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ratchet e clank 3

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  • ratchet e clank 3

    Un mio amico dice che a ratchet e clank 3,nella multigiocatore si può sbloccare con i trucchi qualcosa come "Pirati VS Ninja".Qualcuno sa dirmi se è
    vero?E se è vero mi può dire come si sblocca?
    Last edited by ratchet 9; 19 February 2007, 14:14.
    W gohan!!!(E naturalmente tenkaichi 3)

  • #2
    soluzione completa di tutte le info

    cmq è un gioco che sblocchi se arrivi al museo insominiac, in multi credo che si sblocchino solo delle skin (dan e nefarious)

    "Dopo aver giocato al “Video Fumetto di Qwark senza nome” al Museo Insomniac è possibile giocarci anche alla Fenice, ma solo se hai già completato i 5 Video Fumetti standard.
    Vai al Menù di Selezione dei Video Fumetti, posiziònati sul Video Fumetto #1, e poi premi il tasto SU, come per selezionare un Video Fumetto precedente. Comparirà la scritta NON COMPLETATO, con la stessa immagine di Qwark che presenta il Video Fumetto #1, ma nessun’altra informazione (su Bling, Bolt di Titanio, Energia Potenziata).
    Selezionalo premendo X e potrai giocare al Video Fumetto senza nome.

    Se allo stesso menù premi il tasto QUADRATO, si apre un altro menù dove è possibile inserire delle password (che si trovano sui desktop di due PC del Museo Insomniac):
    - inserendo “_MEGHAN_” si accede a un mini-gioco per due giocatori (Pirati contro Ninja);
    rivelata nella sala delle Navicella di Ratchet (donazione di Gray Ginther;
    - inserendo “YING_TZU” si accede a un mini-gioco per quattro giocatori (Bombe!) con Ratchet, Jungle Qwark, un Thug e un Ninja (solo in NTSC);
    rivelata nella sala attigua, quella con la maschera originale di Qwark su Florana (donazione di Gray Ginther).
    Nelle password _ significa SPAZIO.
    Ai giochi si accede premendo START dopo aver digitato la password.
    Le ambientazioni di entrambi i giochi sono visibili al Museo Insomniac."
    Last edited by etnasante; 19 February 2007, 14:58.
    sigpic (a)


    • #3
      Grazie,adesso ho capito
      W gohan!!!(E naturalmente tenkaichi 3)


      • #4
        scusa,ma non mi funziona la seconda password.Controllala.Una curiosità:ma
        nella mutigiocatore ci sono nuove arene o modalità da sbloccare?
        W gohan!!!(E naturalmente tenkaichi 3)


        • #5
          Originariamente Scritto da ratchet 9 Visualizza Messaggio
          scusa,ma non mi funziona la seconda password.Controllala.Una curiosità:ma
          nella mutigiocatore ci sono nuove arene o modalità da sbloccare?
          la seconda password va solo si giochi NTSC,

          ================================================== ==============================

          3.1 Gioco Online
          Massimo 8 giocatori (necessario un adattatore di rete)

          3.2 Gioco Locale
          Massimo 4 giocatori (necessari più joy-pad e un multi-tap)
          Menù di scelta delle condizioni di gioco:
          - Mappa: disponibili 10 ambientazioni diverse
          - Isola di Bakisi;
          - Gola di Hoven;
          - Avamposto X12;
          - Avamposto Korgon;
          - Metropolis;
          - Blackwater City;
          - Centro di Comando;
          - Porto;
          - Fogne;
          - Palazzo.
          - Modalità: disponibili 3 modalità diverse
          - Assedio
          Regole Assedio: Normale/Logorio.
          - Conquista La Bandiera (CLB)
          Modalità CLB: Normale/Caos
          Catture CLB: Nessun limite/da 1 a 15, tutti.
          - Death Match (DM)
          Limite di Uccisioni: Nessuno/da 5 a 35, ogni 5
          Squadre: SI/NO.
          - Crono: disponibili 8 tempistiche diverse (NO/da 5 a 35 minuti, ogni 5);
          - Armi: disponibili 8 armi diverse
          - Fucile a flusso;
          - Tempesta N60;
          - Blitzer;
          - Minilanciarazzi;
          - Gravibomba;
          - Guanto mina;
          - Morforaggio;
          - Lava-jet.
          - Opzioni Avanzate: si apre un nuovo menù, con altre scelte da fare
          - Veicoli: SI/NO;
          - Nodi: SI/NO;
          - Nomi giocatori: SI/NO;
          - Difese base: SI/NO;
          - Munizioni illimitate: SI/NO;
          - Rigenerazione con armi: SI/NO;
          - Modalità Veloscarponi: SI/NO;
          - Regole Assedio opp.
          Modalità-Catture CLB opp.
          Limite di uccisioni-Squadre DM
          NB: in DM Difese base e Nodi sono disattivati.
          Impostate le varie scelte, puoi creare la partita premendo CERCHIO.

          3.3 Modifica Profili
          permette di scegliere un Nome, un Aspetto, le Armi, la Visuale, i Controlli e anche altri particolari.
          Permette inoltre di inserire una Password per bloccarne la modifica.

          3.4 Esci da Multigiocatore
          Per uscire dalla modalità Multigiocatore.
          sigpic (a)


          • #6
            Grazie.Io ho provato tante volte a giocare online,ma ogni volta che creavo
            un file di configurazione di rete e lo selezionavo mi diceva che era sbagliato,
            puoi aiutarmi?
            W gohan!!!(E naturalmente tenkaichi 3)


            • #7
              Originariamente Scritto da ratchet 9 Visualizza Messaggio
              Grazie.Io ho provato tante volte a giocare online,ma ogni volta che creavo
              un file di configurazione di rete e lo selezionavo mi diceva che era sbagliato,
              puoi aiutarmi?
              mi dispiace non ho mai giocato online

              c'era una guida in inglese, ora la cerco

              prima vai su
              e poi incolla il link
              Last edited by etnasante; 21 February 2007, 15:25.
              sigpic (a)


              • #8
                W gohan!!!(E naturalmente tenkaichi 3)


                • #9
                  Tu sai che cos'è il menù Stats che sento dire in giro?
                  W gohan!!!(E naturalmente tenkaichi 3)


                  • #10
                    Originariamente Scritto da ratchet 9 Visualizza Messaggio
                    Tu sai che cos'è il menù Stats che sento dire in giro?
                    At the main menu of the game, you will see:

                    1. Load Game - Continue the story mode, which I recommend finishing first.
                    2. New Game - Do this if you've just gotten the game, and finish it.
                    3. Multiplayer - The whole point of this guide! Do this only for online.
                    4. Multiplayer Tutorial - Captain Qwark may have more help for you than I.
                    5. Options - If you have no Widescreen tv, turn the 1st option off.

                    If I were you, I'd go thru the story mode first. That way you will have a
                    better grip on things, especially if this is your 1st R&C game. Also, you
                    REALLY, REALLY, REALLY should play in the lock-strafe mode that they give you.
                    It's like playing in first person mode, except better. It's like the regular +
                    FP, and you can aim more precisely. Even if you feel more comfortable with
                    another control scheme, this is definetly what you should use. In a small
                    strategy section about the game in a magazine called 'Game Informer', an
                    Insomniac person (who helped with the game) said this mode was essential to
                    playing online. So, it's good to play thru story with this mode on. Most high
                    ranked online players use this mode, too. Other good things about it are that
                    you can press R1 instead of O to fire, thus leaving you able to do other
                    things as well. Very useful for using a Flux Rifle too.

                    Now, once you go into multiplayer, you will see:

                    1. Online Play - If you have the internet and the network adapter, use this.
                    2. Local Play - Kinda sux. Its like online, but with up to only 4p on one PS2.
                    3. Edit Profiles - Its needed to create a profile for yourself here.
                    4. Exit Multiplayer - That's what it says.

                    Local play isn't much good because you can't have more than 4 people (no bots
                    either) and you'll need more than 1 controller, and if you want 3-4 people,
                    a multi-tap for the ps2 is needed. Edit profiles will let you give yourself a
                    name, default skin, set your default controls and camera, and other things. I
                    wouldn't use a password, since they aren't really nesscesscary. 1 only reason
                    to make more profiles is if you actually plan on playing local with friends.
                    The only good reason I can think of to play in local is to do it by yourself
                    and familiarize yourself with the maps. Hopefully you got a network
                    configuration ready. Select it after going into online play, and wait till it
                    gets to the DNAS check. If it turns red, go look for help online, specifically
           Network Adapter Help Boards. If you passed, then you will want
                    to sign in after selecting your name with O button. (Mine's Jigganis.) Then
                    there'll be some legal crap, and then a message about maitenence times.
                    Now you should be at the main screen of online. Here's the options:

                    1. Quick Play - Puts you in a select game, but usually they are full...
                    2. Create Game - Usually, don't do this. No one will when there are others.
                    3. Find Game - A good and precise method of finding a game you want to be in.
                    4. Cities - Basically they are different servers and chat boards, I think.
                    5. Buddies - If you have no headset, you mightn't get any easily...
                    6. Clan - I never have had any idea if these are useful for anything.
                    7. Stats - Shows your rank, and all the top ranks for different things.

                    I don't use quick play much. I recommend find game more. Find game is the way
                    to get into a game easily. Here are the options for find game:

                    1. Type - Chooses whether you want a game from a city or a clan.
                    2. Map - Lets you choose to see if there is a game for a specific map.
                    3. Mode - Siege, Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, or Team Deathmatch?
                    4. Skill Level - Of course, you probably want 1 bolt, but any is good too.
                    5. Max Players - Its always most fun with 8, and thats mostly what there is.
                    6. City - What server you want the game to be from. It doesn't really matter.

                    Type, skill level, max players, and city should probably be left alone. The
                    maps... There are two types: Big, in games more often, and small, used less.
                    Lots like the first 5, while the others are less used. They are much fun for
                    chaotic deathmatches though. (Blackwater City is big, but not so hot as the
                    other big ones.) All the modes are good. I like all of em alot, but the most
                    popular one seems to be siege. I'll explain those soon. You'll see the results
                    of the search on the right. Now, the last thing for this part is the chat
                    rooms, which they call "cities". Here they have:

                    1. City You Are In - Press X on the title to go to another from a list.
                    2. The Chat Box - Its below the City name.
                    3. Send Message - Post a message on the boards using a virtual keyboard.
                    4. Find Game - Takes you to the game search engine that I had talked about.
                    5. Create Game - Takes you to that thing again.
                    6. Games - What games there are in this City, the number, and the skill level.
                    7. List of Games Taking Place - See the room name and skill there.
                    8. Players - Lists the players, and their names. Press X on them to see stats.
                    I don't use this place much. If you want to start a conversation, its nice.
                    <<<NOTE>>> Do the next part later! (Don't play a game.) First, look at the
                    weapons, maps, and strategies sections. You need to learn some stuff about how
                    to survive online. Its truly dog eat dog there, with teams. -_-;

                    Last edited by etnasante; 10 March 2007, 20:29.
                    sigpic (a)


                    • #11
                      Originariamente Scritto da etnasante Visualizza Messaggio
                      At the main menu of the game, you will see:

                      1. Load Game - Continue the story mode, which I recommend finishing first.
                      2. New Game - Do this if you've just gotten the game, and finish it.
                      3. Multiplayer - The whole point of this guide! Do this only for online.
                      4. Multiplayer Tutorial - Captain Qwark may have more help for you than I.
                      5. Options - If you have no Widescreen tv, turn the 1st option off.

                      If I were you, I'd go thru the story mode first. That way you will have a
                      better grip on things, especially if this is your 1st R&C game. Also, you
                      REALLY, REALLY, REALLY should play in the lock-strafe mode that they give you.
                      It's like playing in first person mode, except better. It's like the regular +
                      FP, and you can aim more precisely. Even if you feel more comfortable with
                      another control scheme, this is definetly what you should use. In a small
                      strategy section about the game in a magazine called 'Game Informer', an
                      Insomniac person (who helped with the game) said this mode was essential to
                      playing online. So, it's good to play thru story with this mode on. Most high
                      ranked online players use this mode, too. Other good things about it are that
                      you can press R1 instead of O to fire, thus leaving you able to do other
                      things as well. Very useful for using a Flux Rifle too.

                      Now, once you go into multiplayer, you will see:

                      1. Online Play - If you have the internet and the network adapter, use this.
                      2. Local Play - Kinda sux. Its like online, but with up to only 4p on one PS2.
                      3. Edit Profiles - Its needed to create a profile for yourself here.
                      4. Exit Multiplayer - That's what it says.

                      Local play isn't much good because you can't have more than 4 people (no bots
                      either) and you'll need more than 1 controller, and if you want 3-4 people,
                      a multi-tap for the ps2 is needed. Edit profiles will let you give yourself a
                      name, default skin, set your default controls and camera, and other things. I
                      wouldn't use a password, since they aren't really nesscesscary. 1 only reason
                      to make more profiles is if you actually plan on playing local with friends.
                      The only good reason I can think of to play in local is to do it by yourself
                      and familiarize yourself with the maps. Hopefully you got a network
                      configuration ready. Select it after going into online play, and wait till it
                      gets to the DNAS check. If it turns red, go look for help online, specifically
             Network Adapter Help Boards. If you passed, then you will want
                      to sign in after selecting your name with O button. (Mine's Jigganis.) Then
                      there'll be some legal crap, and then a message about maitenence times.
                      Now you should be at the main screen of online. Here's the options:

                      1. Quick Play - Puts you in a select game, but usually they are full...
                      2. Create Game - Usually, don't do this. No one will when there are others.
                      3. Find Game - A good and precise method of finding a game you want to be in.
                      4. Cities - Basically they are different servers and chat boards, I think.
                      5. Buddies - If you have no headset, you mightn't get any easily...
                      6. Clan - I never have had any idea if these are useful for anything.
                      7. Stats - Shows your rank, and all the top ranks for different things.

                      I don't use quick play much. I recommend find game more. Find game is the way
                      to get into a game easily. Here are the options for find game:

                      1. Type - Chooses whether you want a game from a city or a clan.
                      2. Map - Lets you choose to see if there is a game for a specific map.
                      3. Mode - Siege, Capture the Flag, Deathmatch, or Team Deathmatch?
                      4. Skill Level - Of course, you probably want 1 bolt, but any is good too.
                      5. Max Players - Its always most fun with 8, and thats mostly what there is.
                      6. City - What server you want the game to be from. It doesn't really matter.

                      Type, skill level, max players, and city should probably be left alone. The
                      maps... There are two types: Big, in games more often, and small, used less.
                      Lots like the first 5, while the others are less used. They are much fun for
                      chaotic deathmatches though. (Blackwater City is big, but not so hot as the
                      other big ones.) All the modes are good. I like all of em alot, but the most
                      popular one seems to be siege. I'll explain those soon. You'll see the results
                      of the search on the right. Now, the last thing for this part is the chat
                      rooms, which they call "cities". Here they have:

                      1. City You Are In - Press X on the title to go to another from a list.
                      2. The Chat Box - Its below the City name.
                      3. Send Message - Post a message on the boards using a virtual keyboard.
                      4. Find Game - Takes you to the game search engine that I had talked about.
                      5. Create Game - Takes you to that thing again.
                      6. Games - What games there are in this City, the number, and the skill level.
                      7. List of Games Taking Place - See the room name and skill there.
                      8. Players - Lists the players, and their names. Press X on them to see stats.
                      I don't use this place much. If you want to start a conversation, its nice.
                      <<<NOTE>>> Do the next part later! (Don't play a game.) First, look at the
                      weapons, maps, and strategies sections. You need to learn some stuff about how
                      to survive online. Its truly dog eat dog there, with teams. -_-;

                      non c'è qualcosa in italiano?Ma a ratchet e clank 1 qual è il menù che si sblocca avendo tutti i punti stile?
                      W gohan!!!(E naturalmente tenkaichi 3)


                      • #12
                        Originariamente Scritto da ratchet 9 Visualizza Messaggio
                        non c'&#232; qualcosa in italiano?Ma a ratchet e clank 1 qual &#232; il men&#249; che si sblocca avendo tutti i punti stile?
                        in italiano la guida l'ho fatta io lol
                        e non ho mai giocato col multiplayer quindi non os che dirti, cmq con un traduttore online dovresti farcela agevolmente

                        il men&#249; dei punti stile si sblocca finendo il gioco una volta, se non ricordo male (r&c1)
                        sigpic (a)


                        • #13
                          intendo dire nel menù speciali,all'inizio ci sono tre menù da sbloccare,uno che
                          si sblocca con 15 punti stile,un altro con tutti i punti stile e un altro ancora
                          comprando tutte le armi d'oro.Io voglio sapere qual è in menù che si sblocca avendo tutti i punti stile,me lo puoi dire?
                          W gohan!!!(E naturalmente tenkaichi 3)


                          • #14
                            Originariamente Scritto da ratchet 9 Visualizza Messaggio
                            intendo dire nel men&#249; speciali,all'inizio ci sono tre men&#249; da sbloccare,uno che
                            si sblocca con 15 punti stile,un altro con tutti i punti stile e un altro ancora
                            comprando tutte le armi d'oro.Io voglio sapere qual &#232; in men&#249; che si sblocca avendo tutti i punti stile,me lo puoi dire?
                            mi sembra che si sbloccano dei filmati
                            mentre l'altro dovrebbe essere un altro filmato (il making of) e si sblocca dopo che hai preso tutte le 10 armi d'oro (4 bulloni d'oro pi&#249; molti bolt per ognuna)

                            edit: si &#232; cos&#236;

                            - ''Making Of...'' Video >> Obtain all 10 Golden Weapons after you beat the game
                            - Caption Qwark commercial >> Complete the game and let the credits roll until the end...
                            - Commercials >> Beat the game and collect all 10 Golden. Available in the Goodie Menu
                            - Epilogue >> Complete all 30 Skill Point Challenges
                            - Sketchbook >> Complete 15 of the 30 Skill Point Challenges
                            Last edited by etnasante; 14 March 2007, 01:00.
                            sigpic (a)


                            • #15
                              ok,grazie.Mi servirebbe una lista che dice dove si trovano tutti i Bolt d'oro di
                              tutti i pianeti,me la puoi dare
                              W gohan!!!(E naturalmente tenkaichi 3)

