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forse nn è il forum adatto per dirlo però...finalmente oggi ho completato(si fa per dire lol) la perfect edition!!niente + buchi in collezione...
voi come siete messi?
Sparks from the fire rise up to the sky, higer and higer oh I want to fly.
Out of the story this time I'll be free.
Wake up for a moment from that dream of me...
lol nooo forse hai capito male...è fino al n°12 non al 32...infatti avevo detto si fa per dire
Sparks from the fire rise up to the sky, higer and higer oh I want to fly.
Out of the story this time I'll be free.
Wake up for a moment from that dream of me...
hi hi bene certo che ad averceli tutti e trentadue... allora io sarò prossima alla maturità !
Sparks from the fire rise up to the sky, higer and higer oh I want to fly.
Out of the story this time I'll be free.
Wake up for a moment from that dream of me...
Sparks from the fire rise up to the sky, higer and higer oh I want to fly.
Out of the story this time I'll be free.
Wake up for a moment from that dream of me...