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scoperta meraviglioso

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  • scoperta meraviglioso


    Scusi ma non posso ancora parlare Italiano. Adesso bisogno anglesco ma caspisco bene Italiano. So, I write in English but no problem for me to write in Italian.
    So here is my story, quickly. Many years ago, a team of scientists discovered something unimagineable about the history of mankind. It took us years to understand everything from this. At the end we were only of the team to try presenting our results but everybody refused them. We then spent a year gathering a big team of scientists around us to analyse our discovery. We thought that with an entire team it would be different, but we were wrong. The scientists were amazed but when they tried to speak about their discovery, they faced the same refusal from everybody we had encountered. Some experts left but some other stayed with us. Together we decided to open a forum on the internet to spread at least some truths about some aspect of science. Once more it didn’t work because anywhere we could go, we were insulted. Why? Because in most of the countries, the population is dead and doesn’t want to learn things which could disturb their deep sleep. We understood then that the point is not what we have to say but to whom we are talking. We have done quite a lot of research in Europe and also a lot of tests and finally, the entire team came to the same conclusion that Italy might be one of the last countries with a population still alive and reacting. All our hopes are today placed on this country. I know that for you it could look crazy but everywhere we analysed a nation we discovered systems to have a perfect and absolute control on the population.

    Nordic countries are completely selfish, France is completely fascist with Sarkozy, and afterwards, when we go too far to the south, the population is too much in need to be open to something too strong. Only Italy seems to be a kind of double country with the north and the south. Italians are not weak and they seem to be able to react on their politics for instance. You seem to be quite some fighters and not weak. So now we are doing our best to turn towards Italy. It’s not the point here to speak about what we found because it’s not so easy to explain. We are looking for your help to have an introduction in Italy. We don’t know how? We put our forum online in Italy (), but we’d like to make some advertisements, but how? Do you have a google system only for Italy? What can we do, to create some relations in Italy? What can we do to have an existence on the internet? Our motivations go further because some of us, like me, started to learn some Italian and we have already taken a little house in Italy, but it’s not enough because we don’t want to be tourists in Italy we want to exist and may be to bring to some of you the secrets we found, because you are maybe in Europe one of the last people to be strong enough to receive this secret. Anyway, could you help us to meet interesting places virtually or real, to be a little bit known, to create contacts so that we can start something in your country, our last hope. We have a lot to bring on every aspect, but for that we must have a way in. Please help us, thank you very much. Once more, for me there’s today no problem to read Italian so you can answer in your mother tongue, there’s no problem.

    Last edited by Naoto; 09 August 2007, 14:58.

  • #2


    • #3
      Originariamente Scritto da lovejungle Visualizza Messaggio

      Scusi ma non posso ancora parlare Italiano. Adesso bisogno anglesco ma caspisco bene Italiano. So, I write in English but no problem for me to write in Italian.
      Allora fai un altro post in italiano così ti capiamo tutti e se devo ridere non ho il dubbio che sia per la mia ignoranza.
      A torme, di terra passarono in terra,
      Cantando giulive canzoni di guerra,
      Ma i dolci castelli pensando nel cor;
      Per valli petrose, per balzi dirotti,
      Vegliaron nell’arme le gelide notti,
      Membrando i fidati colloqui d’amor.

