Il carisma di Snake supera anche quello dell'altrettanto carismatico Pyramid head, lode a lui e soprattutto a voi per essere arrivato in vette così alte
Solid Snake (Metal gear saga)= 18
Pyramid head (Silent hill saga)= 9
passiamo ora all'ultimo scontro delle semifinali, che a conti fatti è lo scontro più importante e complesso di tutto il torneo, con 2 figure chiave sia del torneo che del mondo videoludico

" Kain: The abyss has been unkind.
Raziel: I am your creation, Kain. Now, as before, you criticize your own work. What have you done with my clan degenerate!? You have no right!
Kain: What I have made, I can also destroy, child.
Raziel: Damn you, Kain! You are not God! This act of genocide is unconscionable!
Kain: Conscience? You dare speak to me of conscience!? Only when you have felt the full gravity of choice should you dare to question my judgment! Your life's span is a flicker compared to the mass of doubt and regret that I have borne since Mortanius first turned me from the light. To know that the fate of the world hangs dependent on the advisedness of my every deed. Can you even begin to conceive what action you would take, in my position?
Raziel: I would choose integrity, Kain.
Kain: Look around you, Raziel - see what has become of our empire. Witness the end of an age. The clans scattered to the corners of Nosgoth. This place has outlasted its usefulness... as have you."
Raziel (Legacy of Kain) vs Kain (Legacy of Kain)
Solid Snake (Metal gear saga)= 18
Pyramid head (Silent hill saga)= 9
passiamo ora all'ultimo scontro delle semifinali, che a conti fatti è lo scontro più importante e complesso di tutto il torneo, con 2 figure chiave sia del torneo che del mondo videoludico

" Kain: The abyss has been unkind.
Raziel: I am your creation, Kain. Now, as before, you criticize your own work. What have you done with my clan degenerate!? You have no right!
Kain: What I have made, I can also destroy, child.
Raziel: Damn you, Kain! You are not God! This act of genocide is unconscionable!
Kain: Conscience? You dare speak to me of conscience!? Only when you have felt the full gravity of choice should you dare to question my judgment! Your life's span is a flicker compared to the mass of doubt and regret that I have borne since Mortanius first turned me from the light. To know that the fate of the world hangs dependent on the advisedness of my every deed. Can you even begin to conceive what action you would take, in my position?
Raziel: I would choose integrity, Kain.
Kain: Look around you, Raziel - see what has become of our empire. Witness the end of an age. The clans scattered to the corners of Nosgoth. This place has outlasted its usefulness... as have you."
Raziel (Legacy of Kain) vs Kain (Legacy of Kain)