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New mv....

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  • New mv....

    hi i also am very new to the mv making comunity but i would be honored if somone could give me a opinion on how good or bad my work is...

    heres the link:

    and im sry i can only read and write in english...

    thank you

  • #2
    Hi and welcome to Dragon Ball Arena! ^__^ And don't worry if you can only write and read English!

    About your vid...
    I'm sorry to have to tell you something we often tell to the beginners in music videos creation: making a music vid doesn't mean to take some clips, put them one after the other (even if with the same subject or theme) and accompany them with a song! It would be too easy!
    A big error: you used the clips entirely, just like you find them published somewhere but this thing is not right!!! The great music videos creators take the clips (we of Dragon Ball Arena or other sites publish) but don't use them the way they find them: they work a lot on them by editing, cutting and creating special effects...Sometimes they also have to speed them cause the rhythm of the song is faster etc...
    Instead, in your vid it seems that the images don't match the music (there's no timing!) and first of all you must remove the DivX logo from your videos! To do it, you have to click on the file "config.exe" located in DivX folder of your PC. Then, in the menu of the new opened window, choose "Quality setting" and here you must select "Disable Divx logo".
    Another thing I recommend is to avoid a so big resolution when you didn't get all the clips of this same size because the smaller (for example the ones of 320 x 240 or even of 512 x 384) are enlarged by the program you used (windows movie maker I think....) to be adjusted to the bigger and the result will be a bad video.
    Well, don't be discouraged!!! You have to practise more and more and you have to change the program you use for your videos cause the wmv format is bad to make music vids.
    Cya soon


    • #3
      well thank u for your input belive me i apriciate it...(seeing as how everyone else who i asked weren't very nice....)

      but now i must find a new video editing thingy lol could you point me in the direction of a good one?


      • #4
        Wanna the best, dude?
        Go and get Adobe Premiere 6.5 or 6.0.
        --\\ You Cannot Kill What You Did Not Created //--


        • #5
          Originariamente Scritto da KoRnsChild
          hi i also am very new to the mv making comunity but i would be honored if somone could give me a opinion on how good or bad my work is...

          heres the link:

          and im sry i can only read and write in english...

          thank you
          Hi, welcome to DBA
          I don't think about things, but I respect who does!*

