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1:Scontro preistorico-Pianeta Oozla: Davanti a te appena incominci il livello vi sono 4 pterodattili che volano, colpiscili.
2.Spacca e acchiappa-Pianeta Oozla: Distruggi tutto quello che c'è da distruggere nel negozio megacorp
3.Ninja chiave: lama contro lama-Nebula Maktar: Batti nell'arena Chainblade usando solo l’onnichiave
4.Vandalizzare-Maktar Nebula: Distruggi tutto quello che si può distruggere nel livello
5.S-re o non s-re colpiti-Maktar Nebula: Distruggi il B2 Brawler senza subire danni
6.Clank ha bisogno di scarpe nuove-Maktar Nebula: Vinci 3000 bolt in un colpo alla slot machine (per farlo ti devono venire tre segnalini "BAR"
7.Spacca tutto-Pianeta Endako: Distruggi tutto quello che c'è sul pianeta
8.Operazione macchine pesanti-Pianeta Endako: Usa la gru per distruggere 10 robot.
9.Rapi-demone-Pianeta Barlow: Ottieni un tempo di 2:10 in una delle gare (raccomandata la 3° gara)
10.Distruggi pianeta-Pianeta Notak: Distruggi la statua roteante di bronzo a forma di pianeta
11.Tu puoi spaccare uno snow-dan-Pianeta Siberius: Dietro al primo garage c'è un pupazzo di neve,distruggilo
12.Guarisci il tuo chi-Pianeta Tabora: Colleziona tutti i 100 cristalli
13.Roboscontro-Pianeta Dobbo: Distruggi tutti i palazzi nel mondo rotondo con giant clank
14.Pugni alzati-Pianeta Dobbo: Usa solo i pugni di giant clank per battere il boss
15.Vekkia squola-Pianeta Dobbo: Uccidi tutti i nemici sul pianeta usando solo le armi del capitolo precedente (anche l'onnichiave va bene)
16.E’ impossibile!-Pianeta Joba: Batti la sfida impossibile
17.A quanto andava?-Pianeta Joba: Ottieni un tempo minore di 2:27 in una delle gare (consigliata la 3°)
18.Ninja chiave II:Massacro-Pianeta Joba: Uccidi tutti i nemici del livello con l'onnichiave (non bisogna morire!).
19.Ciao ciao uccellini-Pianeta Joba: Uccidi i 12 uccellini sparsi sul pianeta
20.Non c’è niente da vedere-Pianeta Todano: Distruggi i 4 razzi giganti sul percorso
21.Sei il mio eroe-Pianeta Todano: Proteggi i 10 turisti dagli scoiattoli
22.Prova a dormire-Pianeta Todano: Trasforma in pecore 16 scoiattoli
23.Nessuno sviluppo sconvolgente-Pianeta Boldan: Grinda le parti in cui bisogna grindare senza subire danni
24.Violazione in movimento-Pianeta Snivelak: Distruggi 14 navi nel cielo
25.Follia in città-Pianeta Damosel: Grinda il pezzo sui grind senza subire danni
26.Deposito di sicurezza-Pianeta Damosel: Proteggi i 4 civili nella banca dai robot
27.Sii figlio della luna-Pianeta Greblin: Trova tutte le 101 pietre lunari
28.Nano al massimo: Aumenta il tuo livello nanotech fino al livello massimo (80)
29.Bella corsa: Compra tutti i potenziamenti per la tua nave
30.Invidia d’armi: Ottieni tutte le armi e falle salire tutte di livello
Dopo aver completato il gioco, potrete sbloccare nuovi extra.
Modalità Sfida - Vincete il gioco una volta.
Mega armi - Compratela dai venditori nella Modalità Sfida, dopo aver ottenuto la seconda versione dell'arma.
Menu segreto/Random stuff - Giocate la Modalità Sfida.
Rejected Commercial - - Ottenete tutte le armi e le modifiche.
Sketchbook - Vincete gioco una volta, quindi entrate nella Modalità Sfida e questi dovrebbero essere nel menu "Cinematics".
Ultra armi - Potenziate le Mega armi.
Giorno di insonnia di Clank: Ottenete tutte le armi, mod, e miglioramenti
Endorsement Deals: Ottenete tutte le armi, mod, e miglioramenti
Paintings: Sbloccate il Menu Random Stuff
Minigioco Sheep Blasters: Ottenete tutti i punti stile
Minigioco Space Invaders: Sbloccate il Menu Random Stuff
ottenete i punti stile per attivare i seguenti trucchi:
- Beach Boy >> 30
- Big Head Clank >> 10
- Big Head Ratchet >> 5
- Clown Suit >> 20
- Enemies have big heads >> 25
- Mirrored Levels >> 12
- NPCs have big heads >> 15
- Ratchet in a Tux skin >> 7
- Snow skin >> Beat all 60 levels of the "Impossible Challenge" (Arena in the Megacorp Games).
L' hipnomatic è composto da 3 pezzi che trovi su
1-smolg, dopo aver grindato
2-damosel, anke qui dopo aver grindato
3-greblin, dai 16 pietre lunari al santone
poi a damosel te lo assembla il ventriloquo...
poi solo in inglese:
Tractor Beam
Found On: Planet Oozla
Location: Bought From Megacorp Scientist
Cost: 1,000 Bolts
Found On: Planet Oozla
Location: Behind The Swamp Monster
Box Breaker
Found On: Planet Oozla
Location: Reward For Beating The Second Swamp Monster
Found On: Maktar Nebula
Location: In The Battle Arena, As A Prize For Battle Challenge #1
Found On: Planet Endako
Location: When Reunited With Clank
Thruster Pack
Found On: Planet Endako
Location: When Reunited With Clank
Found On: Planet Endako
Location: In Clanks Apartment
Found On: Planet Endako
Location: In Clanks Apartment
Found On: Planet Barlow
Location: Buy From The Gadgetron Vendor
Cost: 1,000 Bolts
Momentum Glider
Found On: Planet Tabora
Location: At The End Of The Mining Facilities
Tetrafiber Armor
Found On: Planet Dobbo
Location: At The Armor Vendor Near The Starting Point
Description: Colored Blue, Adds Gauntlets And A Bigger Chestplate. Stops 33%
Of Damage
Cost: 25,000 Bolts
Found On: Planet Joba
Location: Right Before The Megacorp Arena, Bought From The Shady Arms Dealer
Cost: 20,000 Bolts
Gravity Boots
Found On: Planet Joba
Location: Beat Megacorp Battle Arena Challenge #1
Found On: Planet Joba
Location: Beat Megacorp Battle Arena Challenge #2
Charge Boots
Found On: Planet Joba
Location: Win Megacorp Hoverbike Race #1
Armor Magnetizer
Found On: Planet Todano
Location: Trade Armory Employee Quark Doll For Magnetizer
Duraplate Armor
Found On: Planet Boldan
Location: Armor Vendor
Description: Orange With Shoulder Pads And Different Chestplate Design. Stops
50% Of Damage
Cost: 100,000 Bolts
Quark Action Figure (Not Really A Gadget But Required To Get One)
Found On: Planet Aranos
Location: Buy From The Plumber
Cost: 20,000
Electrosteel Armor
Found On: Planet Snivelak
Location: Armor Vendor
Description: Black With Red Stripes. Stops 66% Of Damage
Cost: 250,000 Bolts
Found On: Planet Damosel
Location: Beat Alien Mothership
Found On: Planets Damosel, Smolg, And Greblin
Location: Smolg: At The End Of The Distribution Facility.
Damosel: At The End Of The Train Rails. Greblin: Trade Guru 16 Moonstones For Third Piece
Carbonox Armor
Found On: Planet Greblin
Location: Armor Vendor
Description: Full Body Cyborg-looking Armor. (T3?) Stops 90% Of Damage
Cost: 1,000,000 Bolts
1.OOZLA: subito dopo aver comprato il raggio trattore dallo scienziato devi usarlo per muovere due pilastri per scalare la scogliera a destra. Invece muovi i pilastri con il raggio trattore verso la scogliera a sinistra. Metti il pilastro piccolo a sinistra e quello medio a destra della scogliera di sinistra. Doppio salto in cima, lo trovi proprio lì!
2.OOZLA: dopo aver completato le missioni, prendi uno dei draghi nella palude che ti condurrà in una caverna segreta dove trovi il bolt.
3.MAKTAR: dopo la sezione dove Ratchet deve avanzare di lato sul bordo nel percorso a sinistra dal punto di partenza, arrivi a una piattaforma con un gruppo di Bruti e una piccola gru dalla parte destra della piattaforma.
Dovresti individuarlo facilmente. Il salto è difficile, nel caso ritornaci con Clank quando hai il supersalto.
4.MAKTAR: con Clank torna alla Jamming Array nella parte superiore usando il percorso alla destra della nave. Prendi la limousine fino al pianeta. Proprio dietro il lato del guidatore sulla limousine c’è una piccola piattaforma abbastanza alta da permettere a Ratchet di arrivareci da solo. Salto fino alla piattaforma dove trovi una piattaforma di salto. Salta in alto e lo prenderai al punto più alto del salto.
5.ENDAKO: usa i cubi spostandoli con le gru: metti il cubo bomba sopra l’altro e fallo esplodere per aprire la parete della zona segreta.
6.ENDAKO: sulla via della casa di Clank incontrerai un elicottero Thugs-4-Less. Un pò dopo c’è una sporgenza/piattaforma che sembra un burrone ma non lo è. Controlla le sporgenze subito dopo l’elicottero. Il bolt è in una piattaforma più in basso.
7.BARLOW: nel corso di qualsiasi gara di hoverbike dopo la sezione con l’acqua quando il percorso gira a destra, fai una piccola virata a sinistra e te lo troverai di fronte. E’ il primo del demo.
8.BARLOW: dopo esser uscito dal silos d’acqua, fermati e torna indietro.
C’è una piattaforma piccola piccola intorno al silos, Saltaci su e spostati con le mani su tutto il bordo. Lanciati sul terreno dietro la piattaforma e con lo swingshot agganciati alla piattaforma rotante. Entra nella caverna di fronte a te, uccidi gli Hounds of death e prendi il bolt.
9.FELTZIN: nella quarta sfida a Ace Bunyon tra i campi di asteroidi c’è un bolt alla fine del percorso, ma compare solo se prendi tutti e 50 gli anelli durante la gara.
10.NOTAK: dopo i nemici nel display case e la nave da guerra nell’area con tutte le vetrine, c’è un cartellone della Megacorp, rompilo e dietro c’è il bolt.
11.NOTAK: Near your ship and the vendor you will see a bridge that leads to the wharf area. Cross the bridge and turn to the left sharply. Head towards the buildings and follow the grass behind the buildings. At the rear of the buildings, between the two will be the P.Bolt.
12.NOTAK: After the second bolt continue on until you reach a Dynamo Activator. Ignore it and clean out the surround area of enemies. Once they are gone activate the dynamo and you will have 20 sec. to reach the door that the dynamo opened on the upper level. Inside the temporarily
opened door is the P.Bolt.
13.SIBERIUS: After killing the first few MSR II's and descending on a elevator you'll see a small column with a tractor beam target on it. Tractor the column and take it up on the elevator with you. Take the column with you on the path to the right until you reach the gap in the path. Plant the column on the edge and boost jump to the top of the column. From the top of the column you should see a hanger above with the P.Bolt inside. This is the same place the two flame-thrower bots jumped from your first time on this path.
14.SIBERIUS: From the same elevator mentioned above go to the nearby edge and look down. You will see a building will a gray roof slightly to the left.
Double Jump up and glide down to the roof. It looks like it's to far away but you will make it. Drop down into the fenced yard and the P.Bolt will be along side the building kind of near a snowdrift. To get out just jump onto the roof and jump over to the other side of the fence.
15.TABORA: In the Northeast section of the desert. Search thoroughly, because while its in plain sight the desert is big and the Bolt blends in from a distance. Use the tops of the big dunes and the Pulse Rifle/Vaporizer's Zoom scope to help.
16.TABORA: Inside the mining facilities where the platforms need to be frozen to advance jump on the last platform and freeze the first platform. Jump on top of the very first and now highest platform. Double-jump towards the alcove on the left in which the P.Bolt is.
17.TABORA: At the very end of the Momentum Glider course is a P.Bolt. Very easy to get.
18.DOBBO: In the final room of the momentum glider course pull up as son as you enter the final room. The P.Bolt is in the middle of a diamond of pipes at the top of the room.
19.DOBBO: Before the Dynamo activators after a series of swingshots and platform jumping there is a small air vent. Use a spiderbot to enter the vent and take a right. You will see a floor switch that the spiderbot will trigger. This will open a door farther along the path and the P.Bolt
is inside.
20.HRUGIS: A P.Bolt will appear at the finish line if you fly through all 65 rings during the race against Bunyan
21.JOBA: Along the main path there will be a swingshot target after the turret. You will need to look pretty hard to find it. Double jump up to get
enough air and fire the swingshot at the peak of the jump to grab on to the target. Swing across to the edge and fight your way to the floor switch. Hit it and then kill the Saur-beast that comes raging out. Inside the cave is a P.Bolt.
22.JOBA: Right after you get the Levitator fly straight up to the tall tower on the left and the P.Bolt will be right on top. Glide back down.
23.TODANO: Follow the robotic Fizzwidget at the end of the tour it gives into the little building. Inside is a P.Bolt.
24.TODANO: In the room with a inspector bot, and two tractor columns and two force fields, use the column to block the fields and tractor the
inspector bot onto the pad in open the door. Then get in between the force fields and pull the columns into the middle with you. Use them as stairs to reach an opening above. Follow the path until you reach a small building. The P.Bolt is inside.
25.TODANO: At the next point that requires a inspector bot scan, stop. Move the tractor beam column next to the conveyor belt on the right wall.
On the end of the conveyor belt there is a small air duct. Send a spiderbot into the vent and follow it until you reach a floor switch.
Hit it then return to Ratchet. Double-Jump up to the conveyor belt above the one you're on. Go to the end of this belt and enter the small room to get the P.Bolt.
26.BOLDAN: From the ship take the center path and follow it until you reach a glass wall with a spiderbot sized opening. Deploy a Spiderbot to hit
the floor switch and then walk around to the other side of the building and enter the now-open door. Inside is a P.Bolt.
27.BOLDAN: There is a P.Bolt after the section past the Armor Vendor where Ratchet walks down the side of a building with his gravity boots. Take the elevator up. Go to the edge of the platform above and look over the edge. The P.Bolt will be in plain sight on a lower ledge. Glide down
to it.
28.BOLDAN: This bolt cannot be gotten the first time through. Return to the planet and go to the room where Ratchet & Clank were captured. Use your swingshot to reach the upper ledge of the room and grab the P.Bolt up there.
29.ARANOS At the ship look down off the platform toward the underside of the base and on a ledge in the distance is a P.Bolt. Glide down to it. There is a Levitator pad on the same ledge as the P.Bolt so that you can get back up.
30.GORN: Race Ace Bunyan and fly through all 53 rings to make a P.Bolt appear
at the finish line.
31.SNIVELAK: In the next to the area with both Armor and Weapon vendors next to it there are a bunch of dynamo activators. Stretch-Jump then Glide to land of a platform beneath them. Use the Dynamo CONTINUOUSLY as you climb
the wall on the dynamo platforms. There will be a P.Bolt in a alcove at the top. Stretch-Jump then Glide to get back down.
32.SMOLG: In the part with all the crates in the warehouse use the dynamo to turn the crate and jump up on top. You will see two crates that are
close enough to use your wall jump. Once on top you can see a P.Bolt.
Jump between the crates on your right, then Stretch-Jump to the P.Bolt.
33.SMOLG: At the third Levitator pad stop and fly towards the really high platform to your left. The P.Bolt is on top.
34.DAMOSEL: Freeze the water in the bank fountain with the therminator and grind the frozen fountain onto a platform with a P.Bolt. Take the taxi back.
35.DAMOSEL: Once you have the completed Hypnomatic use it on one of the Receiver bots on the roof on the Megacorp Pyramid. Bring the bot down to the front wall of the pyramid and put it in the exact middle. Detonate the bot and it will reveal a P.Bolt in a hidden alcove.
36.GRELBIN: Out in the snowy wastes look on you map for two parallel lines. The P.Bolt is right next to them. Look carefully.
37.GRELBIN: At the end of the water area, dive deeper in the last water chamber to find another little chamber. Enter it and rise to the top. Grab the P.Bolt.
38.GRELBIN: Enter the tunnel behind the Armor Vendor and take the second left. Use the hypnomatic on the bot to open the door. Grab the P.Bolt inside.
39.YEEDIL: The very first bridge is a suspension bridge and you can grind the supports up to the top and grab the P.Bolt.
40.YEEDIL: After the room with waves of roopers and a Hovertank there is a column with a tractor beam target. Move the column and climb the stairs to the grind rail. Ride it to the P.Bolt
1. Planet Endako
Use the infiltrator in the second part where you use the crane. In the big room with the crane there is a door on the wall with infiltrator
puzzle. Use it and the nano-tech boost is inside.
2. Thug Rendezvous
Go into the large station in the middle of the level, its in one of the rooms on the floor.
3. Planet Notak
From the start take the path on the left, follow it to the end. The nano-tech boost is there.
4. Planet Tabora
On the glider part stay to the top of the canyon, it will be on one of the pillars.
5. Planet Dobbo
Go on the warp pad at start. Get to the glider path. You'll see it when you go off the boost, in the next room swerve up fast on the right
side, turn to the left and go down, then swoop back up to get it in the room you just came from.
6. Planet Joba
There are 2 dynamo activators you need to do. Go straight from the start to the big room. Before you go to the big room look left and you
will see the dynamo activator, use it, then activate the dynamo in the big room, get across the new bridge and go in the room on the right,
that's where it is.
7. Planet Joba
Go into the hoverbike race. Go into the 3rd challenge. Don't worry about racing at all. After getting out of the building into the mud,
look on the right for a newly opened path, the nano-tech boost is in there.
8. Planet Todano
Get up where the megacorp vendor is. With the megacorp vendor behind you, take the left path. Go into the room with a rocket in the middle.
Go right, and just after the door there is an infiltrator thing. Use it and an elevator will come down, go on the elevator it will take you a
level up, the nano-tech is up there.
9. Planet Boldan
From your ship go threw the door and take the left path.
Go to the fork and take the right path. Look for a fountain on the left of the stairs, the boost is on top of it. It only comes every other hour, if it doesn't come when you see it, save the game, and reset your clock.
10. Planet Snivelak
At the beginning use the swingshot targets, on the last one you will see the boost, rock back and forth on the target till you get enough height to glide over onto the roof, and grab the boost.
Ottenete i punti stile e visitate Slim per nuove skin della nave (costo 5 raritanium come per le 2 ali e i 2 musi supplementari):
Clowner - 25
Dark Nebula - 15
Insomniac speciale - 29
Lunar Eclipse - 25
Neutron Star - 19
Paint Jobs - 3
Plaidtastic - 29
Prepster - 29
Scoop Nose - 18
Silent Strike - 15
Solar Wind - 15
Space storm - 10
Split Nose - 29
Star Traveler - 19
Super Paint Jobs - 10
Supernova - 10
Warp Streak - 10
inoltre (ma solo in inglese)
Triple Boost Acceleration Engine
Cost: 15 Raritanium
Usefulness: 8/10
Description: The Triple Boost Acceleration Engine triples the amount of boost/turbo you have in your ship. This does not increase the normal speed of your ship, but only gives you more turbo when you press the square button.
Fusion Laser Cannons
Cost: 30 Raritanium
Usefulness: 10/10
Description: The Fusion Laser Cannons are an extremely useful upgrade. They replace your standard red lasers with much more powerful blue lasers. This can take out enemy ships much faster then your normal red lasers.
Electro-Mine Launcher
Cost: 10 Raritanium
Usefulness: 7/10
Description: The Electro-Mine Launcher launches a Mine that goes forward for a few seconds, and then stops. It then releases dozens of rays of electricity which will harm and destroy enemy ships that get close enough to them.
Max Ammo: 15 Mines
Hint: Launch a mine into a big group of enemies for the greatest effect.
Mega-Mine Launcher
Cost: 20 Raritanium
Usefulness: 9/10
Description: The Mega-Mine Launcher does the same thing as the Electro-Mine Launcher, but the rays of electricity that are released from the mine are longer, thus hitting and destroying more enemies.
Max Ammo: 15 Mines
Hint: Launch a mine into a big group of enemies for the greatest effect.
Unlocked: After buying the Electro-Mine Launcher.
Fast-Lock Missile Launcher
Cost: 20 Raritanium
Usefulness: 8/10
Description: The Fast-Lock Missile Launcher is everything you loved about the standard missile launcher and more. It takes less then half the time required to lock onto an enemy, and also increases the missiles speed.
Max Ammo: 12 Missiles
Torpedo Launcher
Cost: 10 Raritanium
Usefulness: 7/10
Description: The Torpedo Launcher does not have a targeting system, but the torpedoes do much more damage and create a larger explosion then the normal missiles do.
Max Ammo: 10 Torpedoes
Hint: Since the Torpedo Launcher does not have a targeting system it is very inaccurate at long range, so just use the Torpedo Launcher when enemy ships get right in front of your ship and then fire.
Multi-Torpedo Launcher
Cost: 20 Raritanium
Usefulness: 9/10
Description: The Multi-Torpedo Launcher is just like the Torpedo Launcher, but instead of launching a single torpedo it launches three torpedoes side by side that create a larger explosion, and does more damage then the normal
Torpedo Launcher.
Max Ammo: 10 Torpedoes
Hint: Since the Multi-Torpedo Launcher does not have a targeting system it is very inaccurate at long range, so just use the Multi-Torpedo Launcher when enemy ships get right in front of your ship and then fire.
Unlocked: After buying the Torpedo Launcher.
Advanced Shielding System
Cost: 20 Raritanium
Usefulness: 9/10
Description: The Advanced Shielding System upgrades your shields from one bar to two bars. Thus increasing the number of hits you can take before dying.
Ultra-Charge Shielding System
Cost: 40 Raritanium
Usefulness: 9/10
Description: The Ultra-Charge Shielding System upgrades your shields from two bars to three bars. Thus increasing the number of hits you can take before dying.
Unlocked: After buying the Advanced Shielding System.
Nuclear Detonation Device
Cost: 60 Raritanium
Usefulness: 9/10
Description: The Nuclear Detonation Device creates a gigantic explosion wiping out any enemies in its path. This weapon can destroy an entire wave of enemy ships in one blow.
Max Ammo: 1 Nuke
Hyperspace Warp System
Cost: 45 Raritanium
Usefulness: 4/10
Description: The Hyperspace Warp System transports your ship to a seemingly random point in the level when you press either L1 and R1, or L2 and R2 at the same time.
Hint: The only time I ever found this upgrade useful is when there are a lot
of enemy ships surrounding you, or you are about to hit an asteroid or something like that. Also I like hitting L2 and R2 at the same time because
if you hit L1 and R1 then sometimes your ship does a barrel roll after you transport. Also sometimes it transports your ship into the middle of an asteroid and then doing a barrel roll inside an asteroid will make you hit the side and die.
- prendere tutte le armi (compresi i potenziamenti) e i punti stile
- andare nella fontana di fronte alla torre dell'orologio su boldan alle 3 di notte (basta cambiare l'ora della play)
- saltare il vetro con il trucco per saltare i muri
- esclusiva etnasante (non l'ho trovato su nessun sito di trucchi): quando sali con l'ascensore e ti trovi dei mostri che escono da destra, alla fine di quella piattaforma (a sinistra poco prima dell'ascensore per scendere) ci sono altri mostri e dietro loro una pila di box; se fai fuori i mostri e non rompi i box, puoi salirci sopra e da lì volare sul tetto vicino alle lastre da cui poi ti butti di sotto e arrivi al museo.
1-prendi la mira-novalis-fai saltare un aereo di passaggio col devastatore
2-via col lancio-aridia-salta attraverso 6 swingshot, senza mai toccare terra (è + facile con gli ultimi sei prima del trapassa)
3-trasporti-aridia-distruggi 3 navi da trasporto
4-strike a pose-metropolis- stai in piedi in mezzo alle gambe del pupazzo sopra Al
5-dirigibili-metropolis-distruggi un dirigibile di passaggio con la visbomba
6-qwarktastico-metropolis-distruggi il pupazzo di qwark nella sessione d'allenamento
7-10 qualsiasi-eudora-distruggi 10 navi da lavoro qualsiasi
8-evoluzione-rilgar-esegui uno twisty (o shuttle) mcmarx nella gara di hoverboard (L1, L2, R1, R2)
9-cluck,cluck-rilgar-trasforma col morforaggio un carroarmato in gallina
10-alta velocità-rilgar-termina la gara in 1:36 s o meno nella gara di hoverboard
11-donna danno-stazione blarg-uccidi la regina aliena usando solo l'onnichiave
12-salto mortale-batalia-attraversa le rotaie da grind senza perdere vite
13-colpi di precisione-batalia-colpisci un piccolo caccia con la torretta
14-mangia piombo-batalia-distruggi tutti i carro armati usando solo il topo della sabbia
15-distruzione-gaspar-distruggi tutte le navi blarg ancora attraccate
16-fuoco pesante-gaspar-distruggi 5 navi qualsiasi con la torretta
17-cecchino-orxon-uccidi uno screamer in modalità cecchino
18-hay, quaggiù-orxon-attira un nemico qualsiasi in un campo di forza col provocatore
19-invasione aliena-pokitaru-abbatti tre navette aliene con la visbomba
20-tesoro nascosto-pokitaru-fai saltare tutte le casse nell'oceano
21-sotto controllo-hoven-uccidi tutti i mordicaviglia vicino al goldenbolt #1
22-elicotteri-hoven-abbatti 5 elicotteri con qualsiasi arma meno che la torretta
23-bersagli facili-gemlik-distruggi tutte le navi cargo della base
24-vetro infranto-oltanis-distruggi tutti i lampioni della città
25-distruggili-oltanis-distruggi 3 navette aliene con la visbomba
26-traffico pesante-kalebo III-attraversa le rotaie da grind senza perdere una vita
27-mago dell'evoluzione-kalebo III-fai 4500 punti o + nella gara degli hoverboard
28-strisciante-base di drek-uccidi tutte le guardie nel passaggio con l'olomaschera
29-viaggio scrupoloso-base di drek-oltrepassa i tre passaggi sottomarini senza perdere nemmeno una vita
30-commando-uccidi 10 guardie scelte con l'onnichiave