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because the clips you tried to download is new....the new clips are with the script and this script doesn't work...however it will work sonn. i don't know if what i told is right, but if not, there's Veggie who can explain you better
because the clips you tried to download is new....the new clips are with the script and this script doesn't work...however it will work soon.
More or less, it is right! This problem deriving by a strange technical situation of gamesurf, but as soon as possible, this problem, will be resolved!
Our database has got some problems and we need a few days to fix the problem that involves lot of multimedia stuff!
ok thanks, i'll wait a few days before I try to download them, cause I realized that no saiyan saga clips were working and stuff like that so yea i'll wait
Ma hai letto cosa ho scritto prima?!
Cosa c'entra quello che hai scritto tu con il topic?
E non è la prima volta che scrivi cose che non c'entrano niente con l'argomento.... finora non ti ho richiamato, ma qui lo avevo scritto apposta ed avevo già cancellato un paio di post stupidi....
Poi vi lamentate che uno si arrabbia! Se non hai niente da dire che sia inerente all'oggetto del topic, non è che sei costretto a postare!