Era ora che tornassimo ad aggiornare la nostra sezione music video, vero?! Confessate che ne sentivate la mancanza! :PPP Beh, cercheremo di riprendere con regolarità la pubblicazione dei nuovi music videos dei nostri amici, vecchi e nuovi! Ed ecco qua Shadowbeast che ci propone un tema, la storia della vita di Trunks, sicuramente molto ricorrente, ma vi assicuro che in questo music video è trattata in modo diverso dal solito, a cominciare dalla intro strumentale (tratta dalla serie TV di Miami Vice!)
Time has come to update our music videos section, isn't right? Do acknowledge that you missed it! :PPP Well, we'll try to start again with regular updates publishing new music videos by our friends, old and new! And now here's to you Shadowbeast with a frequently used theme, Trunks life story, but I assure you that this time it's different, starting from the instrumental intro (from Miami Vice TV soundtrack)...
Time has come to update our music videos section, isn't right? Do acknowledge that you missed it! :PPP Well, we'll try to start again with regular updates publishing new music videos by our friends, old and new! And now here's to you Shadowbeast with a frequently used theme, Trunks life story, but I assure you that this time it's different, starting from the instrumental intro (from Miami Vice TV soundtrack)...