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  • #16
    Originariamente Scritto da Prince GAS Vegeta
    ma e' semplicissimo, può farlo anche anche un bambino. La qualità non è affatto così bassa come si potrebbe immaginare, non è il massimo, ma se la risoluzione iniziale è buona buono sarà anche il risultato del download.

    E certo che il mio metodo funziona, lo uso ogni giorno con piacere
    I like how you say you do it with pleasure Prince GAS Vegeta, lol


    • #17
      Originariamente Scritto da Francesca92
      Concordo, e tra l'altro non ti consiglio proprio di farlo, la qualità video è disastrosa -_-'

      Oh, Super Saiyan congratulations, you're learning italian standing with us XD
      I guess that's what you get when you talk to people that are italian


      • #18
        Originariamente Scritto da supergogetass4
        un modo c'è pero serve un programmaper convertire i video da .flv a .avi. chiesero lo stesso aiuto in un altro forum e io lo chiesi a gas ora posto il metodo :

        bisogna andare su
        poi nella barra in alto bisogna scrivere il link del video. (se è con youtube a fianco sceglietre youtube)
        poi cliccate su download
        poi apparirò una specie di barra di caricamento con la scritta download link, bisogna cliccarci sopra col destro e fare salva l'oggeto con nome, pero bisogna salvarlo co il nome pingopallino.flv (.flv è importante, pingopallino è un esempio)
        poi se vuoi convertirlo in avi perche non hai un lettore flv vai su questoi sito
        scaricalo e usalo.

        questo metodo mel'ha detto prince gas vegeta ma non l'ho sperimentato, credo funzioni però
        I did what you said, but when I coped the llink and clicked download, the downloading takes forever(it is still going while I speak). Why


        • #19
          well i don't know..i 've never tried it! prince gas vegeta can tell you maybe


          • #20
            Originariamente Scritto da SuperSaiyan005
            I did what you said, but when I coped the llink and clicked download, the downloading takes forever(it is still going while I speak). Why
            OK, first of all it it is useful that you clear the link.

            Let me make an example.

            If I go to one of my playslists and choose a video, for example this one:


            The link is really long, and that may cause troubles to the downloading page.

            The link gets longer also in other circumnstances (that now I don't remember), so just shorten the link removing all the end part from & till the end, like in the above example it will then look like this:


            Once you have a correct link go there:


            paste it in the above bar
            click on download at the right
            Once loaded in the page (shall take a few seconds) just under the mai bar it will appear:


            ... Loading ...


            (.flv) Right-click -> "Save Target As" OR copy and paste the link into your download manager (Warning: You must change the file extension to .flv). To open the file use FLV Player. If you want to convert the video to another format (avi, wmv, mpg...) consult our Help section (in the main page).

            with a new button called DOWNLOAD LINK, here you make right click and save as, and now you must save as filename.flv

            So now you shall have downloaded the flv version of your video (some links work uncorrectly, some do not work, it could happen that some videos could not be downloaded right in the moment you want to download them, so try later).

            Once you have the flv version, it is useful to convert it into AVI, Cinemaforge does that easily and fast, but I see now that the link I gave to get it does not work anymore, so get it there:

            ______PGV's website ____Dragon Buffonate!!!______PGV's AMVs_____
            __DBAF website____DBAF videos____DBAF forum____DBA Fanmanga__PGV @ DeviantArt__
            Per ogni cosa che finisce c'è ne una che inizia - NEO ELITE ABLAZED ANGELS- click


            • #21
              I did that but every time I click downoad, it does not stop loading. I did it yesturday and I let it run for 5 hours but it was still loading. I dont know what the deal is?


              • #22
                Originariamente Scritto da SuperSaiyan005
                I did that but every time I click downoad, it does not stop loading. I did it yesturday and I let it run for 5 hours but it was still loading. I dont know what the deal is?
                Some links are kind of broken, seems it is not going to work. Your only chance is to find the same video on another link. Anyway, give that link, so i check it out too.
                ______PGV's website ____Dragon Buffonate!!!______PGV's AMVs_____
                __DBAF website____DBAF videos____DBAF forum____DBA Fanmanga__PGV @ DeviantArt__
                Per ogni cosa che finisce c'è ne una che inizia - NEO ELITE ABLAZED ANGELS- click

