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New Video: Project Duchamp

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  • New Video: Project Duchamp

    This is the project I was talking about in my other thread for my Art class. It's not supposed to be amazing, but it is rather funny. Please read the notes on the links page. Thank you

  • #2
    Originariamente Scritto da Dracovis
    This is the project I was talking about in my other thread for my Art class. It's not supposed to be amazing, but it is rather funny. Please read the notes on the links page. Thank you
    Uff... that bad wmv format again ;__;
    However, I go and download it hoping that you made something good


    • #3
      Ehy Dracovis, sorry but I was not able to understand all the dialogues (cause I'm Italian) so I can't give my opinion about this vid.... but it's sure thai it is not a MUSIC video!
      However I should like to know all the words Goku and Vegeta say in the vid, can you write here the dialogues?


      • #4
        mwhahahhaha pretty cool but the lip synches weren't really that good^^besides that it was pretty pretty funny and showed duchamps works and life pretty well^^


        • #5
          Originariamente Scritto da Veggie
          Ehy Dracovis, sorry but I was not able to understand all the dialogues (cause I'm Italian) so I can't give my opinion about this vid.... but it's sure thai it is not a MUSIC video!
          However I should like to know all the words Goku and Vegeta say in the vid, can you write here the dialogues?
          Alright, here's the script. Vegeta = VE, Goku = GO, and Me = ME:

          ME: Hello, and welcome to my presentation on the artist Marcel Duchamp [hey]. Marcel Duchamp-
          VE: Hey you.
          ME:Can I help you?
          VE: Probably not, but have you seen an idiot come through here?
          ME: And idiot?
          VE: Yeah: Pointy hair, fighting outfit, ridiculously strong?
          ME: Who, you?
          GO: Hey guys, how's it going?
          VE: There he is.
          GO: Who's the kid?
          ME: Hey guys, I'm trying to report on Marcel Duchamp if you don't mind.
          GO: Oh man, the artist? Did you know that he was born in 1887 in France?
          ME: Yeah, it's right here.
          VE: H-How the hell did you know THAT?!
          GO: What, you think that fighting is my ONLY hobby?
          VE: Well... er-yes, actually.
          GO: I've been dead for 7 years, so I learned about Duchamp.
          ME: Really, what else do you know?
          GO: While in school, he sold some cartoons to humor magazines.
          VE: How pathetic, who would buy cartoons?
          -Blank Stare-
          VE: Did he do any REAL art?
          GO: Well, in 1911 he painted "Young Man and Girl in Spring", which is his rendition of the union of a man and a woman.
          VE: THAT'S how union works on this planet? Well, that's just boring!
          ME: We're losing track, we need to focus!
          VE: Didn't he also like chess?
          ME: Shuttup, you're not helping!
          VE: WHAT DID YOU SAY?!
          GO: Actually, he did like chess.
          ME: Really? Oh...
          VE: See? Moron!
          ME: Hey!
          GO: Here's the picture, it's called "Portrait of Chess Players".
          VE: I don't... See anything...
          ME: See? There's the players, and there's the pieces.
          VE: That's EXACTLY what I thought! This guy Duchamp was really smart. I bet he did some really classy pieces, huh?
          GO: Oh yeah, especially THIS one!
          ME: What is that?
          VE: Is that a urinal?!
          GO: NO! [it is] It's art!
          VE: Oh my God, he actually SOLD those?
          GO: Hey, I'd buy one.
          VE: Oh, of course YOU would, idiot!
          ME: Anyways guys, thanks for helping, but I think I'm going to go now.

          -In Background-
          GO: Look at me, I'm Vegeta, I've got 2 foot long hair.
          VE: Oh shuttup, you're such a child.
          GO: Hey, I can eat more than you.
          VE: WHAT? No you can't!
          GO: Let's go, right now, we'll go get some food!
          VE: Bring it on!
          GO: One more please!
          VE: And bring me some more eggrolls while you're at it.


          • #6
            Kinda a funny way to do a report. If I was your teacher a I would give you an A+


            • #7
              "GO: Oh yeah, especially THIS one!
              ME: What is that?
              VE: Is that a urinal?!
              GO: NO! [it is] It's art!"

              LMAO this project was hilarious


              • #8
                Originariamente Scritto da Fuze
                "GO: Oh yeah, especially THIS one!
                ME: What is that?
                VE: Is that a urinal?!
                GO: NO! [it is] It's art!"

                LMAO this project was hilarious
                Sweet! Thanks a lot you guys. Leave an opinion if you want, so I can get some more recognition. I'm thinking of doing some more like these. Thanks again.

