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  • laura

    ciao vorrei sapere 2 cose,la 1 perke quando laura stranutisce cambia aspetto e carattere? 2perke in dbz laura non c'è?scusate se non ho visto quei episodi.

  • #2
    laura sarebbe lunch vero? quando starnutisce cambia asp e car perke è nata cosi..eheh


    • #3
      Per me Lunch non e' una persona sola ma due persone che condividono lo stesso corpo(specifico che questa e' la mia opinione).


      • #4
        allora pure quando fa le scuregge cambia personalità?


        • #5
          in dbz non serviva più(il suo ruolo era solo di macchietta comica),perciò non appare più.


          • #6
            Originariamente Scritto da Daredevil
            Per me Lunch non e' una persona sola ma due persone che condividono lo stesso corpo(specifico che questa e' la mia opinione).
            Quoto...una buona idea del mitico Tori per un personaggio pressochè marginale con una bella toei non c sarebbe arrivata...



            • #7
              Tuttavia qualche rara apparizione mi pare che la faccia... anime-only si intende (per esempio quando Vegeta si concentra nel primo combattimento con Goku e fa tremare tutta la terra... si vede in un bar)
     ultima pagina


              • #8
                Infatti...mi sembra strano che non sia mai apparsa nelle 296 puntate dello "Z"...adesso che abbiamo visto in TV la serie di Radditz, mi pare di ricordare che non sia effettivamente mai apparsa...



                • #9
                  Eccomi qua!! Ho fatto una breve ricerca sulle comparse di Lunch durante Dragon ball Z ed eccovi il risultato!! (mi spiace per chi non sa l'inglese ma vi dovete accontentare...ho trovato solo questo...e a tradurla tutto ci metterei un po troppo tempo)!!

                  Lunch is often shown in the original Dragon Ball, and develops a crush on Tenshinhan, which continues into the early Dragon Ball Z episodes; however, as with other side characters, she eventually tapers off to nothingness as the storyline shifts focus to the Saiyan.

                  Drunken Lunch in the Saiyan SagaA high-speed chase is shown with Lunch on a motorcycle being chased by four cop cars. She turns around and fires a bazooka at the cops, taking out a car. She apparently has stolen some money. As she gets away, she mentions she is going to see Tenshinhan and bring him some nutritious food.

                  Later, Miss Lunch fires a machine gun into the air to alert Tenshinhan that dinner is ready. She had a lot of food prepared for him and Chaozu. Tenshinhan says the reason he is training all the time is because he wants to be more powerful than Goku. Lunch tells him not to worry about training and wants Tenshinhan to help her rob a bank. Tien isn’t interested and goes back outside to train. Lunch gets upset and fires her gun at Chaozu as he runs outside. The house Lunch lives in breaks thanks to the earthquake cause by Piccolo. Lunch, now with blue hair is still in shock over the whole ordeal. She decides to go back to Roshi’s, but quickly returns to Tenshinhan, with blonde hair again, firing her machine gun at him. Bulma flies overhead and Lunch shoots at them. Kuririn informs Tien that they are to be trained by Kami and they decide to leave immediately.

                  In the same day, Lunch stands at the bottom of Korin Tower yelling at Tenshinhan to not leave her behind. Tenshinhan and Chaozu are climbing the Tower. In the mean time, Lunch is caught trying to rob a tipi by Bora. Lunch pulls out a shotgun and fires at the Bora’s son Upa. Bora knocks the shotgun out of her hands. She sneezes and has blue hair once again.

                  Final cameo appearance of Lunch in the mangaOne year has passed, and Lunch is drinking in a bar, almost passed out. She is depressed about Tenshinhan's death, and demands that the bartender gives her more. Just then, they both feel what seems to be an earthquake, and rush outside to see the sky clouding over and the birds going nuts.

                  During the Freeza Saga, Lunch is seen during Goku's Dream Sequence. Goku is thrown underwater, and Freeza tries to drown him, but a vision of his close friends and family being violently murdered, and his planet destroyed, gives Goku the encouragement he needs to raise his Kaioken attack to twenty times normal power.

                  She reappears as her innocent self in the last episodes of DBZ to give her energy to Goku for his Ultimate Sprit Bomb (Genki Dama). She seems to have aged quite a bit and working as a truck driver.

                  It is a remote possibility that Lunch’s ability to shift form led to the idea of Saiyan that could transform; in a sense, Lunch could be seen as the series' first “Super Saiyan”, in regard to her transformation into a blonde with super abilities and a dominating personality. However, the series creator, Akira Toriyama, stated that he actually forgot about Lunch as the story went on, and the appearances that she makes in the Dragon Ball Z anime are not in the original manga, though none of her appearances in Dragon Ball Z contradict the original manga.

                  Lunch's final appearance in the manga was actually during a filler scene in the Freeza Saga, the only instance where she appeared after the 23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai. Such filler scenes were inserts to the chapters found in Weekly Shonen Jump 1991 #3 and #4. Since they were only gag-manga done at the request of the magazine, resulting in each author from those two issues contributing holiday-themed gag-manga inserts, they weren't considered canon and were never included in the Tankobon (compilation volume).

                  Toriyama has stated that he planned for her to appear in the sequence when all of Goku's friends lent him energy for the Genki Dama, but decided he'd forgotten how to draw her well and substituted Android 17 instead; she does, however, appear in the anime.

                  Comunque vi dico che c'era inoltre scritto che nel GT non ha fatto alcuna comparsa, ad eccezione di quando, nell'ultimo episodio, vengono mostrati i flashback di tutte e tre le serie.



                  • #10
                    Si vede che alla Toei non andava giu' il personaggio di Lunch e condivido la loro stessa opinione,a parte far prendere i posti in prima fila nel torneo non sa fare nient'altro.


                    • #11
                      Originariamente Scritto da Daredevil
                      Si vede che alla Toei non andava giu' il personaggio di Lunch e condivido la loro stessa opinione,a parte far prendere i posti in prima fila nel torneo non sa fare nient'altro.
                      No. Secondo me è invece un ottimo componente caratteristica delle doppia personalità suo amore segreto (mica tanto) x Ten ecc.



                      • #12
                        Vabbe' i gusti sono gusti e a me non piace, ma se a te piace contento te!


                        • #13
                          In realtà il Tory non la mostra più nel manga perché negli anni tra DB e DBZ muore.

                          In particolare si suicida dopo aver saputo che Ten preferisce Jiaozi a lei


                          • #14
                            Lunch appare solo nella saga dei sayan. se ci fate caso nella (credo) seconda puntata di dragon ball z bulma chiede dove sia laura e genio risponde che segue tenshinan. in un'altra puntata (sempre saga dei sayan) fa vedere che tenshinan si allena e Lunch prepara da mangiare ma poi se ne va e l'ultima volta che appare è in un bar quando Vegeta si carica.
                            il mio forum su dragon ball



                            • #15
                              Esatto, l'ultima apparizione la fa in bar subito dopo la morte di Tenshinhan a causa di Nappa; li chiede in continuazione al barista di farla bere...e poco dopo si suicida...


