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[TOPIC UNICO] Dragon Ball AF by pgv

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  • #16
    Originariamente Scritto da BlueMoon Visualizza Messaggio
    meno male che ci sei te lele
    modestamente non mi kiamo ioio
    La mia fanfic: "Dragon Ball Destiny"__DB Destiny Fan Manga__Le mie Dragon MinGhiate XD___ __GT= Gran Troiata™ - AF= AFanculo!!!™ (lele_ct's copyrights)__


    • #17
      Meno male veramente, grazie, comunque aspetto anche la seconda parte (se c'&#232, e poi lasciamo stare ioio, per favore.
      Ultima saga di DBReturn (con dentro i link delle prime 2):


      • #18
        ragazzi a dire il vero in qst momento mi rompo un pò a tradurre (frs vi sareste accorti ke nn uso il traduttore ma il mio "sano" cervello )... e poi adesso ci sn le iene appuntamento a domani con la traduzione

        p.s. se nn resistete leggetevi la versione inglese, vi posso assicurare ke è semplice come lettura
        La mia fanfic: "Dragon Ball Destiny"__DB Destiny Fan Manga__Le mie Dragon MinGhiate XD___ __GT= Gran Troiata™ - AF= AFanculo!!!™ (lele_ct's copyrights)__


        • #19
          oo bravo
          #1926 #ForzaNapoliSempre


          • #20
            nn dirlo a me ma a quel geniaccio di pgv
            La mia fanfic: "Dragon Ball Destiny"__DB Destiny Fan Manga__Le mie Dragon MinGhiate XD___ __GT= Gran Troiata™ - AF= AFanculo!!!™ (lele_ct's copyrights)__


            • #21
              lele è un bel lavoraccio...eheh
              cmq complimenti vivissimi a PGV che sta realizzando questa serie...sinceramente apprezzo di piu i suoi sforzi di fare DBAF che quelli della toeie ceh hanno fatto DBgt...


              • #22
                Originariamente Scritto da Pane Visualizza Messaggio
                lele è un bel lavoraccio...eheh
                cmq complimenti vivissimi a PGV che sta realizzando questa serie...sinceramente apprezzo di piu i suoi sforzi di fare DBAF che quelli della toeie ceh hanno fatto DBgt...
                nn credo si siano sforzati tnt qlli della toei... giusto lo sforzo x andare in bagno ( in poke parole GT è na cagata )
                La mia fanfic: "Dragon Ball Destiny"__DB Destiny Fan Manga__Le mie Dragon MinGhiate XD___ __GT= Gran Troiata™ - AF= AFanculo!!!™ (lele_ct's copyrights)__


                • #23
                  Mi complimento con PGV per il grande lavoro svolto e con lele per averci fatto avere le puntate, spero di vederne presto altre.
                  "Solo una sana e consapevole libidine salva il giovane dallo stress e dall'azione cattolica"


                  • #24
                    beh... dovremmo aspettare un pò... qste cs nn si fanno da un gg all'altro
                    La mia fanfic: "Dragon Ball Destiny"__DB Destiny Fan Manga__Le mie Dragon MinGhiate XD___ __GT= Gran Troiata™ - AF= AFanculo!!!™ (lele_ct's copyrights)__


                    • #25
                      Certo che sei fantastico Prince Gas... e te lele hai fatto bene ad aprire questo fantastico topic!


                      • #26
                        sigpic<-----Muahaha I'm figo!!!!^_^
                        BODYGUARD UFFICIALE DI SBK!!!..(stare ad almeno 50 m. da lei!!!!)


                        • #27
                          Ehm , si, grazie, avrei aperto un topic anche qui appena avrei finito di postare il primo capitolo del fumetto.

                          Comunque sia, vi ringrazio per le buone parole.

                          Maggiori informazioni le trovate su Deviantart:

                          Puntiamo a migliorare molto qualitativamente, ma non vogliamo perdere troppo tempo su questa prima parte, che &#232; giusto che rimanga/diventi carina, ma sarebbe uno spreco di tempo voler raggiungere in essa la perfezione (cosa che invece tenteremo di fare, o almeno di avicinarci, per la stagione 2).

                          Poi, lo script che hai copiato &#232; la prima versione, questa invece la versione definitiva:

                          DragonBall AF: Season 1 - Episode 1

                          ARRIVAL OF THE FUTURE

                          Written by Prince GAS Vegeta (PGV)
                          (Fixed by Trixen)



                          Most people, when pressed with an issue, try to find a way to resolve it as soon as possible. But when the issue was revenge the waiting becames unsustainable, anger grows constantly and there’s no other way to stop its growth than taking a vengeance. But when the resentment is not of one being, but of an entire population, and the waiting lasts one thousand years, then the revenge assumes biblical proportions...

                          When the cohabitation of the Saiyans with the Tuffles on planet Plant degenerated into a chaos rage, the Saiyans, transformed into giant ape creatures, managed to prevail on Tsufuru’s technologic weapons with their mere brute force.

                          However Tsufuru's scientists concentrated all their forces in the attempt to defeat the Saiyans.

                          Scientists like Dr. Raichi...

                          While King Vegeta took over the planet, the Tuffles' King has been cloned and sent with Dr. Mieu in outer space.

                          Years later King Vegeta made an accord with Freeza, an alien tyrant with an unbelievable power at his hands.

                          Once Freeza found out about the legend of the super saiyan, and became aware of Saiyans' growing powers, he decided to put an end to their race destroying Planet Vegeta once and for all.

                          Only two Saiyans survived the genocide, Kakaroth, known as Son Goku, and prince Vegeta.

                          Years later, the tyrant known as Freeza came to an end at the hands of Trunks, Vegeta's son.

                          But the first Tuffles' attempt to destroy the last members of the Saiyans race had yet to happen.

                          Hatchyach, Raichi's creature, wasn't so far from the accomplishment of his mission, but he failed.

                          As the years passed by, another tyrant surfaced, Baby, an uncompleted clone of the Tuffles' King. But at the moment of Earth's need, Goku arrived, transforming into the legendary Super Saiyan, to put an end to the Tuffles' menace.

                          *********DBAF INTRO**********

                          Stratovarius - Destiny

                          The times are changing so fast
                          I wonder how long it lasts
                          The clock is ticking, time is running out
                          The hatred fills the Earth
                          And for what is worth
                          We're in the end before we know
                          Throughout the years
                          I have struggled to find the answer that
                          I never knew
                          It struck me like a million lightnings
                          And here I am telling to you
                          Every second of day it is coming your way
                          Future unknown is here to stay
                          Got to open your mind
                          or you will be lead to astray
                          There's a time to live
                          There's a time to die
                          But no one can't escape the Destiny

                          ---------DBAF INTRODUCTION-----------


                          700 years have passed. In the center of the famous city where Goku defeated the
                          last dragon there are five statues dedicated to the five unbeatable warriors: Goten, Trunks, Gohan, Vegeta and Goku.

                          There are hundreds of descendants of the saiyans on Earth. The greater part of them live as the common citizens and ignore their own origins, only a few chosens have inherited the great power of the Saiyans.

                          ---------SCENE AT SCHOOL-----------

                          "A random Professor is talking to the students":

                          Gregor Johann Mendel was an Augustinian abbot who is often called the "father of modern genetics" for his study of the inheritance of traits in pea plants. Mendel showed that the inheritance of traits follows particular laws, which were later named after him. His discovery prompted the foundation of genetics. Mendel's paper, "Experiments on Plant Hybridization", demonstrates that two hybrids can generate in certain cases a pure plant...

                          "The professor gets interrupted by Slufer and Iif who are talking over his voice".

                          "Slufer": Hey Iif, why isn't Gotan at school today?

                          "Iif": I dunno, he said that he has to respect a family tradition or something... That lesson sucks, man...

                          "Slufer": Yeah, never as much as you.... heheheh

                          "Iif": How dare you! I'll show you after school.. arghhh

                          "Professor (looks at Slufer and Iif annoyed)": What are you doing? Don't you find my lesson interesting?

                          ---------SCENE AT CEMETERY-----------


                          Not far away the descendants of Goku lay some flowers at the base of the family tomb with his sister.

                          Gotan: Dear ancestors, please protect our parents who rest in heaven and protect us too.

                          Diri: May you rest in peace...

                          "Narrator": Everything seems serene and peace reigns uncontested on Earth... but a menace from outer space is moving in the direction of the planet...

                          ---------SCENE AT ZEEL's SPACESHIP-----------

                          "Lord Nutti": "Mighty Zeel, we are about to reach the Earth."

                          "Zeel": All the things I ever wanted, in one moment, I've been waiting for so long... hehehe

                          ***Then Zeel, pleased by the imminent fulfillment of his

                          revenge, remembers his origins till 700 years before.****


                          After the defeat of Baby there was a great war on planet M2. On one side there were the mutant machines that wanted to reconstruct the empire projected by Mieu, on the other side there were robots, like Gill, who wanted a new life without commanders.

                          ***a few battle scenes***

                          After 300 years of battles the war has been won by the supporters of the Tuffles.
                          They finished the construction of Saber, a cyborg of superior strenght and intelligence, projected by Dr. Mieu in order to assist him in the creation of Baby.

                          From there Saber reconstructed the research laboratories of Dr. Mieu, which have been damaged by conflicts and after 150 years of hard work they have been restored completely. The definitive project for the annihilation of the Saiyans had begun at that time.

                          Saber cloned the cells of the Tuffles' king to create a being of unseen power by the likes of the Saiyans.

                          "Zeel (in the past remembrance)": I am Zeel!!! The Tuffles King has been reborn!!! Bwahahhahahahah!

                          "Narrator": And now this fury travels towards Earth in outer space. What will his intentions be? Will the new generation of Saiyans be strong enough to face him?

                          Find out on the next exciting episode of Dragonball AF.
                          ______PGV's website ____Dragon Buffonate!!!______PGV's AMVs_____
                          __DBAF website____DBAF videos____DBAF forum____DBA Fanmanga__PGV @ DeviantArt__
                          Per ogni cosa che finisce c'è ne una che inizia - NEO ELITE ABLAZED ANGELS- click


                          • #28
                            ah bellissime anche le musiche del signore degli anelli..^_*
                            sigpic<-----Muahaha I'm figo!!!!^_^
                            BODYGUARD UFFICIALE DI SBK!!!..(stare ad almeno 50 m. da lei!!!!)


                            • #29
                              Grazie, heh. Una nota sulle musiche. Sopratutto all'intro. Frozen doveva creare l'intro apposta per la nostra serie, insieme alla sua band "Eternal Dragons". Purtroppo il suo pc &#232; stato attaccato da un virus e dopo vari tentativi il file &#232; risultato irrecuperabile.

                              La sigla verr&#224; rifatta, ma poich&#232; &#232; un lavoro che richiede settimane, ho deciso di cominciare a pubblicare egualmente gli episodi, scegliendo come intro la musica dei Stratovarious - Destiny , cui il testo si pone bene nel contesto.

                              Anche della soundtrack si sarebbero dovuti occupare loro, ma per i primi episodi dovremo usare ci&#242; che di meglio si trova ed &#232; utile allo scopo, poich&#232; gli era impossibile creare la soundtrack nel periodo festivo.
                              ______PGV's website ____Dragon Buffonate!!!______PGV's AMVs_____
                              __DBAF website____DBAF videos____DBAF forum____DBA Fanmanga__PGV @ DeviantArt__
                              Per ogni cosa che finisce c'è ne una che inizia - NEO ELITE ABLAZED ANGELS- click


                              • #30
                                bene bene.... nn vedo l'ora della seconda puntata...
                                Dragon Fall Italian Translator
                                It Could Have Been Better

