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I saw your vid........
First of all...why did you title this topic "Vegeta Pain" if it has got nothing to do with the vid....?
Then...the Divx logo!!!! Don't you know how you can disable it? I repeated again and again how you have to do it here in this forum but most of you keeps on ignoring it!
I think you used windows movie maker to make your vid and wmv format is a bad format for music videos: even if most of the clips are from DVD, this format ruins them and the quality comes out quite bad!!!
Unluckily your vid misses of timing: with a song like the one you chose (Toxic) I think it was very hard for a beginner make a good vid! The only parts where it seems that the images can match the music are when you put the many faces one following the other...
I hope you can find another program of video editing...
I think that Adobe Premiere could be found somewhere in the web or even the Ulead Studio...
Topic was named vegeta pain becauce i whanted to show you other clip but angelfire broked or something happined and i couldnt show you that so i showed you Fight style.Whay you dont like movie maker? Premier is very difficult.