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Help "lo hobbit"

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  • Help "lo hobbit"

    qualcuno di voi ha questo gioco? sapete dirmi qualche trucco come ad esempio avere tutte le gemme? ve ne sarei infinatamente grata anche xkè già del primo quadro è un po' difficile trovarle tutte grazie mille

  • #2
    Per quale piattaforma ?
    Non condivido ciò che dici, ma sarei disposto a dare la vita affinché tu possa dirlo.


    • #3
      ah ho dimenticato di dire ke ce l'ho su Ps2


      • #4
        Brutte notizie. Putroppo non esistono trucchi per questo gioco. Le uniche indicazioni ( peraltro in inglese) si riducono a questo :

        Mirkwood Forest: Fighting spiders:
        When fighting the spiders, stay up on one of the rocks. Throw rocks
        at her minions. If you run out of rocks, just slpp on your ring and
        sneak (or she will hear you and attack), over to some rocks and get

        Defeating Smaug:
        Stay behind the debris until all of the fire is gone. Even though he
        stops, some fire is still there and it will kill even if you take
        one step out. The ring will not help you at all.

        Saving Beorn:
        In order to save Beorn on the last level, you must push four
        different blue barrels located around the area. Follow the courage
        crystals and do not stop to fight. Use the ring when you encounter
        enemies, because you are timed.

        Obtaining equipment:
        There are three items you can acquire throughout the game: the
        walking stick, throwing rocks, and Sting. The walking stick can be
        found in a chest in Bag End at the Shire (first level). The rocks
        can be found in a grove of apple trees in the Shire. Sting is
        obtained in the troll cave at the end of that level.

        Carrier upgrades:
        At the end of each level, you will be taken to the vendor. Here, you
        can buy upgrades for your rock bag and medicine chest. Each affects
        your carrying capacity. The upgrades are as follows:

        Rock Bag:
        First upgrade: +10 rock carrying capacity; total of 20 rocks.
        Second upgrade: +10 rock carrying capacity; total of 30 rocks.
        Medicine Chest
        First upgrade: +5 antidote and health potion carrying capacity;
        total of 10 each.
        Second upgrade: +5 antidote and health potion carrying capacity;
        total of 15 each.

        Walking stick:
        Until you obtain Sting, the walking stick will be used mainly for
        combat. Once you do obtain Sting, drop the combat aspect and only
        use it for jumping. When moving forward, quickly press L1 then X to
        use your walking stick to jump. Be careful -- using it on shorter
        jumps may result in over-jumping.

        Save regularly:
        It is very easy to die quickly in this game, whether it is from
        accidentally falling off a ledge, a severe poisoning, or being
        caught sneaking around. Save regularly to prevent jumping back a
        quest or more.
        Non condivido ciò che dici, ma sarei disposto a dare la vita affinché tu possa dirlo.


        • #5
          purtroppo non mi serviva nulla del genere ma grazie lo stesso!!! se tu o qualcun'altro riusciste ad avere altre notizie fatemelo sapere


          • #6
            non mancherò
            Non condivido ciò che dici, ma sarei disposto a dare la vita affinché tu possa dirlo.

