Beh... innanzitutto tanti e tanti auguri a tutti gli innamorati che gironzolano per Dragon Ball Arena e non... ^__^ Sperando di farvi cosa gradita, abbiamo pensato di aggiornare le cartoline virtuali dedicate a questa speciale occasione, aggiungendone delle nuove! Per l'esattezza sono 6, ma valgono per 6000 ^^" perché sono state disegnate personalmente dalla nostra amica Kabu che, ne sono sicuro, ci ha messo il cuore in ciascuna di esse! ^___^
Ancora tanti auguri a tutti voi e... enjoy! ^__^
Well... first of all, our best wishes to the lovers wandering around Dragon Ball Arena and everywhere... ^__^ To celebrate the spirit of love... using the spirit of Dragon Ball ^__- ... we made our best to give you something very specia! Our Virtual Cards section enriches its Special Valentines Day with some greeting cards... They are only 6 but are worth more than 6 thousand ^^" because they have been personally drawn by our friend Kabu who, I'm sure, gave her heart to make each of them! ^__^
Happy Valentine's Day and let your lovers or friends know how special they are with... Dragon Ball Valentine Cards! Enjoy! ^__^
Ancora tanti auguri a tutti voi e... enjoy! ^__^
Well... first of all, our best wishes to the lovers wandering around Dragon Ball Arena and everywhere... ^__^ To celebrate the spirit of love... using the spirit of Dragon Ball ^__- ... we made our best to give you something very specia! Our Virtual Cards section enriches its Special Valentines Day with some greeting cards... They are only 6 but are worth more than 6 thousand ^^" because they have been personally drawn by our friend Kabu who, I'm sure, gave her heart to make each of them! ^__^
Happy Valentine's Day and let your lovers or friends know how special they are with... Dragon Ball Valentine Cards! Enjoy! ^__^