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  • un aiutino...

    ki mi può tradurre questo in itliano?


    Cheaper houses:
    Enable the "Free mode" or "Midas mode" code. Go to Play The Sims mode. If a character does not have enough money to buy a house, bulldoze a worthless house and move that family in the field; or if there is a place with no house, move the family into that area. Pause game play and start building your house however desired.

    Getting married:
    To get married easily, invite a Sim of the opposite sex. But first, always throw a party and pick the Sim you want to marry. "Greet" them, "Talk" to them, then when they want to leave you will know their phone number. After dark, call that person. "Invite" them over. If they say "Sure", wait for them. Get to know them more. When you get the chance to "Flirt" with them, do so. Sooner or later she or he will fall in love with you. The next day (or perhaps on same day), get your Sim in a good mood (three green bars or more). Then, "Serve Dinner (Lunch, etc.)". When they are done eating as much as they desire, watch television. While they are watching television, highlight your "Guest" and give them the command to "Watch TV". They will "Watch TV" with you, talk to you, and their comfort will rise. Next ,"Talk" with them, "Tell Jokes", "Hug", "Dance", etc. If your Sim is still in a good mood (three green bars or more), you will have the option to "Propose" to the Sim you want to marry, Sometimes they will not accept (you will hear warning sirens) and they will state a reason. Do whatever they wanted you to do. When you fulfill their requests, "Propose" again. If you are lucky, they will accept. Note: You can only do this in Play The Sims mode.

    Keep child home from school:
    If you do not want your child to go to school and do not want to keep hearing the bus honk every few seconds, just let your child stand in the middle of the road where the bus waits everyday. Then the bus will not appear, and your child will not go to school.

    Getting money after missing work:
    If you miss work one day, do not answer the phone. Instead, wait until the next caller, who should call in later. They will give you some money.

    Keep Major Dormo longer:
    Call Major Dormo, then put a fence around his tree house after he leaves it. He will remain with you much longer, but will still eventually disappear.

    Get A Life Chapter 1: Borrow $800 from Mom:
    Go to buy mode and sell anything that is not a necessity, until you are over $800.

    Get A Life Chapter 2: Cleaning house:
    A quick way to get the house cleaned and the computer, television and espresso machine repaired is to enable the "Free mode" and "Midas mode" codes. Then, use the monkey butler. This will not disrupt your room bar.

    Get A Life Chapter 3: Get promoted:
    Enter build mode and put in either the "Mini Pool" or the "Wet Tangle". Then have Dudley or Mimi (depending on the sex of your character) swim in the pool. Eventually they will get the two body points that are required for them to get promoted to the next job level.

    Get A Life mode: Bonuses:
    You can unlock objects by doing the following things:

    Aromaster Whifferpuffer Gold: First time you cook a successful dinner in Chapter 1.
    Artists Block: Get promoted to job level 7 in Chapter 4.
    Beach Simulator: Raise your first baby to a kid in Chapter 5.
    Bearskin Rug: Get through the house in 8 days or less in Chapter 5.
    Beejaphone Electric Guitar: Get through the house in 24 hours or less in Chapter 1.
    Chairmaster Vanity Table: Fix the television after Mom breaks it in Chapter 1.
    Club Abhi and Taylor's Place in two player mode: Throw a raging party in Chapter 4.
    Coat Of Arms: Get through the house in 4 days or less in Chapter 2.
    Electronic Insect Control System: Upgrade house value in Chapter 2.
    Frat House in two-player mode: Complete all goals and move out in Chapter 2.
    Handyman: Fix everything in the house in Chapter 2.
    Head In Curio Jar: Get through the house in 8 days or less in Chapter 3.
    Heart-shaped Vibrating Bed: Upgrade your house in Chapter 4.
    Maid: Clean up the house in Chapter 2.
    Maid's House in two player mode: Get promoted to job level 8 in Chapter 5.
    Major Dormo (Monkey Butler): Send both kids to Prep School in Chapter 6.
    Master Suite Tub: Get a promotion to job level 5 in Chapter 3.
    Motel in two-player mode: Throw a raging party in Chapter 3.
    Museum in two-player mode: Borrow 800 Simoleons from Mom in Chapter 1.
    Park in two-player mode: Feed the Bobo the bum in Chapters 3, 4, 5, or 6.
    Perspiraction Executive Treadmill: Get a job in Chapter 1.
    Rhino Head: Get through the house in 8 days or less in Chapter 6.
    Slurp 'n' Burp Beverage Cooler: Get a promotion to job level 2 in Chapter 2.
    Sonic Shower: Get promoted to job level 6 in Chapter 4.
    Sprinkler: Raise your second baby to a kid in Chapter 5.
    Strip Poker Table: Get a promotion to job level 4 in Chapter 3.
    Teppan'Yaki Table: Get a promotion to job level 3 in Chapter 2.
    Tree Swing: Upgrade house value in Chapter 3.
    Two Swimming Pools: Get promoted to job level 9 in Chapter 5.
    Wurl 'n Hurl Jukebox: Get through the house in 8 days or less in Chapter 4.
    Hint: Life Of Crime career path:
    Prevent a thief from escaping in Get A Life mode to unlock the Life Of Crime career path in all modes.

    Easy money:
    Enable the "Free mode" code, then go to your house and buy a lot of expensive items. After that, save then restart your system. Do not enter the code again, then sell your items back for more money. The best item to do this with is the Monkey Butler Tree, which is worth 15,000 Simoleans.

    Enable the "Free mode" code, then move your Sims into the cheapest house available. Then, buy a lot of expensive items (such as the Monkey Butler). After this, evict your Sims from that house, but do not empty the house. By doing this, your Sims keep the "assets" that they had, which turn into money for them. The house will then cost something similar to 99,999 Simoleans. To counter this, enter build mode for the house you moved your Sims out of, then sell off the Monkey Butler and other items you put up. The house will be cheap again. Move your Sims back in and they will have a lot of money.

    Enable the "Free mode" code, start a game, and buy fifteen Heart Hot Tubs. Note: These must be unlocked in Get A Life mode first. After buying them, save the game and quit. Turn off the PlayStation2 to disable the code. Return to the same game and sell all the Heart Hot Tubs that were bought to get up to 99,999 Simoleans. Notice that when you pay bills, buy something, etc., your money will not decrease.

    Buy a workbench and heighten your Mechanical, Creativity, and Body. Keep making Gnomes. If you have a very high status, you should be able to sell each gnome for at least 100 Simoleans. Making gnomes only take about one to two seconds each if you have a very high status.

    Have a Sim with a high creative level. Start a painting or a sculpture. After it has been started, tell that Sim to stop, then have another Sim (with no creative points) finish it. Sell it, and you will still get as much money as you would if the Sim that originally started it had also finished it. You can even have your kids finish your painting and still get as much as if the parent did the painting.

    Easy skills:
    Evict a family. When this happens, their moods go up immediately after you move into another house. Once you get in a house, study, work out, etc.

    If your energy or any other stats get low, evict yourself from the house. Reenter the house and all your stats will be renewed.

    Keep guests from leaving and improve your social status:
    Throw a party. When your guests arrive, have them go inside your house. Pause game play and enter build mode. Wherever there is a door going outside, replace it with a wall. Resume the game. Since they cannot leave, they will stay and have a raging party. You can now talk all you want with your guests and they will not leave, eventually even marrying someone. You may also want to buy some beds in case they get tired.

    Attack a Sim:
    Insult a neighbor or your roommate until their name is down to -100. Then, go outside and display the action options (where you can choose to kiss, hug, insult, slap). You should now be able to attack the person. Do this about three times. Your roommate will have had enough and pack up and leave for good.

    Alien abduction:
    Buy the telescope and use it for too long. Your Sim will be abducted and disappear. It will reappear some hours later, with different stats.

    Nude Sim:
    Note: This is easiest to do in Play The Sims mode. Get a fire place, then buy a rug and place it under the fireplace. Buy the heart shaped spa. Light the fireplace, get in the spa, and wait until there is a fire. Before your Sim gets out and starts jumping around because of the fire, cancel everything but the spa. Wait until the spa burns up. If done correctly, your Sim will appear in another part of room close to the wall, and will not have their clothes on. Note: The censor will still appear. BIG BANG KAHMEKAHMEKAH!!!!
    cliccate qui!!:

  • #2
    Altro che aiutino...

    Usa un traduttore online!


    • #3
      Lo sconsiglierei per questo motivo:

      If a character does not have enough money to buy a house, bulldoze a worthless house and move that family in the field

      Se un carattere non ha soldi bastanti comprare una casa, spiana con un bulldozer una casa indegna e muove quella famiglia nel campo

      The Sims però...
      You're an island of tranquillity in a sea of chaos.


      • #4
        Già, però... chi ha la pazienza di tradurre tutto questo!?


        • #5
          Nessuno, ma questo non si chiama chiedere un aiutino -.-'

          che impari l'inglese
 ultima pagina


          • #6
            Originariamente Scritto da Gogetto
            ma questo non si chiama chiedere un aiutino -.-'
            Originariamente Scritto da Gogetto
            che impari l'inglese
            Come sei diabolico Gogetto
            Se ti và, Clicca!!!


            • #7
              si accontenta di poco john



              • #8
                guarda se torni tra due anni uno disponibile lo trovi(forse)
                "There are many worlds, but they share the same sky.... One sky, one destiny"


                • #9
                  Intanto che riduca la firma enorme.
                  You're an island of tranquillity in a sea of chaos.


                  • #10
                    Originariamente Scritto da Connacht
                    Intanto che riduca la firma enorme.
                    un ricatto, se toglie la firma tra tre anni si ritrova la traduzione fatta lol



                    • #11
                      Originariamente Scritto da Derfel
                      un ricatto, se toglie la firma tra tre anni si ritrova la traduzione fatta lol
                      No, per la traduzione deve pagare proprio


                      • #12
                        Pagamento in contanti.
                        You're an island of tranquillity in a sea of chaos.


                        • #13
                          Originariamente Scritto da Connacht
                          Intanto che riduca la firma enorme.
                          poi qualcuno mi spiega cosa c'è di bello in questi omoni, da farsene una firma...


                          • #14
                            Credo abbia espresso i suoi gusti sessuali.
                            You're an island of tranquillity in a sea of chaos.


                            • #15
                              D'altra parte c'è gente a cui piacciono i tranks.

