18.Ninja chiave II:Massacro-Pianeta Joba: Uccidi tutti i nemici del livello con l'onnichiave senza morire (bisogna andare prima al Punto Continua della gara di Hoverbike; disattivare tutti i trucchi)
<<< Wrench Ninja II: Massacre >>>
You have to defeat every enemy in the level using only your wrench. The ones
in the Arena don't count. However, I found out that you can also use those gun turrets to kill the enemies. Even if you kill 40 enemies with the gun turrets, and just 10 with the wrench, you'll still get it. (note: I'm talking about those stationary thing you can find in this level, not about the Mini-Turret Gun). So, if you enter an area with a turret, run towards it (use you charge boots), jump when near, and press [square] to knock the enemy on the turret away. Then get on, and blast away. You can't get hurt on the turret, so it's pretty easy. However, even when using the turrets you'll still have to beat a lot of enemies by yourself, with the wrench, and especially the Saur Beasts can be tough. If you take too much damage, return here once you've got the next upgrade of your wrench, some better health, and better armor.
*** NOTE: If you can't get this skill point, even after a lot of tries,
you're probably forgetting to walk to the Hoverbike Races first. You need to
walk to the continue point near the Hooverbike Races, even though
there aren't any enemies there.
PLANET JOBA - Wrench Ninja II: Massacre
Not an easy point, you'll have to kill every enemy in the entire level using
only your wrench. Note that you can't kill any inside the arena, as that'd just
be cheating. To make this a bit easier while handling Saur Beasts, you can use
the gun turrets (not the Miniturret Glove, the turret right after the first
building, and the two inside the one shortly before the arena). This will be
easier if you've got some good armor, and the upgrade of your wrench found in
Planet Aranos (note: second visit).
<<< Wrench Ninja II: Massacre >>>
You have to defeat every enemy in the level using only your wrench. The ones
in the Arena don't count. However, I found out that you can also use those gun turrets to kill the enemies. Even if you kill 40 enemies with the gun turrets, and just 10 with the wrench, you'll still get it. (note: I'm talking about those stationary thing you can find in this level, not about the Mini-Turret Gun). So, if you enter an area with a turret, run towards it (use you charge boots), jump when near, and press [square] to knock the enemy on the turret away. Then get on, and blast away. You can't get hurt on the turret, so it's pretty easy. However, even when using the turrets you'll still have to beat a lot of enemies by yourself, with the wrench, and especially the Saur Beasts can be tough. If you take too much damage, return here once you've got the next upgrade of your wrench, some better health, and better armor.
*** NOTE: If you can't get this skill point, even after a lot of tries,
you're probably forgetting to walk to the Hoverbike Races first. You need to
walk to the continue point near the Hooverbike Races, even though
there aren't any enemies there.
PLANET JOBA - Wrench Ninja II: Massacre
Not an easy point, you'll have to kill every enemy in the entire level using
only your wrench. Note that you can't kill any inside the arena, as that'd just
be cheating. To make this a bit easier while handling Saur Beasts, you can use
the gun turrets (not the Miniturret Glove, the turret right after the first
building, and the two inside the one shortly before the arena). This will be
easier if you've got some good armor, and the upgrade of your wrench found in
Planet Aranos (note: second visit).