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[This is Otakudom...]

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  • [This is Otakudom...]

    Originariamente Scritto da Il Prof
    Per tutti quelli che non se lo sono ancora visto.
    Per tutti quelli a cui non interessa la vhs.
    Per tutti quelli che vogliono pigliare per il culo SsjGogeta e Kirunks per i casini che stanno facendo.
    Finalmente sono riuscito a porre rimedio al danno...
    Quale, direte voi? Beh, ormai il passato è passato...


    Ve l'avevo detto io che Kirunks è una persona seria...
    Eh Eh Eh... Quando mai l'ho mai detto!? Però suona bene, dai...

    Ma andiamo con ordine:

    Originariamente Scritto da Scott Melzer
    Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you!
    I had a really busy weekend. I'm just getting caught up...

    > Italy here (Montecatini Terme, a little city near Florence in Tuscany).
    Awesome! I'm very excited that people from other countries have
    seen and liked "This Is Otakudom."

    > I've already watched your parody and it is GREAT. Really, maybe i
    > don't understand every word or every sentence but it makes me laugh
    > so much...
    Well, if you have any questions at all, feel free to ask! Also,
    I could e-mail you some text files. I have the complete script plus
    some "behind the scenes" stuff (explaining how we made it) and the
    explanations to lots of the in-jokes. Maybe that would help?

    > I got the copy from a boy I hope you remember "Lorenzo" aka
    > "SsjGogeta" and...
    Ah... Yeah, I remember him. That was a long time ago...

    > Well, I lost the tape.

    > I don't live in your country. Can you send a copy of your video
    > here in Italy?
    I can. I'll have to go to the post office and find out how much
    that would be. But... there might be an easier/cheaper way. I could
    instead send a VCD, which is much cheaper to send. Or, you could try
    to find it online. I don't have any place in mind, but I know that
    some times you can find it on file sharing programs. Just search for
    But, if you want it on VHS I'll find out how much that would
    cost. Unfortunately, it can cost a lot and take a very long time to
    get there... *sigh* I'll look into it if you want.

    BTW: Your english is very good. Certainly much better than my
    Italian, of which I know nothing. I studied Latin in High School,
    but that was 20 years ago, so I don't remember anything now!

    > Or-ehm... TWO tapes if you can!! ^_^
    Okay. I'll ask about that, too!

    Peace out.
    -Scott A Melzer
    Princeton, NJ, USA
    Originariamente Scritto da Scott Melzer
    Heya Niccolò!
    Sorry about not getting back to you. I just haven't been down to
    the post office yet. I'll find out how much it'll cost to mail two
    VHS copies to Italy. Things are crazy and I have so many things to
    do, so don't worry about reminding me. I should have written back to
    you a lot time ago. I have a lot of copies to mail out so I need to
    go to the post office, I just haven't been able to!

    I'll let you know when I do. Hopefully that won't be too soon.
    Originariamente Scritto da Scott Melzer
    I got down to the post office today. It looks like sending two
    copies of the tape to Italy isn't very expensive.
    The postage (for air mail) would be $10.00 (US). So, $15.00 US
    would cover my costs. But... how to get that to me? I don't use
    paypal or any other online pay services. The only thing that I can
    suggest is that you mail me the money. Checks and money orders from
    other countries are a real pain.
    Do you have any other suggestions? At least it's not that expensive...
    Sorry that took so long to get to you.
    Originariamente Scritto da Scott Melzer
    > Yo' Scott...
    'allo Kintor!

    > That's it, i'll send the money. I hope to do it next week.
    > I'll keep you updated... Thank you very much for everything, i'm
    > really happy i (can) could exchange some e-mail with you. ^_^
    Great! I'm glad that I could help. Work on the new parody has
    really slowed things down. I'm SO behind in making copies, in
    getting to the post office, and lots of other things in life. Sorry
    that it took so long to get back to you!

    > P.S. I remember in the VHS there were many video of yours... Are
    > you goin' to put them in those VHS' too?... :-)
    Yes, no problem. All the copies that I send out have them!
    Originariamente Scritto da Scott Melzer
    > Yo' Scott, it's about two months since i've sent the money
    I sent you a note on December 6th. I had been waiting for a
    response from you, but I think it bounced back. You probably didn't
    get it at all. Here's the e-mail:


    Heya Niccolò!

    I got your letter. Actually, I got it a few days ago. Sorry. I've
    been extremely busy lately! Any way, before I send out the package with two
    VHS tapes (and I'll include the CD as well) is there anything else I should
    send? Just wondering. Better to let you know I got it and ask than to keep
    Peace out!
    -Scott A Melzer


    So, is there anything else? Also, right now, my equipment is
    screwed up. The video input cable keeps coming lose and the video
    drops out. Very frustrating. My other VCRs are quite dead. And
    I've been working on the new parody. I'll... Try to get this fixed
    as soon as possible. I've got a pile of other requests waiting too!
    One weird question: Why do I always receive TWO identical
    e-mails from you? Why does it get sent twice? Weird.
    I'm not sure about when, but you're on the top of the pile,
    because I know it'll take the longest to get to you. I'm sorry.
    I'll try to get it done tonight.
    My appologies. The holidays and EVERYTHING else has just pushed
    making copies down the priority pile.
    I'll let you know when I send it.
    Gotta go to work...
    Originariamente Scritto da Scott Melzer
    Sorry this has taken so interminably long...
    I got my problems with my VCR sorted out, ran off some copies,
    and I'm sending the package tomorrow (Tuesday, January 18th). I
    don't know how long it'll take to get to you. I'll write again when
    I know that it's been sent.
    Sorry again!
    Hopefully it'll get to you very soon.
    -Scott A Melzer
    Princeton, NJ, USA
    Scott A Melzer è una persona squisita, gentile ed estremamente disponibile! Ho ricevuto l'altro giorno le due videocassette... Più una versione di TIO in VCD. Quell'uomo è il mio idolo, ha contribuito nettamente alla diffusione/evoluzione/storia degli Anime Music Videos nel mondo. Per me scambiarci delle e-mail è stato davvero una bella occasione. Credo che al più presto lascierò un commento a This Is Otakudom...

    Ed ora... SSJGOGETA! Mi rimandi il tuo indirizzo per PM che "saldiamo il conto"?

    Ebbene, finalmente la triste giornata in cui il mio amico mi disse "Ho perso quella cassetta che mi avevi dato da copiare l'altra sera mentre stavo tornando a casa ubriaco..." è finita.

    "Ore wa Kintor demo Trunks demonai...
    Ore wa kisama no tausu muru na de!"

  • #2
    Uno scambio "letterario" davvero notevole!!!!
    Della serie... la speranza è l'ultima a morire!


    • #3

      poi ssjgoge mi dovrà passare il tutto


      • #4

        Un giorno scriveremo un libro sulla storia della cassetta di This is Otakudom e venderà milioni di copie


        • #5
          brava Kirunxa!!!!

          ti piemmo subito il mio indirizzo!


          • #6
            Eh Eh Eh...

            Ti spedirò la cassetta il prima possibile...
            "Ore wa Kintor demo Trunks demonai...
            Ore wa kisama no tausu muru na de!"

