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The Prince of all Saiyans

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  • The Prince of all Saiyans

    This is a music video about Vegeta. I have made three music videos about Vegeta but the first two were not good. So I decided to make a third one and this one is the best of all. Please leave feed back comments. Enjoy

  • #2
    seripa te lo sei scaricato ??? se sì...come ??


    • #3
      devi cliccare su free e aspettare 45 sec
      poi scrivi le lettere che ti dice in stampatello maiuscolo,e così ti scarica
      Originariamente Scritto da cacalatte
      Swen,è la tua fine!


      • #4
        Can not read

        Hey N.a.u.r.k. and Cacalatte, I can not read your feed back comments. Can you try and write in English, sorry


        • #5
          Originariamente Scritto da SuperSaiyan005
          Hey N.a.u.r.k. and Cacalatte, I can not read your feed back comments. Can you try and write in English, sorry
          Don't worry. If you want, I will talk for them. They are talking about the downloading of your AMV. NAURK asked how to download the file and CACALATTE gave him the solution of the download's problem. Sorry if I don't give you a comment about your file, but now is time to go to bed. Next morning I'll post my comment.


          • #6
            dude i can't tell you how many amv's i have seen starting with that scene man...somehow it bores me lol well anyways the video was ok but it ain't anything new or special.Try to work on your timing and scene selection.If you could show maybe a few scenes of vegeta that are barely shown in amv's it would have a pretty good effect on the ops about your video.Or maybe (i know it's hard) try to figure out an idea that has never been there before.If you can handle that....your video will be very well known soon so...try to work on those things man^^


            • #7
              ok, good MV, but there is something wrong. The timing isn't perfect and some scene, but not the first of the "vegeta's rain", are too long. Then you had to insert some clips about episodes more important in the vegeta's life, like the first fight with GOKU and more clips about the sagas of DBZ (for example more scenes about the fight with CELL and with MAJIN BU), and there aren't necessaries the clips about the OAV (or, you had to insert some clips about the movie of JANENBA), but there isn't a true error .The clips of the freezer's saga are OK. Very good final, it is the first time I see the self-destruction of VEGETA like the end of a AMV. I know, in this video, you wanted ti show the anger and the charisma of the prince. Good choice and congratulation SUPERSAIYAN005, very good AMV.


              • #8

                Originariamente Scritto da Majin_Steve87
                dude i can't tell you how many amv's i have seen starting with that scene man...somehow it bores me lol well anyways the video was ok but it ain't anything new or special.Try to work on your timing and scene selection.If you could show maybe a few scenes of vegeta that are barely shown in amv's it would have a pretty good effect on the ops about your video.Or maybe (i know it's hard) try to figure out an idea that has never been there before.If you can handle that....your video will be very well known soon so...try to work on those things man^^
                I know that you seen a lot of AMV's with that same starting point, I seen lot's of them too, but I used that begining because I fit the music well. You can't just put some random clips of Vegeta in the begining and not fit the music, just does not work like that.


                • #9
                  You must write the 3 words beetween "Please enter" and "Download".
                  I don't remember. There is write this, I think so.

                  Ricordalo Kakaroth... Io non mi piegherò al volere di nessuno, nemmeno del mago Babidi; resterò sempre un vero sayan, sprezzante del pericolo e libero da ogni regola.
                  - Episodio 235 "Vegeta si prepara al duello" -


                  • #10
                    Ely, guarda che SERIPA è italiana.
                    Allora per il download, in fondo alla pagina vi verrà chiesto quale tipo di download utilizzare: premium o free. Cliccate su free, poi dovete solo aspettare e vi apparirà la finestra del download.


                    • #11
                      Originariamente Scritto da SuperSaiyan005
                      I know that you seen a lot of AMV's with that same starting point, I seen lot's of them too, but I used that begining because I fit the music well. You can't just put some random clips of Vegeta in the begining and not fit the music, just does not work like that.
                      hehe i know u don't need to tell me that but there are lots of scenes that would have fit in there as well and that are not as often used as this one


                      • #12
                        Originariamente Scritto da seripa
                        ok i have downloaded it doest open! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!!!!
                        What do you mean it does not open?


                        • #13
                          Excuse me if I now will spell italian language.

                          SERIPA, se il download avviene con il mirror alpha, sappi che anche a me esso ha dato problemi, poi ho provato altre 2 o 3 volte e tutto ha funzionato correttamente.

                          I sayd to SERIPA to try again with the download of the file, because so do I HAD PROBLEM WITH THE DOWNLOAD firstly!


                          • #14
                            Originariamente Scritto da white wolf jericho
                            Ely, guarda che SERIPA è italiana.
                            Allora per il download, in fondo alla pagina vi verrà chiesto quale tipo di download utilizzare: premium o free. Cliccate su free, poi dovete solo aspettare e vi apparirà la finestra del download.
                            Lo so benissimo k è italiana, volevo solo esprimermi in inglese x nn provocare incomprensioni cn Supersaiyan005.

                            Ricordalo Kakaroth... Io non mi piegherò al volere di nessuno, nemmeno del mago Babidi; resterò sempre un vero sayan, sprezzante del pericolo e libero da ogni regola.
                            - Episodio 235 "Vegeta si prepara al duello" -


                            • #15
                              Originariamente Scritto da Ely
                              Lo so benissimo k è italiana, volevo solo esprimermi in inglese x nn provocare incomprensioni cn Supersaiyan005.
                              Scusami, come ho potuto? SONO UNO SPUTO! UNA M***A DI UOMO!

                              P.S. Ma nessun altro di voi ha fatto un altro AMV? Il mio lo posterò o domani o dopodomani.

