Volete farvi una risata?
Queste sono le correzioni fatte dagli americani al manga Tenjo Tenge (in italia Inferno e Paradiso):
Released on 3/2/2005 by CMX, Tenjo Tenge is one of the most shameful manga releases in recent years. Surprisingly the dialogue is fairly accurate throughout. There is some attempt to Americanize the text but nothing that truly detracts. The artwork on the otherhand is where the real problems appear. There are many instances where they "zoomed-in" on the original image to delete or obscure parts that are sexual in nature.
Please note that page numbers match between the original tankubon and the CMX release.
Cover - Tenjo Tenge title placed over Aya to obscure panty-shot
Page 19/ Panel 2 - Smash used instead of kill
Page 32-33/ Panel 4 - Zoom-in on Aya's upper body, bra added to cover exposed breasts
Page 34/ Panel 1 - Zoom-in on Nagi to delete image of Aya's breasts
Page 34 Panel 4 - Bra added
Page 35/ Panel 3 - "Other trouble-maker" used instead of foreigner
Page 36-37/ Panel 2 - Bra added
Page 38/ Panel 3 - Bra and panties added
Page 41 - Fight(Chapter) number moved to cover Nagi's middle finger
Page 50/ Panel 4 - Large "LEAP" effect used to cover Aya's panty-shot
Page 85/ Panel 2 - Bra added
Page 85/ Panel 4 - Zoom-in on Chiaki's upper body, bra and extra shirt folds added
Page 86-87 - Panties and extra shirt added to Chiaki
Page 88/ Panel 1 - Zoom-in on Bob and Chiaki's faces to delete breasts
Page88/ Panel 2 - Bra and panties added
Page 93/ Panel 4 - Sexual reference played down
Page 115/ Panel 1 - Extra shadows added to obscure Chiaki's Breast
Page 115/ Panel 2 - Extra shirt added
Page 115/ Panel 3 - Extra shirt added
Page 115/ Panel 4 - Zoom-in on panties to delete butt cleavage
Page 116/ Panel 1 - Zoom-in on Chiaki and Ryuzaki's faces to delete breasts and pubic area
Page 117/ Panel 1 - Zoom-in to delete part of breast
Page 117/ Panel 2 - Laundry added to cover breasts
Page 117/ Panel 3 - Zoom-in and shadows added to obscure silhouettes
Page 122 - Zoom-in to delete Chiaki's unclothed lower half, bra added
Page 136-137/ Panel 4 - Bra added
Page 149/ Panel 1 - Nagi's apology to Bob omitted
Page 159/ Panel 1 - Zoom-in on movie screen to delete sexual content
Page 166/ Panel 4 - Chiaki's sexual comments omitted
Page 167/ Panel 3 - Chiaki's sexual comments omitted
Page 172-173 - 4-koma omake omitted
Page 174 - Omake image omitted
Cioè, posso capire le vergogne fatte agli anime che magari andranno in televisione, ma rovinare così l'unica edizione di un manga è veramente da rotfl
Edit: Qui trovate anche qualche immagine...
Queste sono le correzioni fatte dagli americani al manga Tenjo Tenge (in italia Inferno e Paradiso):
Released on 3/2/2005 by CMX, Tenjo Tenge is one of the most shameful manga releases in recent years. Surprisingly the dialogue is fairly accurate throughout. There is some attempt to Americanize the text but nothing that truly detracts. The artwork on the otherhand is where the real problems appear. There are many instances where they "zoomed-in" on the original image to delete or obscure parts that are sexual in nature.
Please note that page numbers match between the original tankubon and the CMX release.
Cover - Tenjo Tenge title placed over Aya to obscure panty-shot
Page 19/ Panel 2 - Smash used instead of kill
Page 32-33/ Panel 4 - Zoom-in on Aya's upper body, bra added to cover exposed breasts
Page 34/ Panel 1 - Zoom-in on Nagi to delete image of Aya's breasts
Page 34 Panel 4 - Bra added
Page 35/ Panel 3 - "Other trouble-maker" used instead of foreigner
Page 36-37/ Panel 2 - Bra added
Page 38/ Panel 3 - Bra and panties added
Page 41 - Fight(Chapter) number moved to cover Nagi's middle finger
Page 50/ Panel 4 - Large "LEAP" effect used to cover Aya's panty-shot
Page 85/ Panel 2 - Bra added
Page 85/ Panel 4 - Zoom-in on Chiaki's upper body, bra and extra shirt folds added
Page 86-87 - Panties and extra shirt added to Chiaki
Page 88/ Panel 1 - Zoom-in on Bob and Chiaki's faces to delete breasts
Page88/ Panel 2 - Bra and panties added
Page 93/ Panel 4 - Sexual reference played down
Page 115/ Panel 1 - Extra shadows added to obscure Chiaki's Breast
Page 115/ Panel 2 - Extra shirt added
Page 115/ Panel 3 - Extra shirt added
Page 115/ Panel 4 - Zoom-in on panties to delete butt cleavage
Page 116/ Panel 1 - Zoom-in on Chiaki and Ryuzaki's faces to delete breasts and pubic area
Page 117/ Panel 1 - Zoom-in to delete part of breast
Page 117/ Panel 2 - Laundry added to cover breasts
Page 117/ Panel 3 - Zoom-in and shadows added to obscure silhouettes
Page 122 - Zoom-in to delete Chiaki's unclothed lower half, bra added
Page 136-137/ Panel 4 - Bra added
Page 149/ Panel 1 - Nagi's apology to Bob omitted
Page 159/ Panel 1 - Zoom-in on movie screen to delete sexual content
Page 166/ Panel 4 - Chiaki's sexual comments omitted
Page 167/ Panel 3 - Chiaki's sexual comments omitted
Page 172-173 - 4-koma omake omitted
Page 174 - Omake image omitted
Cioè, posso capire le vergogne fatte agli anime che magari andranno in televisione, ma rovinare così l'unica edizione di un manga è veramente da rotfl

Edit: Qui trovate anche qualche immagine...