the swamp. Once you reach it, jump to the first plank and
bounce up them. You only have a certain amount of time to make
it up the tree before the planks disappear. At the top is a
swinging Wanted Poster. Spin it once to destroy it.
WANTED POSTER #5/7: Abandoned house Wanted Poster
Fall down from the tree and go back through the cave you came
in through. You'll come out at the house with the water wheel.
Turn left and you will see a Spin-Pad. Activate it and go up
the hill. You'll see an invisibility potion for the catcher
and a WITB at the end to destroy. Use the green planks to
bounce up to the next level. You'll reach a house next to a
Spin-Pad. Don't enter the door yet but activate the Spin-Pad
and continue on the path. You need to be fast but you will go
through a green log that you can't spin through. Eventually
you will reach the WITB at the end. You'll wind up at a house
with boards over the door. Spin through and destroy everything
if you still need it. Go through the other door and you'll
come to the Wanted Poster. Destroy it.
WANTED POSTER #6/7: Ghost Train
Come back out the door of the house and turn right. Carefully
jump down cause there is a catcher down there unless you elimi
nated him. If there is, you can turn around and go up the path
to the phone booth for a costume. Destroy this catcher and go
along the path that is behind where he was. You'll go through
2 locked doors into a large roller coaster area. Activate the
Spin-Pad and go up the blue ramp. Turn right at the top for
sandwiches and the WITB. There is another blue ramp going up
you need to go up. Now you need to be careful on this level
cause there is green stuff. Constantly jump on it to avoid
slipping off. When you reach the other end at the very top of
the room, walk along the path to the center of the room. Spin
the red button 3 times to activate the Ghost Train. Fall down
and enter the train car. You can lean left or right for
sandwiches. Try not to get hit by the fire or cutting saws.
Eventually you'll smash through the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #7/7: Beginning of the level Wanted Poster
Now that this room is done, leave and make it back up the path
to the house next to the Spin-Pad. The door will open up for
you. Get inside and you will warp to a large green and yellow
machine. Go around it and follow the path down the other side.
At the end, you will be over the very beginning of the level.
To cross the first gap, spin fast and hug the wall on the left
to get to the second ledge. Jump up on it. Repeat this for the
third ledge and you will be next to the Wanted Poster.
Now that you have completed everything at Taz: Haunted
(hopefully), you can go to the house that opens its door for
you to exit the level.
C. Cartoon Strip-Mine
WANTED POSTER #1/7: Mine Shaft Wanted Poster
As you start off, destroy all that you see and go through the
mine shaft. You will come to what we will call the main cave.
There is a water chute on one side and on your left there's a
Wanted Poster being projected onto the roof of a building.
Follow the mine car track all the way down. There's a drill in
front of you which we'll take care of later. Follow the track
all the way getting sandwiches and eventually you will be able
to go in a phone booth for the cave explore costume. Past the
water chute is a catcher that you can throw your hat at and
then get another costume. Now go up the water chute and walk
all the way up it. You'll have to jump to reach the top. Jump
to the office in front of you and walk into the building. Spin
the blue button to change the track. Here's a little glitch.
Aim at the catcher from the room you are in and throw the hat
through the wall to get rid of him at no danger to yourself.
Go back down to the main level on the water chute. Once you're
off, get another costume. Turn right from the chute. Pass the
flamethrower and destroy what you can. Continue along the left
wall and pass the drill once again. After the construction
worker you should see a mine car on a track. Go to it and spin
the barricade that is preventing it from rolling and it will
roll into the flamethrower to create a large hole in the wall.
Before you leave here, turn left and find the rocky formation
with the sandwiches surrounded by water. If you need them,
they are here. Go ahead and go to where the large hole is in
the wall and go through it. Behind the blue/yellow boards with
the '!' is a WITB. Just go straight ahead. Break through the
boards. You'll arrive at an area with a mine car and a sign
pointing to a hole with a drill picture. Defeat the catcher
here in the room and go up the pathway that was behind the
catcher. Spin yourself up the steep hill. You'll come to an
intersection. If you look through the boards on the right side
you will see a Wanted Poster. There is a WITB hidden there
also so go left instead. Eventually you'll come to a Spin-Pad.
Activate it and continue along the path and you'll hit the
WITB that I told you to avoid in the first place. In the room
with the mine car, activate THAT Spin-Pad and go back up the
steep hill. At the intersection, turn right and break into the
room with the Wanted Poster. Destroy the WITB as well as the
Wanted Poster.
From the Poster, keep going down the tunnel and you'll come to
a flamethrower. Destroy the spiderwebs. At the intersection,
turn left for a sandwich. Don't go down that way yet. Go back
in the other tunnel getting everything. You come out into the
cave. Turn right, not left. Go along the rickety walkways
(careful cause they only last so long) and you'll come to a
Spin-Pad. Now hurry back the other way and you'll destroy the
WITB. Go forward from the WITB and you'll fall down a little
ledge. Jump on the dynamite lever to blow a hole in the roof
and you should see the Golden Statue in it. To get the statue,
go back to the right to where the Spin-Pad was. Turn left at
the flamethrower and walk up the rocky path. You'll enter the
hole you just made and collect the Golden Sam Statue.
WANTED POSTER #2/7: Spotlight projection
Go back down the path to the flamethrower. Go back to the left
to where the WITB was located. There will be sandwiches you
can only get by spinning yourself up along the cave wall on
the left. Eventually you'll make your way to an office with a
blue roof. Jump onto it and in one corner you will see the
spotlight projecting the Wanted Poster. Spin the spotlight 3
times to destroy it and the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #3/7: Drilling the ceiling
Go back down and make your way to the cavern with the mine car
and drill hole. Jump down the drill hole. Proceed along the
path. You'll come to a bridge with 2 electric fences and some
of the floorboards are gone. The electricity only flows in one
direction so time your jumps to get to the other side. Further
along the cavern you'll get to another one. Get over it the
same way. After the second electric bridge, there will be
sandwiches and stuff to destroy. Make it up the sloped pathway
to the top. Jump on the dynamite lever to start the drill
spinning and it will destroy the Wanted Poster in the ceiling.
WANTED POSTER #4/7: Gumball machine
Exit out that cavern back to the main cave. Go along the left
wall from where you are and eventually you'll come to an
elevator. Get into it and go down. You'll pass by 4 odd floors
and come back to the bottom. Exit out and go behind the flame
thrower. Spin yourself along the wall with the sandwiches and
you'll end up near 2 red machines. Spin the right button and a
cart will come out of nowhere and stop. Spin the left button
if you want to see how the machine is supposed to work. Go
ahead and go up along the narrow path, walk in front of the
flamethrower and turn right to go up a hill and stairs. There
are some things here to do. If you turn left out of the hole,
you'll see the cart that was stopped. Spin the barricade that
was stopping it and it will move forward. It stops again so go
and spin the other barricade to send gumballs into the machine
to jam it, blow it up, and destroy the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #5/7: Floating box Wanted Poster
In the same room, you'll see that there is some water with
boxes floating in it. Go down the hill to the water. There are
5 rows of boxes. The 1st, 3rd, and 5th rows are basically a
green box that floats from one end to the other. The 2nd, 4th
rows have orange and grey boxes. The orange ones sink and the
grey ones teeter. Jump onto the 1st green moving box and take
it to the end. Jump onto the grey box with a sandwich. Jump on
the second moving green box, to the 4th row grey box. Finally,
make it to the last green box and then jump onto land where
there is a Wanted Poster you need to destroy.
WANTED POSTER #6/7: Gold Room platform
From the room with the Wanted Poster, break through the blue/
yellow boards and go out to the other end. You will come back
to the floating boxes. Do the same thing here, green to grey/
green/grey/green, finally to the grey one right by the ledge.
Go back up and make your way back to the 2 red machines. Make
sure you have a costume on. Past them there will be a 'Do Not
Enter' sign. Smash through them all until you reach a really
long corridor. Follow the path and eventually there will be a
steep slide. Spin down it all the way and you will soar over
to the next ledge. The path eventually curves to the left so
to keep from falling, you need to spin around the ENTIRE ledge
until it flattens out and you can walk safely. Go up the hill
and eventually you'll come to a building. Destroy the catcher
and enter the building. There is a large round platform. Stand
on one end of it so the other end raises up. When the other
side gets near one of the three Wanted Poster signs,
immediately spin yourself into them until all 3 are destroyed.
If you need sandwiches, there are some on the floor of the
room. If you still need to destroy stuff, there are a lot of
boxes around the outside of the building. After you're done,
to go back to the cave you were in before, get onto the
conveyor belt. Walk on it being careful to jump over the piggy
banks that appear. At the 1st platform is a sandwich. The 2nd
one has a Spin-Pad. The reason for this is the 3rd one has a
WITB that would love to shove you off into the water below.
Disable it and go past it. You will eventually come to the
entrance. Wait for the path to come close to you so you don't
miss and fall into the water after all the hard work. Go back
out the doorway into the red machine cavern. There's one more
Wanted Poster and I saved it for last. Make your way to the
room that had the hole to the drill and the mine car. Jump in
the mine car to start the final Wanted Poster. The controls
are as follows: x to jump / O for boost / DOWN to slow down.
You can lean left or right to grab sandwiches or jump up for
some sandwiches. Here is the layout of the mine car ride.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++
The first thing you will do is jump a log. The track splits
then. Left are 2 sandwiches you have to jump for OR right that
has 2 logs you must jump over. Onto the next building: There
are rocks here you have to lean to avoid. First lean left,
then right. (If you hold lean for too long, Taz will get tired
and the car will drop down crashing over whatever obstacle is
underneath it). After the rocks, the following building has a
log with a light on it. You must lean right to avoid it. The
next area is nothingness where you can lean back and forth to
collect the sandwiches. The next building you come to when you
are riding straight up has nothing in it at all. The building
after that one you need to lean right and then jump a log. The
next building you must lean right, then a jump, then lean left.
The next room that has danger signs and skulls means that there
is a break in the track up ahead. So get ready to either hit
your speed boost when you reach the gap or jump it. The next
obstacle is another broken track you must navigate over and
then prepare to lean right to avoid the rocks. The last area
is the lava fork. There are 3 paths. The easiest ones are
either: 1) Hold left down the entire time making sure to drop
when you come to sandwiches. 2) Hold right down the entire time
making sure to drop when there are sandwiches. 3) Dead center.
The track is broken but you can't jump, you need to lean right,
then immediately left. After a while, another right then left.
Finally a right and then sandwiches. No matter which way you
take you should at the end smash into the Wanted Poster. The
ride isn't over yet though. You need to jump over another gap,
a couple sandwiches, and then one last jump and you'll arrive
at the room with the red machines. If you need 10 sandwiches,
you can get here through the different paths at the end.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++
Now that you have completed everything at Cartoon Strip-Mine
(hopefully), you can go back to the office with the mine car
that was locked before to exit the level.
D. BOSS: Dodge City
In order to defeat Sam, you are going to have to dodge the TNT
that he throws. You need to stand next to each of the fragile
boxes with the red Xs on them and lure Sam to throw his TNT at
you. When it lands near the box, run away avoiding the red
arrow area (blast area). Once the box blows up, continue on.
The fuse starts at 5 seconds but after the first fireworks box
blows, they start at 4. Then at 3 after the second one. Then 2
and finally 1. He throws them very fast at this point. Defeat
this boss and you'll make it to your home island of Tasmania.
IX. World 4: Tasmania
A. Tazland A-maze-ment Park
OK, the first thing to do is collect the sandwiches. There are
a lot of things to destroy. We're gonna tackle the Golden
Statue first since it's right here. After you've destroyed a
couple of the pop-up Tazs, as you're walking on the very, very
first narrow bridge, look to the left and you will see a small
island with a cave. Inside that cave is guess what-the statue.
(Many thanks to loothor for helping me figure this one out or
else this walkthrough would have never been completed). Right
past the first narrow bridge you will come to a ledge on your
right. There's a sign on it and a couple things to destroy. Go
ahead and jump on it. Destroy the red/orange tree to create a
stump. Now jump on the stump. Turn yourself around and you'll
see a tall red/orange tree standing near you with 2 branches
coming off it. Jump to the first branch and then hop up onto
the very top of the tree. Ahead of you, towards the beginning,
you can see the green tops of the trees. Jump to the first one
right in front of you and steady yourself on it. Turn right to
face the island and there will be another tree like yours that
is right in front of you. Jump across the path to it. Now, the
next tree is a palm tree. You won't make it to the very top but
you will land on the lower fronds to the right of the trunk.
That is fine. Back yourself up near the trunk and face the
island. Now say your prayers and spin yourself right for the
island. You should come very close to it. Remember to jump at
the last minute and it should make landing on the island fairly
easy. If you fall, you can try it again and again until you get
it right. On the island, go into the cave and grab the statue.
Now get the bubble gum and float back to the main island.
1. Spin up the large unbreakable tree closest to the Golden Sam
island at the very start of the level. You have to spin up past
the first branch at least to reach the island, the higher Taz
spins up the tree the easier the trip across.
2. Spin off at the ledge on the left as you are walking through.
This is tricky but let Taz build up to full spin then take off
as close to the fence section on the ledge as you can.
WANTED POSTER #1/7: Wrecking Ball wall
Go along the path and you will come to a Spin-Pad in front of
the white pipe. Activate it and spin through the pipe to the
other side. Keep going and go left of the catcher and you
should take out a WITB. Now go back to where the pipe is and
jump in the phone booth for the caveman costume. There is one
other catcher here to get rid of. At the end of the path is a
Spin-Pad. Activate it if you want to eliminate the WITBs on
the ground to collect sandwiches. **(There is absolutely no
bonus game for this level after collecting 100 sandwiches.
There is only the game tally that says you managed to collect
100 sandwiches on all 10 levels, or whatever you did)**. OK,
activate the Spin-Pad and walk up the wooden plank into the
hollowed tree. Don't spin or else you may destroy the plank.
Once in the tree, jump onto the hanging log then walk along
the planks being careful not to fall off them. At the inter
section where you can turn right, do it and you will see the
WITB you need to get rid of. From where the WITB was, turn
right and go over the plank. This one will break when you walk
over it so watch it. When you reach the top, there will be a
large steam shovel and a lot of white logs in the water. Once
you start walking on the logs, the gramophone starts up. Time
it so that the shovel passes you just as you start walking
around to the right. Get off at the red log. Keep doing this
at each red log until you reach the second shovel. This shovel
only moves forward and backwards. The last shovel moves back
and forth along the far log. Once you are past them all, you
will come to a grassy area. Jump on the dynamite lever to
destroy the gramophone. Find the brown box and spin it. It'll
open up. Spin the button inside to cause the wrecking ball to
smash the Wanted Poster and make a hole in the wall.
WANTED POSTER #2/7: Bird's Nest Egg
Walk through the hole and you will come to some trunks. Jump
from the shortest one and continue along until you get to the
tree planks. Walk along to the first tree. After you pass over
the next plank, one plank will fall down so you can get to the
first level. Further ahead you will see ropes leading to a
sandwich. Carefully tiptoe along the rope to the sandwich.
From here, you can turn right and go along the rope for a sand
wich or keep going straight to the far tree. Past that tree,
there will be a wooden plank leading down into an area with a
lot of thorny plants. Walk along them and turn left. Go all
the way to the end of the strip and you'll find the chili
pepper. Use it to get rid of every plant here. Clear the
statue's mouth of plants and enter it to jump up to the second
level. Repeat the same thing on this level. If you have to go
back and get another chili pepper, go ahead. Before bouncing
to the third level, go back to the first level and look for
the Spin-Pad. Activate it and jump up to the third level.
Destroy the WITB, then go get one more chili pepper. Come back
here with the pepper and destroy all the plants. The 2 most
important plants are the one along the fence on the edge and
at the very far end behind trees near the crane. Take care of
destroying what you want and you can climb the crane for some
sandwiches. Go back to where the witch doctor is and look at
the large tree. Take the elevator inside it to the top. You'll
have to jump along a series of planks going up and around the
tree. One plank will bounce you up. Carefully make your way up
and you'll reach the white branches. Go up them and bounce off
the red plank and eventually you'll bounce your way into the
nest. Spin the egg 3 times to destroy the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #3/7: Dynamite Destruction Wanted Poster
Now, from the nest, look down to make sure you can jump down
onto the ground that you rode the elevator up from. Between
the crane and the elevator tree is a Spin-Pad. Activate it and
approach the broken fence along the cliff where you destroyed
the thorny plant. Run and jump forward to the first tree. Turn
right and time your bounce off the board so you can bounce to
the tree with the sandwich. Land and turn left. Jump onto the
tree with the long red plank. Turn right and you will see the
WITB to destroy. Once you are done with it, walk along the
white branch and make your way to the ground with the little
pond. Around the far side of the pond is a board covered hole
you can fall down but there is a WITB so instead, go over the
bridge being careful cause some planks fall. If you have a
costume, destroy the catcher. If not, hurry and run to the
right to avoid the catcher. There will be a second catcher and
a phone booth so you can get rid of both catchers. Go back to
where the bridge is and you will see a Spin-Pad. Activate it
and hurry back across the bridge. Spin to hurry and fall into
the hole that is covered with the boards. Fall down and
destroy the WITB. Find the dynamite lever and jump on it to
blow up the Wanted Poster and a couple of walls as well.
WANTED POSTER #4/7: Log house Chimney Wanted poster
Spin back up the hole and carefully go back over the bridge
one last time. Take a left and you will come to 4 blue logs.
Spin up them but be careful because there are logs 4 at a time
rolling down the hill. Go ahead and make it up the hill to the
building that the logs are coming out of. Walk behind it and
you'll see the chimney. Spin up the chimney and jump onto the
roof to reach the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #5/7: Log-processing factory
Get down from the log house and go back down the hill. Go down
the blue logs and take a left. There are white logs floating
in the water. Go back to the bridge and activate the Spin-Pad.
Now run back here and jump onto the white logs. Make it across
3 and the WITB will be on the fourth one. Destroy it and jump
to the next log. Stand on one end to raise the other end and
then leap onto the stumps. There are 2 of them that will fall
if you stand too long. Turn left and jump onto the red ledge.
Jump forward onto the 2 hanging logs, then to the plank. 3
more hanging logs and then finally jump onto the green grassy
area. Go upstairs and enter the door. Go down the long curved
corridor and you'll come to the log-processing factory. This
is somewhat tough to do. Once you enter, turn right and you'll
see the first button. Spin it to start the saws. (They only
last for a short time so you gotta hurry). Now the hard part.
Turn around and jump onto the conveyor belt. Pass by 2 saws
and turn right. Pass a couple more saws and then you'll have
the option to turn right BEFORE or AFTER the muncher. Choose
BEFORE and you will come to a Spin-Pad. Activate it and
continue on. Turn right and you will go up the conveyor ramp.
Jump over the red log to the other side and destroy the WITB.
Quickly spin the second button here to drop the log and saw it
to destroy the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #6/7: Jet Engine Blowout
After you finish the Wanted Poster, a door'll open near the
second button that you can enter to go outside. Go around the
island to the other side where the phone booth is. You'll come
to a bridge along the left side. Follow the walkway and you'll
reach a waterfall and a Spin-Pad. Further ahead is a catcher.
Get rid of him. Activate the Spin-Pad and hurry over the water
fall and run to the red thorny plants. Run into them to bounce
yourself up to the mountaintop. Run along and fall down at the
other side. Turn right and there's a bridge you need to cross
with the WITB. Destroy the WITB and go to the other side. Turn
left and go to the end of the pathway. Jump over the blue
suitcases and you'll see a fence. If you look on the other
side of the fence, it has a Wanted Poster painted on it. Go to
the end of the jet engine near the edge of the cliff and jump
into it to destroy the Wanted Poster.
WANTED POSTER #7/7: Surrounded by thorny plants in Monkey Land
From the luggage cart near the jet engine, walk around to the
left and you'll follow a path to some hedges, If you get onto
the hedges, you'll make it to the other end to Monkey Land.
Proceed along the top of the hedges and then along each area
with monkeys getting rid of the dynamite to make this easier.
At the very end you'll see the Wanted Poster surrounded by
thorny plants. Make your way back over the hedges to the
beginning where the chili pepper on the tire was. Grab the
pepper and jump onto the hedges. Carefully walk along the tops
of them until you get to the first monkey area. Jump from the
hedge over the first monkey area into the second one. This one
has a tire under the tree. Bounce off the tire into the next
section. If you didn't clear the dynamite, there's a chance
you'll swallow one and swallow the chili pepper. Bounce past
the last monkey section and you'll land at the Wanted Poster
area. Blow fire to destroy everything in there. Go back to
where the jet engine was and go back around to the bridge you
crossed that had a WITB on it but don't go over the bridge.
Continue past the bridge and you will come to a very long
bridge where you see a mountain in the distance with
Yosemite Sam's picture on it.
Now that you have completed everything at Tazland A-maze-ment
Park (hopefully), you can go across the bridge and enter the
mountain with Sam's face to finish the level and confront Sam.
B. BOSS: Disco Volcano
The first of the 2 boss levels. It's you against Sam. The
first one to 6 points wins. Sam has to depress the dynamite
lever 6 times to blow up the volcano. You, will have to jump
to the center of the volcano onto the spinning platform and
grab a chili pepper. Then carefully jump across to the other
side and watch to see what area Sam jumps to. When you're on
land, follow behind him watching where he goes. When he jumps
onto the dynamite lever, quickly run over to him. Face him
DIRECTLY so you don't miss, and fire blast him so he cannot
push the lever down. Do this 6 times and you will defeat him.
C. BOSS: The Hindenbird
OK, now we see who's really behind the entire thing. Little
innocent looking Tweety. This boss fight is broken down into 3
1) Tweety controls his yellow robot. There is a shield around it to
protect him. The only time the shield is down is when he is
going to throw a box at you. Eat a box and wait for the shield
to de-activate. When it does, aim and spit the box at the
robot. Do this 4 times to conquer stage 1.
2) There are 4 large cylinders with magnetic force surging from them.
Tweety takes his energy form these. They open up occasionally
and Tweety unleashes a large magnetic charge at you. Eat a box
and when the cylinders open, aim and spit the box into one of
the 4 white boxes inside. You can hit them in any order but
you need to hit each cube twice to turn them from green to
yellow. Then again from yellow to red. Once all 4 are red,
stage 2 is finished.
3) By far the hardest of the 3. Tweety is on the other side of the gap
in front of a door. You need to open the door to release him
beat the game. To do this, there are 4 switches colored red.
You need to spit a box out and hit each one to turn it green.
The problem is they have to be hit in a certain order and then
after a while, the switches revert back to red and you will
have to do it again. Try going left to right or right to left,
then alternating them. The entire time, Tweety's firing homing
projectiles at you that you have to run from. I found running
to be the most effective dodging technique. Once you manage to
turn all 4 switches green, door behind Tweety will open and
suck him out. Congratulations, you finally beat the game. It's
pretty fun. Now you can try it on a harder difficulty.
X. Bonus games (100 sandwiches collected)
Once you manage to collect 100 sandwiches in any level, you
will unlock a special bonus game which you can play from the
world hub. In front of the level, there will be a phone booth.
The difference in this one from the regular ones is that it
will be ALL BLUE and have a propeller on top. Once you manage
to beat the bonus game, Sam will up the bounty on you a
certain amount of money (first time ONLY).
Yosemite Zoo: Zooney Tunes
You must complete 2 entire laps through the level race course
within the time limit. There are 9 checkpoints that you must
pass through. Each one gives you an extended amount of time to
complete the race. If you can't pass it the first time, no
worries. You can do it as often as you need to complete it.
Yosemite Zoo: Ice Burg
You must spin through the course one time making it to the 7th
checkpoint within the allotted time limit. Spinning is the only
way to make it through on time.
Yosemite Zoo: Looney Lagoon
You must break 50 boxes in 60 seconds. This isn't as easy as
it seems. You need to avoid falling in the water. You must
cross over pipes. The second island has green slippery stuff
on it. You need to jump on the boxes here and spin to break
them. Bounce over the sponges and the next island has a ton of
boxes. Time goes by even when you fall into the water so this
one is a little trickier then the other race levels.
Sam Francisco: Samsonian Museum
You must complete 2 laps around the lobby in 60 seconds. Seems
easy right. But of course, you will be racing on the floor
buffer which is a little bit difficult to control. Make it
through 8 checkpoints and that is it.
Sam Francisco: Looningdale's
You must complete 2 laps around the store in 60 seconds. But
you're gonna do it using the shopping cart. Just keep pressing
CIRCLE and controlling your cart and make it through all 11
checkpoints to get the bounty.
Sam Francisco: Bank of Samerica
You must destroy 40 box in 60 seconds. This is as hard as
the previous box breaking level. There is bubble gum that you
can use to float but you don't travel fast with it. Remember
that the boxes up high must be reached by jumping on other
boxes to reach them. Try not to fall off the buildings cause
you will lose time. Definitely not my favorite bonus game.
Wile E. West: Granny Canyon
You must ride a jet-bike around the level and complete 2 laps
in 60 seconds. Fairly easy. CIRCLE accelerates. Go through the
checkpoints and you should have it pretty easy.
Wile E. West: Taz: Haunted
You must destroy 45 boxes in 60 seconds. Just like the last 2
box breaking levels. There are sharp things on the ground. The
hiccup cola makes standing on the ground very difficult also.
Once you make it to the trees, try to stay there for the rest.
Wile E. West: Cartoon Strip-Mine
You must spin around the mine hitting 13 checkpoints. The only
real tough area is after the 2nd checkpoint when the bridge
curves left so you have to be careful not to spin off the edge
and lose precious time. You will go up some areas and down
some areas but always make sure to go through the checkpoint.
If you miss one and go through the next one, it won't count.
*NOTE* There is NO bonus game for the final level: A-maze-ment park
Q: What do you need to do to open the 2nd world in this game? I have
gotten all wanted posters, sandwiches, golden sam statues. I also have
found the hidden games, and have got through them.
A: To access any following world from the one you are on, aside from
destroying all 21 Wanted Posters for that world, you need to defeat that
world's boss. To access the boss, first off, you need to leave each
level out the appropriate exit point. At the bottom of each level, I have
stated where you need to exit out of. This will enable a small animated
cut-scene and an item from the level you just left will be added into the
world hub. You need all 3 in order to finally access the boss of that
world. [EX: World 1->World 2--You need to go to the elephant cage in Zooney
Tunes for the elephant, exit out of Ice Burg near the frozen snow blower in
the large ice sculpture for the snow blower, and go to the broken bridge
with the shark sign over it in Looney Lagoon to bring back a raft (I think).
Once all 3 of those things are done, you will jump into the blower which will
shoot you in the air, bounce on the raft, and into the elephant to access
the first boss of the game.] All 3 world's proceed in that manner.
Q: What do I need to accomplish in order to finish a level?
A: All you need is to destroy the 7 Wanted Posters in that level. The statue,
destruction bonus, and sandwich bonus are merely added extras for cash.
Warner Brothers -- For creating the wonderfully funny animated Taz
Infogrames Interactive Inc -- For making such a fun game to play
Blitz Games -- For researching and developing the game -- The ultimate gaming website and the only
one I ever go to for my game information
My girlfriend Melissa -- For whom I never would have purchased this
game otherwise and developed this walkthrough
The man named loothor -- From the IGN message boards for helping me
to figure out just how to get the Golden Sam
Statue at the A-maze-ment Park
** All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned
by their respective trademark and copyright holders. **
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