Martedì è uscita la versione 1.5.5 del Virtualdub. Lo trovate direttamente alla pagina dei download dove è disponibili la versione normale. Non è ancora disponibile la versione ottimizzata per Pentium 4 e a quanto pare non ce ne saranno più a causa di un problema del compilatore.
Questa release è una release sperimentale quindi l'autore la consiglia a chi non ha paura di incontrare qualche nuovo bug e vuole provare alcune nuove migliorie, per altri usi consiglia di usare l'ultima versione stabile ovvero al 1.5.4. Cmq ecco la lista dei cambiamenti:
Current build (Version 1.5.5):
[features added]
* Partial Unicode support -- you can now open and save
files using Unicode filenames.
* "Chroma smoother" video filter refilters point-sampled
chroma with linear interpolation.
* Single-stream cut & paste. (Be patient....)
* Improved performance of AVI parser, particularly for
Direct mode streaming.
* Improved performance of bicubic upsampler.
* Audio filter graph now shows intermediate audio
formats on connections.
* Audio filters can now be plugins.
* New MPEG-1 video core (Meia) -- full vertical
clipping. Horizontal clipping is still by macroblock.
* Rewrote display code -- DirectDraw support is now
* Log windows now have a context menu for clearing,
copying, and saving the log text.
* Modified AVI2 indexing to relax indexing restrictions
somewhat, although it's still not user configurable
[bugs fixed]
* Hex editor occasionally displayed the wrong data after
a find or save command.
* "Attach extension" option didn't work for signpost
save dialog.
* Fixed crash when I/O errors occur during a processing
operation, and then occur again when attempting to
gracefully finalize the partial output file.
* "Clear" didn't work in audio filter graph.
* Fixed I/O errors when attempting to push audio forward
with advanced audio filtering enabled.
* "Go to" command didn't handle timestamps with frac-
tional seconds that only had 1 or 2 decimal digits.
* "General convolution" generated bad code for factors
of 2, 4, and 8 when dynamic compilation was enabled.
* Interleave periods of zero are no longer allowed.
* Added workaround for crash or hang when compressing
with the "3ivx D4 4.0.4" video codec.
* Fixed non-interleaved save mode and made it cooperate
with segmentation.
* Added workaround for heap corruption when processing
audio in advanced mode sourced from some versions of
* Clarified DivX warning to note that it doesn't apply
to the DivX 4+ codecs.
* Fixed filter cropping not working properly when
"motion blur" was the first filter in the chain.
In una news di circa una settimana fa l'autore fa anche sapere che non supporterà in alcun modo il codec DivX 5.1 nel virtualdub a causa dei problemi riscontrati per via di alcune discutibili scelte dei programmatori del codec. Potete trovare maggiori informazioni sulla homepage del virtualdub.
Questa release è una release sperimentale quindi l'autore la consiglia a chi non ha paura di incontrare qualche nuovo bug e vuole provare alcune nuove migliorie, per altri usi consiglia di usare l'ultima versione stabile ovvero al 1.5.4. Cmq ecco la lista dei cambiamenti:
Current build (Version 1.5.5):
[features added]
* Partial Unicode support -- you can now open and save
files using Unicode filenames.
* "Chroma smoother" video filter refilters point-sampled
chroma with linear interpolation.
* Single-stream cut & paste. (Be patient....)
* Improved performance of AVI parser, particularly for
Direct mode streaming.
* Improved performance of bicubic upsampler.
* Audio filter graph now shows intermediate audio
formats on connections.
* Audio filters can now be plugins.
* New MPEG-1 video core (Meia) -- full vertical
clipping. Horizontal clipping is still by macroblock.
* Rewrote display code -- DirectDraw support is now
* Log windows now have a context menu for clearing,
copying, and saving the log text.
* Modified AVI2 indexing to relax indexing restrictions
somewhat, although it's still not user configurable
[bugs fixed]
* Hex editor occasionally displayed the wrong data after
a find or save command.
* "Attach extension" option didn't work for signpost
save dialog.
* Fixed crash when I/O errors occur during a processing
operation, and then occur again when attempting to
gracefully finalize the partial output file.
* "Clear" didn't work in audio filter graph.
* Fixed I/O errors when attempting to push audio forward
with advanced audio filtering enabled.
* "Go to" command didn't handle timestamps with frac-
tional seconds that only had 1 or 2 decimal digits.
* "General convolution" generated bad code for factors
of 2, 4, and 8 when dynamic compilation was enabled.
* Interleave periods of zero are no longer allowed.
* Added workaround for crash or hang when compressing
with the "3ivx D4 4.0.4" video codec.
* Fixed non-interleaved save mode and made it cooperate
with segmentation.
* Added workaround for heap corruption when processing
audio in advanced mode sourced from some versions of
* Clarified DivX warning to note that it doesn't apply
to the DivX 4+ codecs.
* Fixed filter cropping not working properly when
"motion blur" was the first filter in the chain.
In una news di circa una settimana fa l'autore fa anche sapere che non supporterà in alcun modo il codec DivX 5.1 nel virtualdub a causa dei problemi riscontrati per via di alcune discutibili scelte dei programmatori del codec. Potete trovare maggiori informazioni sulla homepage del virtualdub.