I need a little help on Virtual Dub. When I cut and save a video file in avi. It always comes out a huge file like 500mb or 1gb. Can you show me how you do it on the clips with DBA?
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Virtual Dub Help!
Originariamente Scritto da Veggeto WsI need a little help on Virtual Dub. When I cut and save a video file in avi. It always comes out a huge file like 500mb or 1gb. Can you show me how you do it on the clips with DBA?
You have to select "video" on the top menu of Virtual Dub, then Full Processing Mode and Compression.
A new smaller window opens (like you can see in the following screenshot) and here you have to select the codec (I usually use DivX 5.2.1) you want among all appearing in the list. If you don't make this the file avi will be uncompressed and very big size!
Originariamente Scritto da Majin_Steve87i'd suggest you to better use Xvid it has a better compression and a better file size for its quality though....
Maybe Xvid is better than DivX but I don't know well the best setting so I prefer not to use itI AM THE PRINCE OF ALL SAIYANS ONCE AGAIN! - VEGETA -
and don't forget to compress audio... Audio->Full Processing Mode, Audio->Conversion (beh sure to set 16bit and High Quality when you comprime AC3 streams) and then Audio->Compression and set your preferred codec (lame is suggested)
lol I see what you mean, but I ain't gonna have audio in it. They're gonna be HQ no audio clips.
EDIT:OK I tried it and I even put "Insane Quality" do I need to download Xvid. Look heres the results.
Last edited by Veggeto Ws; 17 August 2005, 03:56.
for judging the results, you have to put the original frame for comparing...
Originariamente Scritto da McDadofor judging the results, you have to put the original frame for comparing...
If you want us to check if your video looks fine or not you can't just make a lil screenshot of it!Even though the screenshot looks even worse because you compress a already compressed video sceen to another format which is JPEG for you at the moment so it looks like 2 times as bad as normal most likely