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[TOPIC UNICO] Dragon Ball AF by pgv

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  • [TOPIC UNICO] Dragon Ball AF by pgv

    ecco a voi il primo episodio:


    sito ufficiale:


    Si ringrazia il PGV's AF team
    Last edited by Jarod; 15 January 2007, 21:51. Motivo: passi il sito ma il link del forum proprio no.
    La mia fanfic: "Dragon Ball Destiny"__DB Destiny Fan Manga__Le mie Dragon MinGhiate XD___ __GT= Gran Troiata™ - AF= AFanculo!!!™ (lele_ct's copyrights)__

  • #2
    bravo lele che li hai trovati tutti e due e complimentissimi a PGV per il grande lavoro e impegno!!!
    sigpic " I'M THE PRINCE OF ALL SAYAN " Vegeta
    visita questo bellissimo forum


    • #3
      AF non esiste! La detto Toriama stesso! E falso!


      • #4
        Originariamente Scritto da LeggendarioSuperSaiyan Visualizza Messaggio
        AF non esiste! La detto Toriama stesso! E falso!
        Questi infatti non sono i veri video di AF, sono video fatti da PGV che ha deciso di riprodurre lui stesso la storia di AF.
        Ultima saga di DBReturn (con dentro i link delle prime 2):


        • #5
          X lele_ct: posti qui tutte le puntate che verranno dopo queste?
          Ultima saga di DBReturn (con dentro i link delle prime 2):


          • #6
            Originariamente Scritto da LeggendarioSuperSaiyan Visualizza Messaggio
            AF non esiste! La detto Toriama stesso! E falso!

            cmq si, posterò tutte le puntate di pgv
            La mia fanfic: "Dragon Ball Destiny"__DB Destiny Fan Manga__Le mie Dragon MinGhiate XD___ __GT= Gran Troiata™ - AF= AFanculo!!!™ (lele_ct's copyrights)__


            • #7
              bello, anzi bellissimo! complimenti a pgv
              ma ha già finito di produrre l'intera serie?? =O se si, è troppo ganzo


              • #8
                non fraintendetemi! non lo sapevo!
                KAAROT!!! TI UCCIDEROOOOOO!!!!!


                • #9
                  Originariamente Scritto da LeggendarioSuperSaiyan Visualizza Messaggio
                  non fraintendetemi! non lo sapevo!
                  nn ti preocc, allora io a ke ci sto a fare ... x sbk : purtroppo man mano ke li produrrà io ve li farò avere puntualmente
                  La mia fanfic: "Dragon Ball Destiny"__DB Destiny Fan Manga__Le mie Dragon MinGhiate XD___ __GT= Gran Troiata™ - AF= AFanculo!!!™ (lele_ct's copyrights)__


                  • #10

                    DragonBall AF: Season 1 - Episode 1

                    ARRIVAL OF THE FUTURE

                    Written by Prince GAS Vegeta (PGV)



                    If there is a pending issue you can’t wait to solve it. But when the issue is revenge the waiting becomes unsustainable.

                    Anger grows constantly and there’s no other way to stop its growth than taking a vengeance. When it is not a mere being to

                    prove resentment, but an entire populace, and the waiting lasts one thousand years, then the revenge assumes biblical


                    When the cohabitation of the Saiyans with the Tsufurus on planet Plant degenerated into a chaos rage, the Saiyans,

                    transformed into Ohzarus, managed to prevail on Tsufuru’s technologic weapons with their mere brute force.

                    However Tsufuru's scientists concentrated all their forces in the attempt to defeat the Saiyans.

                    Scientists like Dr. Raichi...

                    While King Vegeta took over the planet, the Tsufuru's King has been cloned and sent with Dr. Mieu (Muu) in outer space.

                    Years later King Vegeta made an accord with Freeza, an alien tyrant with an unbelievable power at his hands.

                    Once Freeza get acknowledged about the legend of the super saiyan, and noticing how powerful the Saiyans were becoming, he

                    decided to exterminate them by destroying Planet Vegeta

                    In the end Kakaroth, known as Son Goku, and Vegeta, were the only poor blooded Saiyans survivors.

                    Years later, Trunks, Vegeta's son managed, to kill Freeza.

                    But the first Tsufuru's attempt to destroy the last members of the Saiyans race had yet to happen.

                    Hatchyach, Raichi's creature, wasn't so far from the accomplishment of his mission, but he failed.

                    Then, many years passed and Baby, an uncompleted clone of the Tsufuru's King tried to exterminate the
                    Saiyans and conquer the universe.

                    But this time Son Goku turned into the legendary Super Saiyan in the hope to put the word end
                    to the Tsufuru's menace.

                    *********DBAF THEME AND VIDEO**********

                    ---------DBAF INTRO-----------


                    700 years have passed.
                    In the center of the famous city where Goku defeated the last dragon there are five statues
                    dedicated to the five unbeatable warriors: Goten, Trunks, Gohan, Vegeta and Goku.

                    There are hundreds of descendants of the saiyans on the Earth. The greater part of them
                    live as the common citizens and ignore their own origins, only a few chosens have inherited
                    the great power of the Saiyans.

                    ---------SCENE AT SCHOOL-----------

                    "A random Professor is talking to the students":

                    Gregor Johann Mendel was an Augustinian abbot who is often called the "father of modern genetics" for his study of the

                    inheritance of traits in pea plants. Mendel showed that the inheritance of traits follows particular laws, which were later

                    named after him. His discovery prompted the foundation of genetics. Mendel's paper, "Experiments on Plant Hybridization",

                    demonstrates that two hybrids can generate in certain cases a pure plant...

                    "The professor gets interrupted by Slufer and Iif who are talking and making noise".

                    "Slufer (talking already before over the professor)": Hey Iif, why isn't Gotan at school today?

                    "Iif": I dunno, he said that he has to respect a family tradition or something... That lesson sucks, man...

                    "Slufer": Yeah, never as you, you sucked so much at yesterday's training.... heheheh

                    "Iif": How dare you! I'll show you after school.. arghhh ***assumes an agressive attitude and prepares to punch Slufer***

                    "Professor (looks at Slufer and Iif annoyed)": What are you doing? Don't you find my lesson interesting?

                    ***Slufer and Iif get embarassed***

                    ---------SCENE AT CEMETERY-----------


                    At the same time a descendant of the Son family is about to lay some flowers to the base of the family tomb with his sister.

                    Gotan: Dear ancestors, please protect our parents who rest in heaven and protect us.

                    Diri: Might you rest in peace...

                    ****Gotan and Diri pray in silence****

                    "Narrator": Everything seems serene and peace reigns uncontested on Earth... but a menace from outer space is moving in the

                    direction of the planet...

                    ---------SCENE AT ZEEL's SPACESHIP-----------

                    *****A great spaceship travels in direction of the Earth. Within of it someone with an extraordinary power is seated on his

                    throne. A drudge, called Lord Nutti, approaches to him and communicates to his lord. *****

                    "Lord Nutti": "Mighty Zeel, in 10 minutes we will reach the Earth."

                    ***Then Zeel, pleased by the imminent fulfillment of his revenge, remembers his origins.****


                    After the defeat of Baby, of the Dr. Mieu and general Rilldo there was a great war on the
                    planet M2. On one side there were the mutant machines that wanted to reconstruct the empire
                    projected by Mieu, on the other side there were robots, like Gill, who wanted a new life
                    without commanders.

                    After 300 years of terrible battles the war was won by the supporters of the Tsufurus.
                    These finished the construction of Saber, a cyborg of the highest intellective quotient,
                    projected by the Dr. Mieu in order to help him in the work to give Baby a greater power.

                    Saber reconstructed the research laboratories of the Dr. Mieu, which have been damaged
                    by the conflicts and after 150 years they have been restored completely. The project
                    of construction of the perfect Tsufuru began at that time.

                    Saber used the cells of the king of the Tsufurus in order to create a new clone, more
                    powerful than Baby, a being that the Saiyans would have never been in a position to

                    "Zeel (in the past remembrance, comes out of his "capsule")": I am Zeel!!! The Tsufuru King is reborn!!!

                    "Narrator": And now this fury is about to reach Earth. What will his intentions be? Will
                    the new generation of Saiyans be strong enough to face him? What's the destiny of Planet Earth?
                    Find out next time on Dragonball AF!
                    La mia fanfic: "Dragon Ball Destiny"__DB Destiny Fan Manga__Le mie Dragon MinGhiate XD___ __GT= Gran Troiata™ - AF= AFanculo!!!™ (lele_ct's copyrights)__


                    • #11
                      Traduzione in poche parole? Scusate se lo chiedo, ma non riesco a tradurre molto bene l'inglese.
                      Ultima saga di DBReturn (con dentro i link delle prime 2):


                      • #12
                        ho fatto solo della prima parte:

                        DragonBall AF: Stagione 1 - Episodio 1

                        ARRIVO DEL FUTURO

                        Scritto da Prince GAS Vegeta (PGV)


                        "Viene raccontata la storia di dragonball fin dai tempi de "Le origini del mito". Una volta i saiyan sterminarono la razza tsufuru che viveva insieme a loro nel pianeta che fu successivamente chiamato Vegeta, in onore del re dei saiyan. Come ben sappiamo, i saiyan si allearono con Freezer, che tempo dopo tradì loro distruggendo il pianeta, temendo la loro forza. Dall'esplosione sono sopravvissuti solo due saiyan di sangue puro: Kakaroth, figlio di Bardack, chiamato Goku dai terrestri, e Vegeta, figlio del re omonimo. Freezer fu sconfitto definitivamente da Trunks, figlio di quest'ultimo. Successivamente si viene a sapere che allo sterminio degli tsufuru, ne sono sopravvissuti due. L'ultimo fu Baby, che venne sconfitto da Goku, trasformatosi in super saiyan di quarto livello.

                        *********DBAF THEME AND VIDEO**********

                        ---------DBAF INTRO-----------


                        Sono passati 700 anni.
                        Nel centro della città ove fu sconfitto l'ultimo dei sette draghi malvagi adesso giace una statua dedicata ai 5 guerrieri invincibili: Goten, Trunks, Gohan, Vegeta and Goku.

                        Ci sono centinaia di discendenti saiyan sulla Terra. La maggior parte di questi vive come cittadini qualunque e sono ignari delle proprie origini, solo in pochi conosco la vera potenza dei saiyan.

                        ---------SCENA A SCUOLA-----------

                        "Un professore universitario sta parlando agli studenti":

                        Gregor Johann Mendel fu un abate Augustiniano che è spesso definito come "padre della genetica moderna" per i suoi studi sulle piante di piselli. Mendel mostrò che le eredità dei caratteri seguono delle leggi particolari, alle quali fu dato un nome dopo di lui. La sua scopertà fece nascere lo studio dei caratteri ereditari, la Genetica. Gli esperimenti di Mendel sull'ibridazione delle piante,

                        dimostra che due ibridi possono generare in alcuni casi una pianta pura...

                        "Il professore viene interrotto da Slufer e Iif che stanno chiacchierando e facendo rumore".

                        "Slufer": Hey Iif, perchè Gotan non è venuto oggi a scuola?

                        "Iif": Non so, ha detto ha da rispettare delle tradizioni familiari o qualcosa di simile... Amico, questa lezione fa schifo...

                        "Slufer": Già, ma mai quanto te, tu hai fatto pena nell'allenamento di ieri.... heheheh

                        "Iif": Te lo farò vedere! Te lo dimostrerò dopo la fine delle lezioni.. arghhh ***assume un atteggiamento aggressivo e si prepara a dare un pugno a Slufer***

                        "Professore (guarda i due ragazzi)": Che state facendo? Non trovate interessante la mia lezione?

                        ***Slufer e Iif si imbarazzano***

                        enjoy yourselves^^
                        La mia fanfic: "Dragon Ball Destiny"__DB Destiny Fan Manga__Le mie Dragon MinGhiate XD___ __GT= Gran Troiata™ - AF= AFanculo!!!™ (lele_ct's copyrights)__


                        • #13
                          belli... anke se spererei in una vera serie...(falsa speranza)


                          • #14
                            Originariamente Scritto da super gogeta91 Visualizza Messaggio
                            belli... anke se spererei in una vera serie...(falsa speranza)
                            moooooooooooooolto impossibile
                            La mia fanfic: "Dragon Ball Destiny"__DB Destiny Fan Manga__Le mie Dragon MinGhiate XD___ __GT= Gran Troiata™ - AF= AFanculo!!!™ (lele_ct's copyrights)__


                            • #15
                              meno male che ci sei te lele
                              FLETTO I MUSCOLI E SONO NEL VUOTO!!!

