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I have a problem that I cannot explain,
I have no reason why it should have been so plain,
Have no questions but I sure have excuse,
I lack the reason why I should be so confused,
I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
Around you,
Left a message but it ain't a bit of use,
I have some pictures, the wild might be the deuce,
Today you saw, you saw me, you explained,
Playing the show when running down the plane,
I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I, I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
Around you, around you, around you
I, I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I, I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
Around you, around you, around you, around you
Sto giocando a: Tales of Xillia (PS3), Assassin's Creed 3 (WiiU), Pokémon X (3DS - Solo online) Sto leggendo:A storm of swords (volumone completo in italiano) Sto guardando: Kill la Kill (ep 7)
I have a problem that I cannot explain,
I have no reason why it should have been so plain,
Have no questions but I sure have excuse,
I lack the reason why I should be so confused,
I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
Around you,
Left a message but it ain't a bit of use,
I have some pictures, the wild might be the deuce,
Today you saw, you saw me, you explained,
Playing the show when running down the plane,
I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I, I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
Around you, around you, around you
I, I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I, I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
Around you, around you, around you, around you
Anche a me piace l' questo è un forum italiano....quindi! bELLA POESIA...SE L'HAI SCRITTA TU, UN PO' RIPETITIVA...MA GAGLIARDA!!! Meno partiti ci sono e meglio si cammina. Beati i paesi dove non ve ne sono che due: uno del presente, il Governo; l'altro dell'avvenire, l'Opposizione. Massimo D'Azeglio
La politica dipende dagli uomini di stato pressappoco come il tempo dipende dagli astronomi. Rèmy de Gourmont, Passeggiate filosofiche
grandeeeee!! e io aggiungo: PIOVE!!! GOVERNO LADRO!!!
Nous sommes dans une société qui donne à penser que l'on trouve obligatoirement le bonheur à travers la richesse. [Tsai Ming-liang]
I have a problem that I cannot explain,
I have no reason why it should have been so plain,
Have no questions but I sure have excuse,
I lack the reason why I should be so confused,
I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
Around you,
Left a message but it ain't a bit of use,
I have some pictures, the wild might be the deuce,
Today you saw, you saw me, you explained,
Playing the show when running down the plane,
I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I, I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
Around you, around you, around you
I, I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I, I know, how I feel when I'm around you,
I don't know, how I feel when I'm around you,
Around you, around you, around you, around you
Roulette dei SOAD? Ormai hanno perso tutta la loro credibilità, li ascoltano cani e porci.
Con qualunque persona io parli, insomma, ho bisogno di farmi una faccia speciale adatta a una qualche particolare debolezza di detta persona, con evidente pregiudizio di quella che potrebbe essere la mia faccia vera. Sono così anche riuscito a non saper più quale sia questa mia faccia...Che magari non c'è neanche!
Cesare Pavese (biografia):
Roulette dei SOAD? Ormai hanno perso tutta la loro credibilità, li ascoltano cani e porci.
Purtroppo è vero.
Ma restano comunque uno dei miei gruppi preferiti.
@Jenny: Devo avere un fascino particolare se dopo tremila utenti che hanno postato citazioni in inglese vieni a rompere le scatole proprio a me per averlo fatto.
Sto giocando a: Tales of Xillia (PS3), Assassin's Creed 3 (WiiU), Pokémon X (3DS - Solo online) Sto leggendo:A storm of swords (volumone completo in italiano) Sto guardando: Kill la Kill (ep 7)